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Even newer questions to ponder

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--- Quote from: Rose on July 17, 2017, 06:22:59 PM ---I do! It's been great having BSB out here, and I've been very spoiled lol. I've gone in March, April and June.

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OMG! My bank account would be seriously empty if I were in your situation! I have to say that I admire your willpower; only three shows.

My friend and I are super excited to go. My work confirmed my trip on the exact same day the boys announced that they were extending their residency. It was like fate!! Although, we're probably just as excited to get away from our respective toddlers as we are to be seeing the boys. HAHA For some reason, our husbands are not sharing in our enthusiasm.  :P


--- Quote from: Carter-Orange on July 19, 2017, 10:00:18 AM ---I've been away from all the news for ages, so Nick and Aaron have had some bust up in public? 

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Aaron and his girlfriend got arrested for DUI and possession of pot.  Nick tweeted something to the effect of "To my brother, I love you no matter what, and if you want help, I'm here for you," and then Aaron tweeted this long rant of a "statement" about how he didn't do anything wrong, he has a prescription of medicinal marijuana, etc. etc. and then went after Nick for publicly tweeting instead of calling him.  Then Lauren tweeted Aaron to have his girlfriend message her his new number since he apparently changed it (which, if that's true, would explain why Nick couldn't have just called him).

From what Aaron has tweeted and said to the media, it sounds like he's in complete denial that he even has a problem.  Nothing is ever his fault, and everyone else is out to get him because of his "celebrity status."  The cops target him unfairly, people bully him and body shame him, etc. etc.  He is always the victim.  No one is going to be able to help him until he decides he needs help.

Anyone have any fanfic questions?

This is kind of specific but it's something. Was there any event in BSB history that sparked a ton of fic around it? In 1D fandom right now there is a major influx of Niall/Louis fic because the two of them keep gushing about each other in the press and it seems like every single story published is about that. Did something like this happen in BSB fandom? I can't remember. Also back in the day I only wrote about me and Nick going out and sadly that was not true to life LOL.

Brian's heart surgery seemed to be a big one.  There were tons of stories about that or just Brian having heart problems when I first started reading fanfic.  It's interesting to me that Nick's cardiomyopathy diagnosis didn't spark a bunch of similar fanfics, but I think that's a sign of different the fandom was in 2009 compared to 1998-1999.  I don't see any event sparking a ton of BSB fics nowadays just because there don't seem to be very many of us writing it anymore.  I'm guessing the 1D fandom now is more similar to how BSB's used to be, where you have a ton of stories popping up all the time.  I miss those days!

I do remember the summer of 2012, when the guys were living together in that house in London and recording.  That seemed to bring people crawling out of the woodwork, and it was more active around here again.  There were a few short stories written about that, but generally I think just the fact that the five of them were living together like in a fanfic and posting so much about it inspired people to write, whether it was actually about that or something else.


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