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Even newer questions to ponder

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on July 22, 2017, 07:47:10 PM ---I wish they would do that again; maybe then they'd actually get somewhere with this new album they keep saying they're working on!  I believe them, but it seems like it's taking forever, and I worry about the impact that them signing a new record deal will have on it.  I think it'll be good for publicity and maybe getting them back on the radio, but I hope they don't sacrifice the quality of their music to try too hard to sound like what's on the radio.  I feel like that's where they went wrong with This Is Us (and also, it didn't work).

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Ugh, yes that would be awesome! Nick said on Radio Disney (I think?) that they were going to have a single out next month. But who knows if that'll actually happen. I feel like that's more him being optimistic rather than the boys themselves being ready. It's good they're taking their time with this one, but they also did that with IAWLT and while that album was better than This Is Us it still didn't break radio. Hopefully with a major label backing them this time around that'll change. They are doing these radio shows and stuff now that they weren't before, so RCA really does seem to be here for them rather than just tolerating them like JIVE was at the end. I was really hoping they'd get a single out for their performance at Wango Tango. I feel like not having something new for that and for their Smooth Tour performances is really a missed opportunity.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on July 22, 2017, 08:00:53 PM ---Since Stephanie (Mistral) has talked about writing in another language as a challenge she faced, what's something you find challenging when it comes to writing?  Are there any challenges you used to have that you've overcome?

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I definitely had to learn how to flesh out a story better rather than just writing filler to make a story seem longer. In my early days of writing I struggled to have my chapters be longer and I feel like they lacked a lot of substance. Now I feel like I've got a better handle on how to craft a story that builds as it goes on. I remember when I was writing In Pieces I had this portion of the story where Nick's basically completely freaked out he's got his gf pregnant and then a couple months later he comes around. But instead of showing him coming around and explaining why he did... I just skipped ahead two months in the story LOL.

Oh I also used to be super uncomfortable writing sex scenes. They still aren't my favourite thing to write just because I think they're boring, but I've written so many of them now that at least I'm not squicked out by them anymore.


--- Quote from: Sakabelle on July 23, 2017, 10:11:22 AM ---Ugh, yes that would be awesome! Nick said on Radio Disney (I think?) that they were going to have a single out next month. But who knows if that'll actually happen. I feel like that's more him being optimistic rather than the boys themselves being ready. It's good they're taking their time with this one, but they also did that with IAWLT and while that album was better than This Is Us it still didn't break radio. Hopefully with a major label backing them this time around that'll change. They are doing these radio shows and stuff now that they weren't before, so RCA really does seem to be here for them rather than just tolerating them like JIVE was at the end. I was really hoping they'd get a single out for their performance at Wango Tango. I feel like not having something new for that and for their Smooth Tour performances is really a missed opportunity.

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Agreed on all points.  I also saw that interview where Nick said they'd have a single out within a month, which is encouraging.  I doubt it will actually be within the month because of Backstreet Time, but hopefully that at least means single out this year, album early next year.  I know they can move fast if they want to.  I don't mind them taking their time either, but I just hope they're not scrapping a bunch of songs they wrote themselves and recorded before securing the record deal in favor of songs by big-name producers that may be more radio-friendly, but will probably also be more generic.  I want them to retain creative control and keep contributing to the writing and producing of their own music as much as possible.


--- Quote from: Mistral on July 22, 2017, 10:25:26 PM ---Try a new type of fanfic just like I did right now with this fanfic I writing right now

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That's always a good way to challenge yourself, by trying something new and different!


--- Quote from: Sakabelle on July 23, 2017, 10:20:16 AM ---I definitely had to learn how to flesh out a story better rather than just writing filler to make a story seem longer. In my early days of writing I struggled to have my chapters be longer and I feel like they lacked a lot of substance. Now I feel like I've got a better handle on how to craft a story that builds as it goes on. I remember when I was writing In Pieces I had this portion of the story where Nick's basically completely freaked out he's got his gf pregnant and then a couple months later he comes around. But instead of showing him coming around and explaining why he did... I just skipped ahead two months in the story LOL.

Oh I also used to be super uncomfortable writing sex scenes. They still aren't my favourite thing to write just because I think they're boring, but I've written so many of them now that at least I'm not squicked out by them anymore.

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Those are both good ones.  I think the first is something every writer has to learn.  I know I definitely did.  First I had to learn to add more detail and description... show, not tell, basically.  Then I started putting in too MUCH filler and "subplots" that didn't really add much to the story.  So now I'm trying to find the right balance between showing what's important and skipping what's not.  I try to make sure every scene I write has a purpose, whether it's moving the story forward or developing the characters and/or relationships.

I hear you with the sex scenes, too.  Just out of curiosity, do you prefer writing het sex scenes or slash ones?  Any slash writer can answer that question as well, if you want to.


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