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Even newer questions to ponder

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Stephen King tweeted this, and I thought it fit well with BSB fanfic:

"The best stories, it seems to me, deal with friendship put under stress."

I would definitely agree with this, especially thinking of BSB fanfic, because it fits most of my favorite stories.  I love bromantic stories where the Boys' friendship is tested, whether it's by their internal demons or external conflicts.  Even my favorite fanfic romance, Cover Me With Dreams, fits that description.  I guess I don't really have a question to go with this, other than maybe "Do you agree?", or "What are your thoughts on this?"  I just thought it was a good quote.

Yes, I definitely agree with this! I don't have a lot to add, but the BSB bromance stories over the years have been some of my favourites. Their group dynamic really works well for any type of story like that. Even in romance type stories, the boys relationship makes it easy to add a subplot for the group. Like in SAMS, Julie, where Nick was struggling with telling the others about his relationship with Howie and how they'd deal with it.

Are there any BSB-centric stories that haven't been done yet that you wish existed?

I love a good bromance. I also like drama and suspense but occasionally I read slash depending on who writes it.

Kinda going along with what both of you said, I agree that their relationship with each other makes for a great subplot in any kind of story.  I think it's a major reason WHY I love drama and suspense so much in this fandom - it's not just about bad things happening to the Boys, but how they deal with bad things happening to each other.  I love stories where they have to protect each other, take care of each other, or struggle with the fact that they can't do those things.

I am definitely in a bromance phase right now, where most of my story ideas have a focus on the relationship between two of the guys or the whole group.  Not in a slashy way this time, although I wouldn't be opposed to writing another slash at some point, probably with a different pairing.

Oh, that reminds me of another question I thought of at some point this summer and never posted (at least I don't think I did... ignore me if I did and already forgot LOL).  For those of you who write slash and have a favorite pairing that you always write about, how do you keep it fresh from story to story?  I'm talking stand-alone stories about the same couple, not stories in a series.  This is not a criticism, just a curiosity.  In my very limited experience writing in this genre, I feel like I put everything I had into developing the relationship between Howie and Nick in SAMS and its prequel, so the thought of writing a completely different story with that Howie/Nick pairing doesn't appeal to me at all, anymore than taking a het couple from one of my romances and writing a completely different, unrelated story about them would.  How are you able to keep it new, different, and exciting each time?


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on July 24, 2017, 06:17:01 PM ---Stephen King tweeted this, and I thought it fit well with BSB fanfic:

"The best stories, it seems to me, deal with friendship put under stress."

I would definitely agree with this, especially thinking of BSB fanfic, because it fits most of my favorite stories.  I love bromantic stories where the Boys' friendship is tested, whether it's by their internal demons or external conflicts.  Even my favorite fanfic romance, Cover Me With Dreams, fits that description.  I guess I don't really have a question to go with this, other than maybe "Do you agree?", or "What are your thoughts on this?"  I just thought it was a good quote.

--- End quote ---

I saw that quote yesterday and wanted to post it on fb but couldn't save it to my IPad. I love his tweets in general but especially, I love his thoughts on writing based tweets.

 I of course agree with that 100%. If the guys didn't have such a brotherly bond, I wouldn't have even entertained the idea of reading or writing about them. Most likely I would have just been a fan of their music and probably nothing else. It's their interactions with each other that caused me to want to know more in the first place. Anything I have ever written or the stories that I've really loved all have that brotherly interaction and how they deal with things in common. That's why I never read stories about only one of them and a generic guy or girl or an AU where they aren't connected in that way. Doesn't interest me at all.

I am the same way about my TV shows I watch. Most of the ones I watch are very family based or bromantic based shows. Even ER at the time. I loved that show but it had more to do with the relationships that the guys had with each other, particularly Benton and Carter, then the actual medical stuff. I started to lose interest when that started to go away.

Girls, I don't care about at all lol although I did love Desperate Housewives. I think that's been my only exception to my rule. Oh and I guess Alias but I have always had a girl crush on Jennifer Garner so her relationship to the characters has always drawn me in. And Alias rocked!

Come to think of it, I think that why I love baseball as well. I fell in love with the Mets way back in the day because of the relationship they had with each other. They've always been a very brotherly bonding type team. How weird lol I base my whole love of things on bromance.


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