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Let's talk about killing people!  Characters, I mean.  I'm still upset about a certain character getting killed off a certain show the other day and trying to understand that decision from a writing standpoint, so let's talk about killing characters in fanfic.

Do you shy away from killing off characters, or are you cool with it?  If you're cool with killing, does that include killing Backstreet Boys (or the main characters in whatever fandom you're writing in)?

What factors in to your decision to let a character live or die?

Have you ever regretted killing (or not killing) a character?

What has been the hardest character death for you to write?

As a reader, what was most shocking or devastating death you've read in someone else's story?


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on December 12, 2017, 05:01:01 PM ---Let's talk about killing people!  Characters, I mean.  I'm still upset about a certain character getting killed off a certain show the other day and trying to understand that decision from a writing standpoint, so let's talk about killing characters in fanfic.

Do you shy away from killing off characters, or are you cool with it?  If you're cool with killing, does that include killing Backstreet Boys (or the main characters in whatever fandom you're writing in)?

What factors in to your decision to let a character live or die?

Have you ever regretted killing (or not killing) a character?

What has been the hardest character death for you to write?

As a reader, what was most shocking or devastating death you've read in someone else's story?

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I definitely do not shy away from killing characters. I do tend to keep the Boys alive though. But, I've got ideas in my head where BSBs can and might die. So I don't shy away from it. It's more, there needs to be a good reason. So far I haven't killed many main characters in any novels I have currently posted (oneshots are different lol). The last ones I did were in Song From The Undead - I think. I didn't write those, you did lol, but they served the story and the journey of the characters. I don't believe in killing solely for shock. Even in "Miles To Go", Jordan's dying serves a purpose and it's why I did it during "Nick and Knight" rather than something that might involve a BSB lol.

The hardest one is one that hasn't been posted yet, but I'm struggling with it.


--- Quote from: Rose on December 12, 2017, 08:27:56 PM ---The hardest one is one that hasn't been posted yet, but I'm struggling with it.

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Oooh!  You have my attention with that.

I never realized that about Undead, but now that I'm thinking about it, I guess you're right?  Weird how that worked out.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on December 12, 2017, 11:09:19 PM ---Oooh!  You have my attention with that.

I never realized that about Undead, but now that I'm thinking about it, I guess you're right?  Weird how that worked out.

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LOL I know right? My first thought was when did I kill people outside of one shots, and I thought of Undead. Then it hit me that I didn't do the killing.

Also...mwahaha .


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on December 12, 2017, 05:01:01 PM ---Let's talk about killing people!  Characters, I mean.  I'm still upset about a certain character getting killed off a certain show the other day and trying to understand that decision from a writing standpoint, so let's talk about killing characters in fanfic.

Do you shy away from killing off characters, or are you cool with it?  If you're cool with killing, does that include killing Backstreet Boys (or the main characters in whatever fandom you're writing in)?

- Hm, I've killed Nick a bunch of times. Injured the boys too many times.  Killing Nick and Brian both in the one shot I wrote entitled Two Ghosts was very hard. Considering Nick's is a suicide and Brian watches him die but can't help because he's dead.

Killed Nick's parents. Although I am working on one of the boys deaths... It's an AU story but I am trying to work out the idea just right.

What factors in to your decision to let a character live or die?

-Well the times I've killed Nick it was for 1,000 Ways To KILL so I kinda had to lol. But if I had to decide, it would depend on how it moved the story along.

Have you ever regretted killing (or not killing) a character?  

-Not really yet. Lol if I killed someone it's with good reason. I've even killed myself off as a character but it was important to the storyline.

What has been the hardest character death for you to write?

-Probably my own death... Murdered on a cruise ship.

As a reader, what was most shocking or devastating death you've read in someone else's story?

- I have a lot of answers but I'll go with Howie's death in Sick As My Secrets because while I kinda knew it was going to happen it didn't take away the fact that it was so tragic. I was pretty sad. But it was very well written..

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