Fic Talk > General Discussion

Even newer questions to ponder

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--- Quote from: mare on December 28, 2017, 03:37:56 AM ---I would say, in general, no topic should really be avoided in any type of fiction as long as the writer can bring up the subject matter in a creative, original way. I say always go for it and if the reader finds it too difficult to read then they can skip it.

--- End quote ---

Good point!

I don't think there's any topic that's totally off-limits to me.  Some things that I may have been uncomfortable writing about a few years ago, like Brian's vocal issues, wouldn't bother me now, and I can't think of anything that I would absolutely refuse to read about.  I like when writers take risks.

I've been fighting a nasty bug the last few days LOL.

Honestly I feel like no topic should be off limits if you feel you can write it in the right way. I remember taking on the idea of Brian's vocal issues before we knew what was causing them, I'd guessed (and guessed wrong) but I didn't steer away from it. And with Melissa, I'd been sitting on the idea for my new fic but I'd hadn't at the time had a solid way to put Nick into the place I needed him for the story/ The Melissa stuff was a way to do so.

Also I have the worst time with summaries. I used "Nowhere To Go" lyrics for my newest one since the title was inspired from a certain part of the song anyway.

I think we all guessed wrong on that.  Who'd ever heard of muscle tension dysphonia or dystonia?  Not me LOL.  I actually had a whole suspense idea that hinged on Brian having vocal cord surgery before we knew what it was, but now that we do, it won't work because it's not treated with surgery.  Oh well.  It could have been so much worse than what it is.  Brian's voice has been sounding better and better every time I've heard him sing live lately, which makes it much easier to talk about these days.

I also got a story idea out of the Melissa situation, which I probably won't ever get around to writing, but it's nice to know I have no shame in drawing inspiration from horrible things happening to/involving the guys, LOL.  I think it worked perfectly for the premise of your story, though.

I hope you feel better soon!

LOL I hope you do write it!

Maybe someday!  It has a solid outline, at least.  I've started two other stories in the meantime, though, so probably not anytime soon.


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