Fic Talk > General Discussion

Even newer questions to ponder

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--- Quote from: Mistral on January 27, 2018, 10:00:16 PM ---I really miss talking to you and I follow you on Twitter!

Who was your favorite character in ER? Mine are doctor Greene, doctor Lewis and doctor Corday

--- End quote ---

So hard to pick a favorite, but I loved all of the original cast, especially Doug and Carol.  In the later seasons, Luka was my favorite.

I just want the Boys to finish making the album already and retain creative control over it.  I love when they have a hand in writing their own music, and I hope that having a record deal again doesn't take that away.  IAWLT is such a great album, and I hope this next one is similar!

The guys say in the questions and answers yesterday on Twitter that the new song gonna be online in a couple of days!

Yes Luka was so cute!

You guys, I hate coming to this forum and not seeing any updated threads!  I miss our discussions! :(   It's been dead around here.

So here's my question:  Where do you currently stand with your BSB fandom?

We're getting close to a new album, but other than Don't Go Breaking My Heart, it's been five years since we've had new BSB music, and unless you've been to Vegas or on a cruise, it's probably been years since you've seen them in concert.  Things have happened that may have affected how you feel about certain members.  And regardless of that, real life sometimes gets in the way of fandom.  So update us on where you are with the guys, the music, fanfic, whatever you wanna talk about.  Or just update us on your life, if you'd rather.  Or talk about anything... anything at all!  Just check in! :)

Hey! I’m still a very big fan! I’m so mad at myself that I have to leave before the guys come on stage at Quebec because of my health was so bad. I cannot wait for they to come back to Montreal at bell center! I love so much the new song and their music continue to help me. I continue to write fanfic and I hope to post the new chapter when I return from my vacation.


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