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Even newer questions to ponder

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I love the Boys. I stay really in the loop and my fandom is as deep as it ever was. But I've gone to way more shows than I ever have before solely due to the fact for the past year and a half they're 20 minutes away from my house LOL. By my standards I'm going a lot (it's been on average once a month that they're in town) but by others I'm keeping it light so *shrugs* lol. Writing fanfic wise it's focusing issues. I have a lot of half started chapters and chapters I've never posted cause at this point my focus is all over the place I'm kind of holding back till I know I'll consistently write. On top of that adulting is hard so writing when I'm working or busy isn't as easy as it used to be. I still get a lot of ideas though so I'm sure I'll dive back in at some point.

Mare - I didn't know you were considering Vegas! That would've been awesome. I so would've gone with you LOL. But I get why you didn't since it is pretty pricey. I'm actually looking forward to them touring (crazy right?) because these days I use it as an excuse to travel. Plus then I'll actually be able to go back to doing only a couple shows a tour.

Craziest thing I've ever done as a fan...probably the most recent trip to Knoxville. They are literally where I live most of the year but I flew out to Illinois so I could roadtrip with Julie down there. But then again, that was just as much for the road trip and spending time with her. But I think you could argue it seeming crazy LOL.

Worst moment in the fandom? Kevin leaving. It was the first time I cried about something fandom related. I wasn't deep into fandom (mainly cause I didn't have a computer yet) during Brian's heart surgery so I was unaware. The other one was AJ's rehab announcement on TRL cause as a teen that was pretty freaking scary.


--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on July 24, 2018, 06:00:06 PM ---On the last day it was Brian and Leighanne's game show. So half of the people didn't show up to the event. They let us move forward. I was like three rows from the stage and I had worn my costume to the event because we got ready for the deck party early. Leighanne was picking her team for the game show and chose me because of my costume.

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See!  Leighanne is the key! LOL


--- Quote from: Rose on July 25, 2018, 12:39:57 PM ---The other one was AJ's rehab announcement on TRL cause as a teen that was pretty freaking scary.

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That would be my other one too.  I still vividly remember watching TRL that day and being so upset, not knowing what it meant for AJ and for the group.  I know it hasn't been an easy road for him, but I'm glad he's in a better place in his life now.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on July 25, 2018, 05:02:20 PM ---See!  Leighanne is the key! LOL

--- End quote ---

Yup. Cause Brian is hard to snag LOL

For me the worst moment would have to be when AJ went to rehab. I vividly remember watching that on TV and crying because of how upset the boys were. Nick looked like he was taking it the hardest. I can't stand to see any of them crying. I don't know why.

The other moment was when Kevin left. I thought that was the end of the group. I stopped keeping tabs on what the guys were doing. I hadn't seen them in concert outside of radio shows in a few years. So after Kevin left I kind of took a break from the boys. I was heavily into depression between 2005-2009. I listened to a lot of emo music and punk rock. It was a weird time.

Then in 2009 a lot changed. Nick came out with that article in People magazine and it was the year he inspired me to make a change. I joined Twitter to follow the boys and meet fans. I started getting back into the boys and writing again. I also changed my mind about suicide that year. I finally saw them in concert again. So yeah I'm pretty happy they stayed together after Kevin left. Sorry for the long post.


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