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Even newer questions to ponder

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That's awesome, Julie! Sadly I haven't bought tickets to the tour yet as the dates clash with other things I booked already. I'm going to see NKOTB in Hershey for my birthday, then the first week of September I will be on a week long cruise. It's like everybody got together and was like hmm let's screw with Tracy this summer and all tour at the same time. Haha. Weird Al is touring in July too and it kills me to miss him.

I love Chances. It's such a fanfic song.

I did just book tickets to go to Vegas again for the last week of shows in April so I'm happy

I really love the song Chances. I am excited for their new album if these first two singles are any indication of what it will sound like. I'm glad they're seeing such a great comeback. They deserve it.

I'm probably going to miss out in this tour. My life is up in the air and I have no idea where I will be living in the summer.

Wow, Tracy... what are the Chances everything you like would be happening at the same time?  (See what I did there?)  That's too bad, but maybe they'll add more dates down the road.

Mare, what's going on that you don't know where you'll be living?  I hate that kind of uncertainty.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on November 24, 2018, 11:49:12 AM ---Wow, Tracy... what are the Chances everything you like would be happening at the same time?  (See what I did there?)  That's too bad, but maybe they'll add more dates down the road.

Mare, what's going on that you don't know where you'll be living?  I hate that kind of uncertainty.

--- End quote ---

My health hasn’t really been that great. I’ve been using a walker since school started and at this point, I don’t really feel safe living alone anymore. It’s gotten to the point where I have to keep my front door unlocked just in case I fall and can’t get up. Like that old lady in those commercials lol

Anyway, my sister and I have been talking about me moving up to Buffalo. I’m having a hard time with that because I’ve always been completely independent. Even teaching has been really hard this year. I no longer have the strength in my arms to play most of the instruments and I can’t write on my board. It’s been a rough year.

I'm sorry to hear that!  How frustrating that must be for you.  Moving to Buffalo sounds like a good idea; at least you'd have your sister around to help.  It's easier said than done though, I know.  Sending good vibes your way!!


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