Fic Talk > General Discussion

Even newer questions to ponder

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OMG, I was so pleasantly surprised to see that!  I never seriously thought they'd get nominated for a Grammy again.  It would be awesome to see them win because they definitely deserve it, but it really is an honor just for them to be nominated again after all these years.  I guess I'll finally have a reason to watch the Grammys again!  I seriously don't think I've watched them since the last time the Boys made an appearance.

I haven't heard Chances on the radio yet either, but I haven't been listening to the radio much.  The pop station I sometimes listen to plays all Christmas music this time of year, so they wouldn't be playing it anyway.

I've heard Chances on the AC station here in Vegas. Not surprised though cause with Nick living here he's basically made friends with all the major DJs lol.

Is anyone else feeling inspired by the new music and BSB excitement, as far as writing goes?  I know Tracy has been writing, but otherwise, the site has been pretty quiet lately.

Yes I have the new chapter of my fanfic to post, but my life is very busy right now and I hope to be able to do il when the christmas vacation gonna begin

Glad to hear someone else is writing!  I know; I can't wait for Christmas vacation either!


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