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Even newer questions to ponder

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I like having my own site mostly just because I like having control over where my stuff is posted (so that I don't risk losing everything like people did with, although I also have it all saved as Word docs too), but collaborative sites like AC definitely make things easier and more interactive.  As a reader, it's so much easier to just leave a review on the site than sending feedback the old-school way, when you had to actually email the author.  I don't even remember the last time I emailed someone with feedback or got feedback that way myself.

I hated when closed to real person fics but at the same time, I'm pretty sure that if they didn't I would never have gone on to write as much as I did or would have never met any of you. Them closing kind of forced me to branch out and search for places to post. Finding people like Izzy, Chaos, Eboni and Julie. I most likely would have stayed in my own little bubble and eventually lost interest.

I really do miss getting reviews via email though. They used to be so long and detailed. They were a pain to write but again, that's how I ended up making some of my best BSB friends, through sending and receiving feedback via email. Those were the days.

Very true - I never made any friends through  I probably only posted stuff there for a few months before they took everything down, though.  I don't remember really reading many BSB fics there.  Before AC, I found fanfics to read by searching or clicking links on other sites, and I made friends the same way you did - by emailing each other with feedback.  Most of the fanfic writers I'm still friends with I met through AC though.  This forum has been great for that.

I agree that those emailed reviews were often a lot longer and more detailed.  I do miss that, although I like how AC keeps everything in the same place.  I've saved every feedback email I've gotten for as long as I've kept the same email address (going back to 2001), but it's not like it's easy to sort through those and read them.  It was definitely easier to have a conversation and get to know people, though.

OMG, so I'm going through my old feedback emails after writing that response, and I just found the confirmation email from when I registered for AC way back in 2003!  I guess I saved it so I'd have my password, which is completely different now.

That is so true, you guys. Before, with I didn't really make friends with anyone. You couldn't even respond to reviews on there, so there was no dialog whatsoever. This forum has really made it easier to make friends and relationships. I think it's awesome we still have this forum and it's still active.

Julie, that's crazy you joined AC in 2003! I wish I'd known about it earlier. I think I signed up around when Unbreakable came out. Speaking of that - how crazy is it that Unbreakable is almost ten years old?! What a ride that album cycle was. I remember loving that album so much and just being so thankful that they decided to continue on without Kevin instead of packing it in. It's sort of crazy thinking back to those days now that they're all over the place again.


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