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Even newer questions to ponder

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I think maybe after he heard TIU he said “Jesus! I better go back now before they totally destroy themselves” lol

I admit I get Unbreakable and TIU confused. Just shows you how much I listen to them. It’s TIU which is awful. Unbreakable has at least two or three good songs on it. For my taste anyway.

LOL exactly!  TIU has some good songs on it, but the bad ones are REALLY bad.  I don't find any of the tracks on Unbreakable bad per se, just boring.

My hero JK Rowling posted a new blog on her website where she answers some questions about writing and gives some tips:  It's not really anything new, but I do agree with her advice.  Is there anything that stands out to any of you?

I've always found reading a good way to inspire writing, so Sunday night I started re-reading an older fanfic  that has some things in common with the story I'm trying to write right now, hoping it might help keep me in fanfic mode as I headed back to the reality of work this week.  It worked in that I'm definitely still in fanfic mode, but now I would rather just read this story than work on my own LOL.  Whoops.  In the long run, though, I hope it will help.  I have gotten into the bad habit of watching too much TV and not reading enough books, and I need to fix that.

Ah man I have not read in forever. Lately I've been doing so much writing that I haven't gotten around to any reading, not to mention nobody really updates so it' hard to find something to read.

Very true!  For those of you who still write - do you post your stories on any other sites, and if so, what has your experience been with those?  I know Archive of Our Own and WattPad seem to have semi-active BSB fandoms (more so than AC seems to lately, sadly), but I haven't explored those sites enough to know what the quality of stories is like (from a reading standpoint) or what kind of feedback to expect (from a writing standpoint).

And for those who aren't writing at all or have stopped writing BSB fanfic - do you miss it?  If so, what do you miss most?  What do you not miss about it?


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