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Even newer questions to ponder

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--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on January 11, 2019, 02:38:32 AM ---Unfortunately I don't have any recommendation s but I'd like some too haha. Sorry I'm not much help on that aspect. I unfortunately haven't had anything new to read in a long time, and I think the last really good story I read was Sick As My Secrets LOL

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Aw, thanks!  I can't believe that story has been finished for almost two years now!  Hopefully the new album will bring some other writers crawling out of the woodwork.  We seem to inspire each other - it seems like we all slump at the same time, and then there's a resurgence.


--- Quote from: mare on January 11, 2019, 06:23:17 PM ---I wish I missed it more than I do. I guess what I miss most is getting feedback on what I wrote but I don’t miss the stress of feeling the need to constantly update.

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I miss your writing!  But that does make sense.  I'm still writing but not posting right now, and I think the feedback is what I miss most too.  But the whole not posting part has alleviated the pressure to update and the guilt I feel when I leave people hanging too long, which has been nice.  I still enjoy writing for myself, with the knowledge that I'll eventually post it for other people to read and hopefully get some reviews then.  I will admit, though, it's harder to stay motivated without that feedback!


--- Quote from: mare on January 11, 2019, 06:29:49 PM ---I am reading Turtles All the Way Down by John Green and it’s great. I haven’t really read anything else by him besides The Fault in Our Stars but this one kind of reminds me of it. It’s pretty cute and funny minus the death stuff.

I’ did a lot of reading over Christmas break. I read the next person you meet in heaven which was fantastic. The Outsider by Stephen King was awesome and The Bridge of Clay was great! Doing all the reading does make me feel nostalgic to write, but not fanfic. I just don’t feel the guys that way anymore.

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I'll have to check that one out; I haven't even heard of it!  I LOVED The Fault in Our Stars, but then I read Paper Towns and didn't enjoy that one nearly as much.

Do you see yourself writing more original fiction in the future?

I've been steadily writing but getting very little feedback. I just push myself to finish because I need to get out of leaving things unfinished.

So far that's been working well for me.

That's so hard, but good for you!

With reviews turned off on AC, do you find that readers just don't give feedback at all, or do they give it in a different way (tweet, email, etc.)?  I haven't posted anything since reviews were disabled, so that's going to be different for me when I finally do.  I used to get most of my feedback through emails back in the day, but most of it for my last few novels has come from AC reviews.  I will miss those!


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