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Even newer questions to ponder

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--- Quote from: mare on January 12, 2019, 06:41:42 AM ---You should check it out. It's not a medical drama but the lead character is a hypochondriac amongst many other issues.

I want to write. I've had an idea in my head for about two years now but unlike fanfic where I already had the boys as my characters and only had to develop the storyline, I'm finding it difficult to figure out who I want as a lead telling the story. Whether it should be a female or a male. I tend to feel more comfortable writing as a male, but I also picture the lead as a female. I'm definitely a transgender writer. I completely identify as a male character more than a female one. Is that a thing? Can we make that a thing? lol

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That sounds like something I could relate to! LOL

I'm glad you still want to write!  I can see how that would be hard to have to start completely from scratch with developing characters, when we're so used to already having most of them.  LOL at transgender writer!  If you're imagining your main character as female, why not just make her a woman who isn't very feminine, in the traditional sense?   That would probably make her more unique anyway.

Does anyone else feel more comfortable writing male characters than female?  It makes sense, given that we've all spent so many years writing about guys.  I still find a female perspective more natural for me to write, though.


--- Quote from: mare on January 12, 2019, 06:43:24 AM ---Slightly off topic and should probably go into the tv thread, but speaking of medical dramas, have you watched New Amsterdam? I am really enjoying that one.

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I need to give New Amsterdam another try.  I watched the pilot and was "meh" about it, but I've heard from other people that it's gotten better.  I've found that I'm very picky about medical dramas because I compare everything to ER, and no show since has held up to the high standard that one set.  I gave Grey's Anatomy another try this summer and actually made it through the first two seasons, but that was all I could stomach of that one.  I watched Chicago Med for a full season, but quit at the beginning of the second season.  Same with The Good Doctor.  I tried Code Black and The Night Watch, and neither of those hooked me.  The only one I've stuck with recently is The Resident, which I do really like.


--- Quote from: Rose on January 12, 2019, 04:05:21 PM ---See I've been reading a lot, and I'm thinking that's why I've gotten so many ideas. But then I end up picking up a new book instead of writing LOL. Have any of you read The Girl With All The Gifts? It's a really interesting book and unsurprisingly has some zombie esque themes but not actual zombies.

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I haven't read that one, but thanks for the recommendation!  I need some new fiction to read; I've been reading nonfiction, but it's just not the same.

Pentatonix? That’s exciting. I wonder if one of them is going to attempt beat boxing. I’m really looking forward to this album as well. I’m psyched it’s coming out before my weekend birthday trip up to Seneca Falls so I have something to listen to other than the Hamilton soundtrack.

As far as writing a non feminine female lead, that’s probably the only way I’d do it. We’ll see. It’s not like I’ve even remotely tried to write anything down to begin with. I do feel much more comfortable writing males. When it comes to reading though, as long as the female is strong I enjoy those stories, but I will always prefer stories about brothers. Bridge of Clay was about 5 brothers.

I loved the first two seasons of Code Black but as much as I love Rob Lowe, when he came on, the show just got too jump the shark-ish. You could tell they were experimenting and trying to turn it into Greys Anatomy.

I am really enjoying New Amsterdam. I love the guy who plays the lead. I was so sad when they killed him off of The Blacklist, but this part seems so natural for him. I do really enjoy the resident as well, but honestly, I don’t look at that one as a medical drama. I find that one more suspense and character based.

That's what I like about The Resident; it's got the right balance of medical drama and character development.  So many medical dramas either focus too much on the relationships and sex or have boring, cliched characters that you don't care about or are too formulaic with the "case of the week" formula.  I don't stick with shows where I don't like or care about the characters, but I want to see the medical stuff too.  I also like how The Resident shows you the shady side of the medical industry; that's a new twist I haven't seen as much.


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