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Even newer questions to ponder

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Thanks! Because I read so many means things about Brian and I don’t know why people doesn’t like Brian this much.

I will always love Brian!  I may not agree with him politically, but I still love him.  It's just a different kind of love than the teenybopper infatuation I had with him back in the day.

I have a much deeper appreciation for Kevin and Howie now than I had 20 years ago.  I feel like they've let their personalities and sense of humor shine more in recent years.  I didn't fully appreciate Kevin until he left and came back. I was devastated when he left the group and so grateful when he came back, and every time I have seen him since, he always seems to be enjoying himself and just as appreciative of us fans as we are of him.  In hindsight, I think that break was good for both him and for us as a fan base.

My feelings for AJ have fluctuated a little over the years, but not to any extremes.  AJ used to be my second favorite after Brian, and now Nick has taken his place, but I still love AJ.  He went through kind of an annoying phase back when he first married Rochelle and they called each other Monkee all the time and he posted all those annoying videos on SocialCam or whatever that was called... but I think AJ the family man is my favorite version of AJ of all!  He, Rochelle, Ava, and Lyric are so adorable!  It makes me happy to see him so happy and healthy and fulfilled.

I love Brian. Nothing wrong with that  :)

Yup, it's all good. Everyone has their reasons to like or not like the guys.

For me, as you guys know, I came into this fandom pretty late. They were just going into their hiatus while AJ was in rehab. By that time, I was way past my teenybopper years and didn't really look at them in that way. The first time I ever really took notice of them as people was when they made their appearance on TRL to announce AJ was in rehab. I didn't know them from a hole in the wall, except that they sang many of the songs I loved on the radio. When I watched that interview, I was immediately drawn to Nick because he looked so sad. I just wanted them to give the kid a hug lol I remember thinking that.

After I started learning more about them and became involved in the fandom, Nick and Kevin became my favorites. I think I just identified the most with Nick because of his home life. I swear that if I ever did the twenty three and me test I'd be related to him in some way. My mother was adopted so we know nothing about her background, but she has so many of Jane's traits (including her batshit craziness) that I swear they have to be sisters lol anyway, it was and still isn't an attraction with him, although he is adorable, it was just a feeling of connection. Even when he was going through his rough patch, I still felt for him. I've always just gotten Nick. I agree with all of you, this daddy, grown up version is the best one!

Kevin just has always seemed like a protecter and put together. Someone I wish I had in my life growing up. I think that's why in my stories, I have him bonded with Nick the way I do. Existentially, I've always been a Nick in search of her Kevin lol

Brian at first, seemed like a fun, sweet guy. When I went to his golf thing, he was great. I think when you attach yourself to a horrible person like he has, over the years you just start becoming that person. I think his personality is very mold able and he has molded lol.

I adore Howie. He used to be "and the rest" with AJ, but his sense of hum our and dorkishness, have made him jump up into Nick and Kevin status. He's someone that if we were in high school together, would have definitely been in my group of friends.

AJ has and will always be "and the rest" lol he is by far the sweetest one out of the five but also just kind of there. I love his voice and think he's a spectacular dad, but over the years he's just done nothing else for me besides become my comic relief for the other guys. Especially when he went through that ridiculous selfie phase.

LOL I am definitely glad AJ's selfie phase is over, although I actually found myself sad when he posted a video on Instagram last week saying he's going to be taking a break from social media.  We'll see how long that lasts.  I really just enjoy seeing the pictures and videos he posts of the girls.  Like I said, that is my favorite version of AJ!

I also agree with what you said about Brian.  I don't dislike Leighanne; I've met her several times and had full conversations with her, and she's never been anything but sweet and friendly.  That said, I know your experience was different, and I totally understand why some fans don't like her.  I do think she has molded him and that he might have different views if he had married someone else (someone like me... ha!).  But I guess that's just what happens with couples.  Lauren has definitely changed Nick as well; that is just a more positive change.

That is so interesting what you said about being a Nick in search of her Kevin.  I love that.  It definitely explains why you are drawn to them and always wrote their relationship so well.  I miss your fanfic!


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