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I am going to have to say that my favorite BSB song is still “I Want it That Way” maybe it’s more of a nostalgia thing, but this is the song that made me fall in love with them. It always makes me happy when I hear it and I always have to sing along, whether it’s just the straight up lead or the harmony parts. I love love love it!

That being said, I have a few second choices - Madeline is a great song. I Still is up there as well as Take Care

10,000 Promises is my favorite BSB song. Ever since I watched their A Night Out on vhs. That's when I fully appreciated and fell in love with it. Now I have some amazing memories attached to the song as well, but it's just a really beautiful song.

I'm also very attached to As Long As You Love Me in terms of singles.


--- Quote from: mare on January 29, 2019, 01:27:27 PM ---I am going to have to say that my favorite BSB song is still “I Want it That Way” maybe it’s more of a nostalgia thing, but this is the song that made me fall in love with them. It always makes me happy when I hear it and I always have to sing along, whether it’s just the straight up lead or the harmony parts. I love love love it!

That being said, I have a few second choices - Madeline is a great song. I Still is up there as well as Take Care

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I feel the same way about I Want It That Way.  It's the song that took me from a fan to an OBSESSED fan, so I will always be nostalgic for that early Millennium era - so exciting and so much fun!  But also, it's just a really great pop song, even if the lyrics make no sense.  It's so catchy, without being annoying.  I still enjoy hearing it on the radio from time to time.  I'll never get sick of IWITW, and it wouldn't be a BSB concert without hearing them sing it.

Madeleine and Take Care are both amazing songs, too!  IAWLT is such an awesome album, it's still hard for me to pick favorite tracks because I pretty much love them all!


--- Quote from: Rose on January 29, 2019, 06:35:15 PM ---10,000 Promises is my favorite BSB song. Ever since I watched their A Night Out on vhs. That's when I fully appreciated and fell in love with it. Now I have some amazing memories attached to the song as well, but it's just a really beautiful song.

I'm also very attached to As Long As You Love Me in terms of singles.

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That's how I feel about Like a Child, which is way up there on my favorites list.  I fell in love with it watching the A Night Out video, and then when I realized it was a track on Backstreet's Back, even better!  That's a song I've never seen them sing live (in person) and would love to!

I agree about As Long As You Love Me too.  That's the song that made me a fan.  The first time I ever saw what the guys looked like, it was when they performed ALAYLM on All That, and I fell in love with Brian at first sight.  Leighanne and I have that in common with that song, LOL.  It's also just a great song... even if the lyrics are a little sketchy LOL.

lol I mean at least some things never change, in ALAYLM they don't care who you are or where you're from...and in New Love they don't wanna know your name.


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