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Back and thinking about rewriting

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Thanks girls.

I'm considering rewriting "Blackmailed", as an example, but part of me also wants to do another sequel to it and "A Second Chance", taking place current day and maybe involving the Backstreet kids, but I don't know what I could do. Like, maybe Baylee would need to use an amulet for something. Thoughts?

I think you should write whatever you feel most inspired to write.  If that's a sequel, go for it!  If it's a rewritten version of the original story, then do that.  Either way, I'm sure it'll feel good to get back to writing fanfic!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on November 25, 2017, 09:53:01 PM ---If you are going to rewrite, my advice would be to keep a copy of the original versions of your stories somewhere, even if they're not posted online.  If nothing else, you'll enjoy going back to compare if and when you do finish the rewrites.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, I've put a copy of the original "Blackmailed" into a Scrivener file in the research folder of the rewrite file. Depending on how this one goes, I'll do the same for "A Second Chance". But I'm also thinking about the current-day sequel and the possibility of Brian and Howie discovering that some of Brian's memories of his time with Zator have been telepathically blocked. I was originally thinking of Howie being the one who did it, but after watching the documentary finally, I figured I don't need to create more fictional baggage like that. So, I'm thinking Serafina, the sister I created in "Blackmailed" for Zanell, was somehow able to use the telepathic power from Howie's amulet to block or even change Brian's memories. Some of the memories locked away could contain important information and training that they all need to be rid of Zator once and for all.

I've also begun to realize that if I rewrite the first one the way I'm planning, it changes a big subplot of A Second Chance. Wow...

Maybe I *will* just go with the next sequel...


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