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Author Topic: Lets make a story all together...  (Read 17587 times)


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Re: Lets make a story all together...
« Reply #45 on: April 26, 2007, 01:03:29 AM »

Olivia looked over at AJ still wearing a smile then froze looking at him "You!"

AJ frowned then looked at her closer peering over his trademark sunnies "Me? What about me?"

She sniffed raising her head bringing her height up fully and said snottily "Your the one that almost ran me over yesterday!" and she stormed off in a huff.

The guys watched her leave then Nick snickered "Dude, you never told us you have a close encounter of the running over kind?"

AJ turned slowly towards Nick tilting his heads sideways then moved his hand to Nick's brow "Are you feeling alright? Because what you said was the stupidest thing I've ever heard!"

Nick frowned thinking then said as the went to look for the guys "I thought it was abit clever, better than Kevin's attempt at one the other day. What was it again?"

AJ frowned thinking "Didn't he say something like 'To go where no backstreet has gone before' when we were at that city in London last week until Howie told him we were there last year?" his frown turning into a smirk.

Nick nodded grinning "Yeah thats it"

"Your right, it was funnier than what Kevin said" laughing loudly.


  • Minion of Mayhem
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Re: Lets make a story all together...
« Reply #46 on: April 26, 2007, 02:05:59 AM »

That is funny...moppy. ..just great...he...h e... ::)


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Re: Lets make a story all together...
« Reply #47 on: April 29, 2007, 09:17:13 AM »

LOL was that a sarcastic funny about my part of the story or are you still laughing at my siggy???  ;D


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Re: Lets make a story all together...
« Reply #48 on: April 29, 2007, 05:26:55 PM »

Nick calmed down and raised an eyebrow at the tattooed man. "How did you almost run her over, anyway?"

The siggy disturbs me... now, if it was AJ... oooh, there'd be some DROOLING.


Dean & Sam Winchester.
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Re: Lets make a story all together...
« Reply #49 on: April 29, 2007, 05:28:32 PM »

PS: Nick, I got a newsflash for you... we have this new fad going around. It's called UNDERWEAR. Boxers, briefs and boxer briefs. Helps keep Little Nicky from flopping around when doing pelvic thrusts.

Dean & Sam Winchester.
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Re: Lets make a story all together...
« Reply #50 on: May 01, 2007, 05:51:57 AM »

 ;D LMFAO!!!!! I can't 100% tell but he could have been wearing something under his pants....its very possible for that to still happen unless his briefs/boxers are constrictive!!!


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Re: Lets make a story all together...
« Reply #51 on: May 01, 2007, 09:53:27 AM »

Nick calmed down and raised an eyebrow at the tattooed man. "How did you almost run her over, anyway?"

AJ chuckled nervously rubbing his hands together walking out the stairwell door "I was driving along and hit a pot hole and my glasses fell off....so I kinda leaned over grabbing them off the floor"

Nick bit his lip as the entered the restaurant seeing the others just sitting down. He took a breath calming the bubbles of laughter ready to burst forth and said "Really? You do know that was... that was..." he couldn't hold out any longer and burst out laughing as they reached their table, scaring and surprising people around them.

AJ blushed pushing Nick down in his seat "Shut it Nick, not like your such a hot driver yourself" sitting down grumpily.


  • Minion of Mayhem
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Re: Lets make a story all together...
« Reply #52 on: May 02, 2007, 07:11:30 PM »

LOL was that a sarcastic funny about my part of the story or are you still laughing at my siggy??? 

:D Moppy- He...he...actu ally I was talking about your wrote...but the siggy is always a laugh when I check this out!

PS: Nick, I got a newsflash for you... we have this new fad going around. It's called UNDERWEAR. Boxers, briefs and boxer briefs. Helps keep Little Nicky from flopping around when doing pelvic thrusts.

Starry Eyes-LMAO too...that was hilarious...ma ybe he was nervous that night so he decided to go free ballin...comma ndo you know. Or maybe he wears lucky underwear and the ones he has just don't have anymore grip!!!!!! LOL

AJ chuckled nervously rubbing his hands together walking out the stairwell door "I was driving along and hit a pot hole and my glasses fell off....so I kinda leaned over grabbing them off the floor"

Nick bit his lip as the entered the restaurant seeing the others just sitting down. He took a breath calming the bubbles of laughter ready to burst forth and said "Really? You do know that was... that was..." he couldn't hold out any longer and burst out laughing as they reached their table, scaring and surprising people around them.

AJ blushed pushing Nick down in his seat "Shut it Nick, not like your such a hot driver yourself" sitting down grumpily.

They finally reached the table and AJ began to pull his chair. Kein looked at them annoyed by all their noise "What the hell is the commotion guys?"

Right after his question Nick busted out in laughter again "Well for your information, AJ was just confirming that he is a clumsy driver."

AJ gave him a piercing look as the table went dead silent.

"Well...umm...I have to admit that you do kinda suck at driving AJ" Kevin blurted as Nick snickered.

"Yeah he is right..." Brian added.

"Uhuh! that one time you missed the stop and we..." Howie stopped as AJ pinched his arm.

"Thanks guys!" he pouted.


  • Minion of Mayhem
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Re: Lets make a story all together...
« Reply #53 on: May 03, 2007, 01:20:29 PM »

They finally reached the table and AJ began to pull his chair. Kein looked at them annoyed by all their noise "What the hell is the commotion guys?"

Right after his question Nick busted out in laughter again "Well for your information, AJ was just confirming that he is a clumsy driver."

AJ gave him a piercing look as the table went dead silent.

"Well...umm...I have to admit that you do kinda suck at driving AJ" Kevin blurted as Nick snickered.

"Yeah he is right..." Brian added.

"Uhuh! that one time you missed the stop and we..." Howie stopped as AJ pinched his arm.

"Thanks guys!" he pouted.
"Don't try to take Nick's job as the pouter of the group," Kevin warned with a raised eyebrow. "Besides, it doesn't work on me."

"Or me," Howie chirped.

"Or me!" Brian and Nick snickered.

"Screw you guys," AJ muttered, opening the menu.

Dean & Sam Winchester.
Hunters. Protectors. Survivors. Family.


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Re: Lets make a story all together...
« Reply #54 on: May 11, 2007, 11:23:31 AM »

AJ stared at the menu for a good couple of minutes and glanced over the top of it very slowly peering at the others.

He made eye contact with Brian and Nick who were opposite him pulling the most over exaggerated pouts he had ever seen, especially Nick.

"Sod off Boneheads" he said looking back down choosing his meal.

Brian gasped holding a hand to his chest and said in a british accent "He just told us to sod off!" looking at Nick.

Smirking Nick said in a terrible british accent "I know and called us boneheads too. I think he forgot he's the one called Bone, not us and there's a reason why he's called Bone for...."

He was interuppted by AJ's menu slapping the side of his head.


  • Minion of Mayhem
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Re: Lets make a story all together...
« Reply #55 on: May 12, 2007, 01:16:06 AM »

AJ shouted startling the whole table "Don't say it...your going to make everyone think I"m a horny man." he suddenly heard snickers and noticed that everyone was staring at him.

"Could you be any louder...you fool." Kevin glared at him as he once again hid behind his menu.

Suddenly Nick's eyes met with Olivia's the girl he had bumped into, "Wow!" he said dumbly.

"What?" Brian asked as he waved a hand in front of his face.

"Oh god could my dinner time get any worse..." AJ sunk deep into his seat as he caught a glimpse of the girl. "Shit"


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Re: Lets make a story all together...
« Reply #56 on: May 18, 2007, 09:02:36 AM »

Burying his head in his menu he heard a soft but confident female voice say "Hello I'm Olivia your waitress, are you all ready to order?"

Nick grinned dopely at Olivia as Kevin said "I'm ready" looking at the others for confirmation.

They all nodded except AJ which all you could see was the top of his head. Brian kicked AJ under the table which in turn made AJ yell out "What the fuck was that for?" looking up at Brian.

Howie cleared his throat and said "Actually i think we need another couple of minutes please Olivia" giving her a 'sorry for that' look.

She smiled at him and said "No problem just wave me over when your ready" and headed to another table who were ready to be served.

4 faces turned to AJ once she was out of ear shot and all spoke at once.


  • Minion of Mayhem
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Re: Lets make a story all together...
« Reply #57 on: May 23, 2007, 01:35:13 AM »

 :D :o That is hilarious...yo u put those warnings on your picture...I couldn't help but LOL!!! It makes it even funnier... ::)

Burying his head in his menu he heard a soft but confident female voice say "Hello I'm Olivia your waitress, are you all ready to order?"

Nick grinned dopely at Olivia as Kevin said "I'm ready" looking at the others for confirmation.

They all nodded except AJ which all you could see was the top of his head. Brian kicked AJ under the table which in turn made AJ yell out "What the fuck was that for?" looking up at Brian.

Howie cleared his throat and said "Actually i think we need another couple of minutes please Olivia" giving her a 'sorry for that' look.

She smiled at him and said "No problem just wave me over when your ready" and headed to another table who were ready to be served.

4 faces turned to AJ once she was out of ear shot and all spoke at once.

Kevin gave AJ a stern look "What the hell was that? Could you be ruder?"

Howie and Brian now turned their heads at Kevin "Uh is that a word, Kevin."

"Hell I don't...it just sounded appropriate at the time. Now can we get to the bottom of this freaks rude encounter with the waitress"

They all turn back to look at AJ, as he looks around the room trying to avoid the guys glares.

"Well are you going to tell them or should I..." Nick began to laugh...


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Re: Lets make a story all together...
« Reply #58 on: May 24, 2007, 11:27:57 PM »

;D LOL someone told me I should put a warning there, I did try for a larger warning but thats all it would let me do!

:D :o That is hilarious...yo u put those warnings on your picture...I couldn't help but LOL!!! It makes it even funnier... ::)

Kevin gave AJ a stern look "What the hell was that? Could you be ruder?"

Howie and Brian now turned their heads at Kevin "Uh is that a word, Kevin."

"Hell I don't...it just sounded appropriate at the time. Now can we get to the bottom of this freaks rude encounter with the waitress"

They all turn back to look at AJ, as he looks around the room trying to avoid the guys glares.

"Well are you going to tell them or should I..." Nick began to laugh...

AJ groaned as the others stared at Nick's face which was turning a bright pink from his laughing "It was just a little mishap, it's nothing"

Nick stopped laughing at stared at AJ wide eyed then his mouth began to tremble as he tried to hold in his laughter but it didn't work.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHA" Nick's face went red this time and tears falling down his face.

Aj's face went red as well but from embarassment as Nick tried to spit out "A...a...a miss.. hap? You...ne.. near.. nearly ran... her... ove... over with ...your car coz.... of... yo... y...your glasses!"

Kevin frowned turning to Brian "What did Nick just say?"

Brian was staring at AJ when he repeated what Nick said "Nick said and I quote 'A Mishap? You nearly ran her over with your car coz of your glasses?" looking at Nick to confirm and all Nick could do was give Brian a thumbs up.

Kevin's face turned into stone like features when he said "You nearly ran over someone? What were you doing with your glasses?" his voice low and stern.
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