Fic Talk > General Discussion

Reviews and this Website

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I had a talk with a friend of mine who knows a bit about this stuff. She suggested that you make a site backup look for a new database/hosting software, where you can import the old database.

However I know nothing about all that. I still would offer my help. If we work together perhaps we could read ourselves into these things.

That registration only per invite seems like a great idea to me as well. Like perhaps people could create invite links that last for a certain amount of time and only are for one person... a little bit like discord but different. Or something simpler.

In general, perhaps a few more people helping you with the page and stuff could also increase the Community Interaction. Like make new contests and stuff like that. :)

Since 2013, I’ve been working to try and solve the problem with efiction dying and the solutions that once worked just don’t anymore. The script is incredibly defunct, there is no level of security possible that can work within this script to fix the spambot problems and even if there was, thats only on the front end of the site. Fixing that issue doesn’t fix the overall issue that efiction, the script the entire site is being held up by, is incredibly vulnerable to attack on the backend due to the horrifically outdated code.

Front end fixes just won’t fix the major issues anymore. I’ve tried, Karen has tried, Saka-Steph and her husband (who are both professional developers) have tried. The suggestions from those with far more IT experience than me was that the only fix was to custom build a platform. This would ultimately take thousands of dollars, we’re talking $50k++ and months of development time to build something, which is exactly what Ao3 did. They never used efiction, they fundraised and still do to this day to pay professional developers to maintain and upgrade the site. It’s not the volunteer board of directors doing that work, they have an agency.

The other point, which I think is ultimately the biggest, is that Mare and I do not own this website. We don’t own the server, we don’t own the database and any of the data contained in it. Ash (who is also an IT person) legally  owns all of it, so there is no possibility to save the data and move to a different platform. Even if said platform existed, it’s not our data to do anything with. I have broached the subject of Mare and I taking over the site in full, and the offer was not accepted.

Turning off registrations may be possible but I’ll have to report back once the server is back up and I can get in the admin panel again! But again, the spam problem is not the main problem it’s just one of many issues.

Thanks for the info and all the work you've done to try to fix the problem!

Glad to see the site is back up!

I love this site and I too would hate to see it go! I know technology can be so fickle and annoying. I dont have any suggestions just wanted to say thanks for continuing to moderate and maintain it :)


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