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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on August 22, 2020, 11:06:14 AM ---I'm trying!  I wasn't sure how it was going to go with the kids wearing masks, especially when some of their parents are probably anti-maskers, but both groups did great with it!  They wore them correctly without complaint.  I'm so proud of them and grateful to their parents for helping prepare them.

You stay safe too!  I don't envy any of you retail workers, having to deal with adult idiots who are acting way more immature and volatile than my 9-year-old students.

--- End quote ---

Glad the kids are being good, I was wondering myself. It's been a challenge this year and honestly I've had to help so many of my cashiers deal with the extra stress. Many of them are still in their teens and early twenties themselves, they're kids. But Target's been pretty solid in this. I do have a paid 30 day leave of absence they granted for covid I haven't used yet and I might do it once flu season is in full swing. Just to keep my dad safe. And I could use the break honestly.

Cases have been climbing again here since July because people are stupid.  Of course now that school is back in session, there are more kids getting it.  Colleges have been hit especially hard because the kids are going out and partying without masks or social distancing.  A lot of schools that planned to start in-person switched to full remote learning at the last minute.  We are still doing blended learning, and so far so good, but I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop - either we'll get quarantined because of confirmed cases in our school, or the state will shut us down because our region is spiking.  So I'm enjoying the time I have with my students in person while it lasts.  It's different, but honestly, having 10-11 kids at a time is AWESOME!  We've complained about our large class sizes my entire teaching career, but I still never fully realized what a difference class size makes until I experienced what it's like to have less than half what I usually do.  There are no behavior problems, everyone gets more attention, and we can get things done so much faster when there are fewer kids in the room.  So that's the silver lining to this situation for me.  And the kids are still doing great with all the changes.  They are a lot more adaptable and mature than some adults I know!

Working retail is an entirely different story.  I don't blame any of you for being stressed out, Rose.  I would take the stress of working with children any day over the stress of dealing with adult Karens and Kens every day.  Hang in there!

My old school released a video where each teacher went step by step to let kids know what exactly to expect when school starts on Monday. They are doing 5 days totally in person. I was surprised to see so many new faces. It’s almost an entirely new staff including principal. Guess they all decided not to take the risk. I hope it goes well and I hope you get to keep going in person. I think it’s so important for those kids. Small class sizes rule!

We did videos too instead of an in-person Meet the Teacher Night like we usually do before the first day of school.  I think it was helpful.

Wow, so much turnover!  I'm not surprised though.  I'm just glad they were able to find enough new hires to replace everyone.  There is a teacher shortage, and it's just going to be worse now that teachers are being asked to risk their lives to work.

We actually didn't have anyone leave at my school.  Families had the option to choose full remote instead of blended learning, and so many chose that, they asked for two teachers per grade level to do full remote instruction.  So the ones that are most at-risk or were most worried about going back volunteered for those positions.  They still have to come to school and do their remote teaching from their classrooms, unless they have a doctor's note letting them teach from home, but at least they're not around students.

Corona is on the rise again here and we go into lockdown again from 6pm today, but it's not a nationwide lockdown, just certain problem areas, mine being one of them :(  The rise seems to be since pubs re-opened indoors and schools going back.  Some people are just plain stupid and don't follow the social distancing rules, and that's why we're are back where we were earlier this year.

The lockdown isn't as strict as last time as shops and restaurants are staying open (for now) and we are allowed to go and and about within the county, but not allowed out of the county for anything.

It's annoying as I was really looking forward to a weekend away next weekend, but that's the way it goes, this year isn't the year for planning to do even the smallest of things.  Let's hope this vaccine is ready soon.

Schools are all back full time here, but not universities, I think they will be mostly online.


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