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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: mare on December 16, 2020, 05:07:46 PM ---I have been trying to get back into writing. I actually had word opened for about twenty minutes, hoping I’d find some words in my brain, but nothing happened. Hopefully if I do that everyday, eventually something will happen.

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I'll pop in again to say something with more depth later LOL


--- Quote from: nicksgal on December 16, 2020, 10:28:39 PM ---Also, Julie, remember when you were like "I don't think I could write anything but romance?" Horror is pretty different, haha.

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LOL I don't know if I ever said that because I never thought of myself as a romance writer, really; it was just a subplot in most of my stories.  I've always been all about the drama.  I still write a lot of medical drama, but I have definitely branched out over the years.  The last real romance I wrote was a slash novel, which is another genre I never thought I'd write.

--- Quote from: mare on December 17, 2020, 09:30:04 AM ---Thanks guys!

I have it opened right now. I just am completely uninspired. I don't know what I even feel like writing. A story or my memoir? No idea. We shall see what happens. Of course I'm going to end up streaming the Mandalorian instead. lol

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I give you permission to watch The Mandalorian.  So good!!!  I was openly weeping over the end of the season finale last night.

I haven’t watched that episode yet, but most likely will today. I want a Grogu


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on December 19, 2020, 10:40:02 AM ---LOL I don't know if I ever said that because I never thought of myself as a romance writer, really; it was just a subplot in most of my stories.  I've always been all about the drama.  I still write a lot of medical drama, but I have definitely branched out over the years.  The last real romance I wrote was a slash novel, which is another genre I never thought I'd write.

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You're right, I mispoke! I think any time you talked about it, it was less "I write this" and more "I don't think I could write x." I think drama still lends itself to many other genres though, so you can be dramatic anywhere. ;)

I think it's worth it dabble in lots of different things, you never know what will be interesting!


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