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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: mare on December 23, 2020, 09:11:49 AM ---Just wanted to say I wrote a paragraph on what looks like it might be the start of a story. No idea if my lead is even male or female or what genre it is, although it seems to be leaning more to suspense maybe? So yay me!

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Yay Mare!


--- Quote from: nicksgal on December 23, 2020, 04:47:07 PM ---Let's reflect! Look back on your writing, is there something you wrote that you wish you hadn't? Is there something you never finished, but wished you had? Is there a genre you've always wanted to try?

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Great questions.  I don't really regret writing anything.  I figure even the embarrassingly bad stories I wrote in my early days helped make me into the writer I am today.  Every story was a learning experience, even if they only taught me what NOT to do.  That's why I keep them all online.  I did a series of retrospective blogs for my site's 20th anniversary earlier this year, and it was fun to look back on some of those old stories and see how much better my writing has gotten over the years.

The story I still wish I would finish someday is Guilty Roads.  I started it over ten years ago, then got derailed by the idea for Curtain Call a month later and never quite got back into a groove with it.  I still open it from time to time, usually between projects, but it's been a long time since I've actually written anything for it.  I just keep hoping that one of these times I'll get a rush of inspiration and get going on it again.

I've tried every genre I can think of off the top of my head, but I would love to write more in the suspense/mystery/thriller realm.  I shied away from that type of story for a long time after basically abandoning Guilty Roads, but I finally wrote another suspense novel last year and actually finished it and felt good about it, so that has given me some more confidence to tackle another one in the future with the right idea.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on December 26, 2020, 05:20:58 PM ---I did a series of retrospective blogs for my site's 20th anniversary earlier this year, and it was fun to look back on some of those old stories and see how much better my writing has gotten over the years.

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Woah, twenty years! Crazy! It's weird thinking about how long it's been if most of us started in the late 90's/early 00's. A retrospective sounds like a fun way to celebrate!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on December 26, 2020, 05:20:58 PM ---The story I still wish I would finish someday is Guilty Roads.  I started it over ten years ago, then got derailed by the idea for Curtain Call a month later and never quite got back into a groove with it.  I still open it from time to time, usually between projects, but it's been a long time since I've actually written anything for it.  I just keep hoping that one of these times I'll get a rush of inspiration and get going on it again.

I've tried every genre I can think of off the top of my head, but I would love to write more in the suspense/mystery/thriller realm.  I shied away from that type of story for a long time after basically abandoning Guilty Roads, but I finally wrote another suspense novel last year and actually finished it and felt good about it, so that has given me some more confidence to tackle another one in the future with the right idea.

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I always hated when I was working on something and another idea popped up. I think I abandoned so many personal projects in the way back times because of that, and then got especially distracted by collaborations because the socializing aspect seemed more fun than focusing on writing, haha.

I think like we've all been saying, even opening and trying is worthwhile. So I'll send you some good vibes for Guilty Roads or your next suspense/thriller/mystery project.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on December 23, 2020, 04:47:07 PM ---Here's some new writing questions for this week:

Let's reflect! Look back on your writing, is there something you wrote that you wish you hadn't? Is there something you never finished, but wished you had? Is there a genre you've always wanted to try?

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I'm in the same boat, I don't know that I regret anything. I often looked to writing to work through things that were jumbled up in my head. But when I preemptively rescued some stuff from AC just in case, I read over a few of them and cringed a lot and thought, "Well, glad I didn't finish that story." I think there was only one where I thought, "Would it be worth it to revisit this?"

Things I haven't finished that I wish I had... Definitely some original fiction, but BSB fic-wise... Probably just Gobosei or that Halloween story I started one year. And the whole PBox series, obviously, because here we are. I think I've written in most genres over the years for something except for maybe sci fi? Coming up with new technology seems like a project I don't want to tackle. Since you mentioned it, I'm not very good at mysteries/thrillers, ha. I used to worry about being pigeonholed if I didn't do a lot of different things, but at this point in my life with most things, I'm like "Yup that's me. Do with that what you will!"

Also, not writing related, but the little birthday bar at the bottom is crazy. Hopefully you all enjoyed it reminding you I'm old like a ghost over the years, haha. It's weird being 33 today, it doesn't even feel like a birthday, it just feels like another random Sunday. (Aw, there's a little cake in my profile today. Cute!)

One more not writing related. Hope y'all had happy and healthy holidays!

Happy birthday!  I know, birthdays become less and less exciting each year LOL.  This year has been especially weird.  My birthday was on Easter, but it felt just like another random Sunday too, since my family didn't get together because of the pandemic.  I hope you had a good day, all things considered!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on December 27, 2020, 06:17:53 PM ---I always hated when I was working on something and another idea popped up. I think I abandoned so many personal projects in the way back times because of that, and then got especially distracted by collaborations because the socializing aspect seemed more fun than focusing on writing, haha.

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LOL So true.  I try to limit myself to working on one project at a time these days for exactly that reason, but it's hard when I get one of those rare, lightning-in-a-bottle bursts of inspiration for a different idea.  Hoarding chapters instead of posting them right away helps.  The last few stories I've written, I waited until I was at least ten chapters in and things were going well to start posting anything, and that has worked out well for me.  Usually by that point in the story, I'm committed to it, and even if I take a break from it, I'll come back to it and finish it eventually.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on December 27, 2020, 06:27:00 PM ---I used to worry about being pigeonholed if I didn't do a lot of different things, but at this point in my life with most things, I'm like "Yup that's me. Do with that what you will!"

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Absolutely.  While I think it's great to try different genres, most famous novelists are known for writing certain types of stories.  There's nothing wrong with sticking with what you write best and enjoy writing most.  Embrace it!


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