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--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 05, 2021, 09:42:59 PM ---The last thing I did was go to Miami and it was unreal coming back and then, poof. Covid. What a weird world.  ;D (I'll keep making song puns as long as y'all don't notice, ha)

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Covid is definitely going to make us appreciate things like live music and traveling and even eating inside a restaurant when this is all over.  I saw The Book of Mormon at the end of January at my local theater.  I had already seen it three times in Chicago, but I couldn't not see it again when it was so close.  I'm really glad I got those tickets because that turned out to be the last live show I saw before Covid hit.  I'm also glad I took a vacation to LA in June 2019 to see the Boys' exhibit at the Grammy Museum because I did not get to go anywhere this summer.

It's definitely a weird world... don't you know it? ;)


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 05, 2021, 10:36:02 PM ---While we're on the topic of musicals, they make a lot of musicals about artists and/or based around songs in an artist's catalog (I believe the official term is "jukebox musicals"). I mentioned Summer: the Donna Summer Musical and Escape to Margaritaville, but there's also Mamma Mia, Jersey Boys, Rock of Ages, etcetera.

Do you think the Boys would ever sign off on a biopic musical with their songs? If they did, would you see it? Or, do you think they would ever sign off on a musical with their songs as the plot? If they did, would you see it? Also what would be the plot of that musical?

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I could definitely see the Boys agreeing to something like that down the road, and I would absolutely go see it!  I could see it being semi-autobiographical, something about five young guys who are brought together as a manufactured boyband and, over time, bond as brothers and become a real boy(band).  They could work in some of their real life drama - lawsuits, health problems, substance abuse, relationship drama, etc.  Maybe they should write it themselves.  Howie wrote a musical, Kevin's been in one on Broadway, and Nick's written a screenplay - they could totally write a musical together!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 05, 2021, 10:29:21 PM ---Sometimes I get bogged down in what's realistic or not, and I shoot down my own ideas because "that's not believable" or "that would never happen in real life."  I didn't do that with this story.  I figured, in a story set in 2020, anything can happen, and I went with what I wanted to write, focusing more on making it entertaining than making it believable.
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I figured anything could happen after murder hornets made it over from Japan. I was right. Unless they get abducted by aliens at the end? But also, maybe?

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 05, 2021, 10:29:21 PM ---I feel this way too.  I went through a rough patch in 2015-2016 when I was finishing my master's program and struggling to find the time and energy to write fanfic.  I had a novel in the works that I had started posting in 2014, and I constantly felt guilty about not updating it more often.  I did eventually finish it in 2017, but after that, I struggled to settle in to another writing project.  I posted next to nothing in 2018.  But toward the end of that year, I finally got going on another novel, which I worked on consistently in 2019 until it was done, and that brought back my love of writing fiction.  Not being able to write (first because of school, then because of a lack of focus/inspiration) definitely made me appreciate it more when I was finally able to do it again.  I've been writing pretty consistently ever since and have finished four stories in that time, which is really good for me.
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I think the guilt really compounds it when you're already feeling busy, listless, and stumped. I've worked very hard over the years to either stop letting myself feel guilt for things (e.g., taking a mental health day) or use that guilt as a catalyst for action (e.g, I'm in the wrong, so I should do something about it).

A kudos to you for finishing four stories in 2019-2020, that's like two a year!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 05, 2021, 10:29:21 PM ---Those four stories I've finished in the last two years range in length from 10-50 chapters, nothing like the four 80-200 chapter epics I wrote prior to my little break.

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I was always impressed that you could write 200 chapters of one story and they weren't even really "this is 1,000 words and this is 3,000 words and here's a 500 word chapter." Going over 50 gives me hives. I'd rather write an entire new story unless it needed like ten more chapters to conclude satisfyingly.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 05, 2021, 10:38:38 PM ---Covid is definitely going to make us appreciate things like live music and traveling and even eating inside a restaurant when this is all over.  I saw The Book of Mormon at the end of January at my local theater.  I had already seen it three times in Chicago, but I couldn't not see it again when it was so close.  I'm really glad I got those tickets because that turned out to be the last live show I saw before Covid hit.  I'm also glad I took a vacation to LA in June 2019 to see the Boys' exhibit at the Grammy Museum because I did not get to go anywhere this summer.

It's definitely a weird world... don't you know it? ;)

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Haha. I see you, now I can't do it anymore.

I did not get to LA to see the grammy museum exhibit and I wish I did. I was very busy/poor the summer of 2019 though, what with planning a wedding, getting married, and going on a honeymoon. I saw a concert in February as well and forgot it happened this past year. I had a conversation with the husband that was like, "Oh concerts! I think BSB was the last one!" And he said, "We literally saw Randy Houser four months ago." Time is odd. What will the first restaurant I go to feel like? Will I be able to see the Boys in August? So many questions...


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 05, 2021, 10:42:36 PM ---I could definitely see the Boys agreeing to something like that down the road, and I would absolutely go see it!  I could see it being semi-autobiographical, something about five young guys who are brought together as a manufactured boyband and, over time, bond as brothers and become a real boy(band).  They could work in some of their real life drama - lawsuits, health problems, substance abuse, relationship drama, etc.  Maybe they should write it themselves.  Howie wrote a musical, Kevin's been in one on Broadway, and Nick's written a screenplay - they could totally write a musical together!

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I would love it if they wrote and produced it themselves, even if the cast wasn't them. I hope it would do previews in Florida for the nostalgia (even though the big preview places are LA/Denver/Chicago, I think). I think autobiographic al would be interesting being an "insider," but I wonder how it would play to a wider audience. I feel like Jersey Boys is pretty universally loved.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 05, 2021, 10:42:36 PM ---and become a real boy(band)
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I approve of this subtle joke.


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