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The Writing Thread

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Yep, same with the typos!  I leave out words or double up on words a lot too, and of course spell check doesn't catch that kind of stuff.  Like you said, my brain fills in the right words most of the time because it knows what I meant, especially if it's something I just wrote.  I'm more likely to catch those mistakes when I proofread it multiple times with fresh eyes, weeks or months later.

The text to voice is a good idea.  I've never thought of doing it that way.  Knowing me, I would probably just end up laughing at it and forget to listen for awkward phrasing because it sounds so awkward anyway LOL.

Yeah, the editing took a while, but I only did it with the stories I think are good to begin with, so it was worth it to make them even better.  I didn't waste my time on the really old ones cause they would need a lot more work than fixing typos.

Honestly, just having people here who wanna talk fanfic is motivating to me.  I've missed this!

I found a double "and" today, so I feel you. I also found an instance where I'd written "erratically" and laughed so hard that I had to take a break, because I kept imagining the sentence saying "erotically".

I don't like the pre-loaded ones that word or google docs use for the same reason you mentioned, but I found a site where you can choose different voices/accents and it's not as bad, there's just a time limit per day on some of the "premium voices". It's called Natural Reader.

Even PBox which I adore has been an undertaking to edit! After all this I'm like "Maybe I should find a way to file off the serial numbers and make it original fiction!" But then I'm like, would I like it as much then? Who knows!

I have several years of talking about writing to catch up on, so I will be your motivation muse! This has kept me going for sure. I think for the most part (minus Howie, AJ, and Brian's gifts they received) I chunked out my holiday story over two days because I wanted to post it and have other people enjoy it (of course I did not post it after those two days, hoarding!).

There's a question for everyone this week: What's most motivating for you? How do you keep the motivation going? What do you do when the motivation wanes (any particular rituals)? What does your inspiration station look like? (e.g., desk, location in your home, not your home at all, etcetera)

Reading is usually good motivation for me, whether it's books by published authors, other fanfics, or even my own fanfics.  When I haven't written in awhile or am stuck/unmotivated, I start by rereading some of my story to get back into it.  That usually helps to some extent because it reminds me what I liked about it in the first place and makes me want to continue it.  Reading stuff by other authors is motivating because it makes me want to write better and create the same kind of experience for readers that I have when I'm reading something good.

Of course, comments from readers are also hugely motivating!  I don't write strictly for the feedback, but it feels like a reward for the time I put it into when I'm finally able to post something and it gets a response.  Feedback is our form of payment for creating and posting free entertainment LOL.

I have a whole room in my house dedicated to my hobbies.  I call it my Room of Random Things because it's where I keep my collection of literal weird, random things and most of my pop culture memorabilia, but it's also my writing/BSB sanctuary.  Here's a picture:  I write up there a lot, but I also go through phases where I write in other rooms of my house.  Lately I've been writing in my living room so I can enjoy the Christmas tree and lights, or my bed because it's warm LOL.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on December 30, 2020, 10:55:13 PM ---I have a whole room in my house dedicated to my hobbies.  I call it my Room of Random Things because it's where I keep my collection of literal weird, random things and most of my pop culture memorabilia, but it's also my writing/BSB sanctuary.  Here's a picture:  I write up there a lot, but I also go through phases where I write in other rooms of my house.  Lately I've been writing in my living room so I can enjoy the Christmas tree and lights, or my bed because it's warm LOL.

--- End quote ---

I love that! It looks nice and cozy! I've been trying to write in our living room this week to enjoy our Christmas tree and Bubbles the Holiday Narwhal, but it's really distracting for me with the TV and the kitchen nearby. I have to declutter my desk before I'd feel like I could post a picture of it, haha. Perhaps tomorrow!

Thanks!  Bubbles the Holiday Narwhal! LOL, love it!  My writing room is currently cluttered with storage boxes for my Christmas decor, which is another reason I'm writing downstairs until all that's put away.  I get distracted by the clutter.


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