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The Writing Thread

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It's one of those Target "Wondershop" light up wire lawn ornaments, but it is too precious to go outside. That's under our stairs right now. My husband hates it, he also gets distracted by clutter, whereas I've always been a "Let me find that thing for you, I know exactly which organized pile of junk it's in" type person. It's why I'm fine writing in our office that has piles of things I'm trying to konmari (that "does this make you happy" organization method), but he works from home on our kitchen bar counter.

I love those!  I wanted to get the T-Rex they had a few years ago, but it was sold out.  The narwhal is super cute!

I watched one episode of that Marie Kondo show on Netflix a couple years ago, hoping it would help motivate me to reorganize, but the problem I have with her philosophy is that everything in my house brings me joy, or I wouldn't have bought it LOL.  I do probably have too much stuff, but everything has its place.  When I really need motivation to clean or declutter, I watch Hoarders instead LOL.

I saw they were having a sale on them last year when we were at the airport to fly home and my grandmother got sick right before we left, so I was having kind of a bad day and decided I really needed it. So we landed and I dragged my husband to Target to buy it. I think I may have sobbed in the parking lot if they had been sold out. There was a penguin several years ago that I liked but never bought, and I think of it regretfully some times...

The book explains the whole thing better than the show. I think it works for me because I project so many feelings on to things probably due in part to the whole #growinguppoor thing, so I realized I've hung on to things for the reason that "someone bought this for me, so I have to keep it!" but I never look at them or use them or anything. I'm pretty sure I have every single thing I've ever owned at our house except for maybe pages I pulled out of Tiger Beat and Bop back in ye olden times. It was nice getting rid of old clothing that didn't make me happy anymore, I got rid of several books that made me feel ho-hum even just looking at them on the shelf, and I'm about halfway through paper. I had phone bills from 2005! Why do I need that? I'm dreading getting to "sentimental," but after going through everything else I own, maybe I'll be better at it. Plus I found some old, but great things like the frame Sarah made me when we did Maremas.

I do think it's easier to purge and organize once you get started.  I spent my spring break doing that a couple years ago, one room/closet at a time, and it was really satisfying.  I didn't even intend to do the whole house, but after seeing how happy it made me to organize one closet, I wanted to do another one, and then I just got on a roll.  I definitely need to go through my bookshelves and get rid of some more books because I'm running out of space again.  I hate to get rid of things that I bought with my own money or that were gifts from people I care about, but if I'm never going to read/use something again, and it's just sitting around taking up space and collecting dust, it needs to go.

I find going by room/closet hard because I'll later find that I have the same type of stuff in a different place and I'd rather look at it all at once than have to refocus on "personal toiletries" after I thought I moved on to a guest bathroom or something.

I got rid of a dictionary. That was a proud moment. "I don't need you in 2020, who cares if you were probably very expensive back in the day!" I've been trying very hard to separate my feelings for the thing from my feelings for the person. But the nice thing is if it's joyful, then the philosophy is "keep it without qualms!" so I've put some things I forgot about in more prominent places in our house to enjoy them.


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