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The Writing Thread

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I just finished through your last compilation of them in this thread (thanks for doing that, btw, saved me time!), and we're up to 740!

Wow, so many questions! ???

What will you do now that you compiled them all? haha.

Beginnings are almost always hard for me, and I have probably used just about all of the ways they say NOT to start a novel at one point or another.  What are your thoughts on this list?  Bad Ways to Start a Novel:

That made me laugh. if I ever decide to un-fanficify this whole thing, then they're probably right that I should actually start with chapter two of PBox.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 09, 2021, 10:03:10 PM ---I liked this question a lot:

24. If you could pick two stories you have written as a before and after to show us how much you have grown as a writer, which two would you pick?

But I almost want to change it to a before and after editing question... How does the same story change after you edit? Give us a scene that isn't a spoiler!

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I don't typically save old versions of chapters/stories after editing, and my edits don't usually drastically change a scene anyway.  I edit more for mistakes, word choice, and sometimes adding in more description, body language, and that type of thing.

But I guess on kind of a related note, I came across this post I made in June 2017 in one of the question threads:,3335.msg117928.html#msg117928

"Is anyone else super indecisive when it comes to writing?  I'm usually not, but I just started a new story, and I have been having so much trouble making up my mind about basic things, like a title and events.  I feel like I have a solid premise and some good character development going for me (and I do have set names for the original ones, which is usually something I get hung up on), but everything else I keep changing my mind about.  I wrote two whole chapters of the story, then completely scrapped them and started the whole thing over, and I've made at least five different banners with different titles.  I haven't even attempted to write a summary yet, but I feel like that may be a challenge for me too.  Is this a bad sign that my story may be doomed from the start? LOL"

This was the story that would become A Heart That Isn't Mine, although I didn't have that title yet because the song (Don't Go Breaking My Heart) would not come out for another year.  I have never struggled so much getting started with a story that I would ultimately go on to finish.  I wrote three completely different versions of the first couple chapters.  The first version started at a convention in Atlanta.  The second version started at a concert in New Jersey.  And the third and final version started at a bar in Key West LOL.  Howie was also going to be the second main BSB after Nick in the original version, but I switched it to Brian in the second two versions.  I also did make multiple banners with multiple titles, none of which I loved.  What finally got me into a groove on it was literally Don't Go Breaking My Heart and the lyric "If you're gonna be someone that hurts somebody just for fun, then do it to a heart that isn't mine."  Once I changed the title, I was good.  It sounds so stupid, but I really can't write a story until I've decided on a title LOL.  I am proud of myself for persevering and coming back to this idea because it turned out to be one I really liked.

Anyone else have a story they've struggled with and ultimately finished?  Or maybe one that's still a struggle?  What is it that tends to gives you the most trouble?


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 09, 2021, 11:21:06 PM ---Wow, so many questions! ???

What will you do now that you compiled them all? haha.

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Um, I need to go eat dinner (you know, at 11:30 p.m. LOL) and stop staring at this screen for a while.  But I'm sure I'll be back at some point.


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