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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 10, 2021, 07:30:28 PM ---Ooh, here's another music question for everyone because I'm jamming out to "Great Divide" right now. I forgot how many PBox vibes it used to give me. Do songs ever remind you of your stories?

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Definitely.  I have to admit, when Nick started singing "Open Arms" on the Masked Singer finale, I cried and thought how much Claire would have loved that because that was "their" song in Broken and BMS.  That made my little fanfic-loving heart so happy.

"Not the Other Guy" and "I'm Taking Off" make me think of Curtain Call because I was writing that story when that album came out and included those songs in the story.  "Cherry Pie" and "Man on the Moon" also make me think of Curtain Call, even though I completed that story long before All American came out, just because they reminded me of my female lead, Cary, and how much she would have loved them.  I actually ended up writing a little companion one-shot about that.

"Halfway There" from the Nick & Knight album makes me think of Sick as My Secrets, which makes me laugh because in that story, I had Nick write it for Howie.

"Quit Playing Games" and "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" make me think of A Heart That Isn't Mine.  There's a conversation between the characters in that story about all the songs by the Boys that have "heart" in the title, cause there's a lot of them, so I had a little playlist going of all those songs while I was writing that story.

And of course any song about zombies, but especially "Thriller" makes me think of Song for the Undead, as does "Song for the Unloved."

Likewise, any song we used in 00Carter makes me think of that.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 10, 2021, 07:45:22 PM ---Definitely.  I have to admit, when Nick started singing "Open Arms" on the Masked Singer finale, I cried and thought how much Claire would have loved that because that was "their" song in Broken and BMS.  That made my little fanfic-loving heart so happy.
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Aww! I loved all of them, but that one touched my heart.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 10, 2021, 07:45:22 PM ---"Quit Playing Games" and "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" make me think of A Heart That Isn't Mine.  There's a conversation between the characters in that story about all the songs by the Boys that have "heart" in the title, cause there's a lot of them, so I had a little playlist going of all those songs while I was writing that story.
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They have so many. I'd venture at least a quarter of the catalogue.

You also seem to like including music as an integral part of your writing. Do you think that comes from it being BSB fanfic and our "shared cannon" or is it more about the feeling of music compared to writing?

Also, off topic, but I'd forgotten how much this album bops. I realized from the timing of its release that I'd only had it on itunes and never bought a physical copy, so I definitely paid a bajillion dollars for it last month to rectify that.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 10, 2021, 07:51:17 PM ---You also seem to like including music as an integral part of your writing. Do you think that comes from it being BSB fanfic and our "shared cannon" or is it more about the feeling of music compared to writing?

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When it comes to listening to music while I'm writing, I think that is just something I do because it helps me focus and get into the right mood.  I don't usually listen to BSB music while I write.

When it comes to including music in my stories, I do think that is just the nature of writing fanfic about musicians.  I write a lot of scenes involving music - concerts, rehearsals, recording/songwriting sessions, etc.  My romances seem more likely to have special songs tied to them, but a lot of those came from the same type of music career-related scenes I just listed.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 10, 2021, 07:58:09 PM ---When it comes to including music in my stories, I do think that is just the nature of writing fanfic about musicians.  I write a lot of scenes involving music - concerts, rehearsals, recording/songwriting sessions, etc.  My romances seem more likely to have special songs tied to them, but a lot of those came from the same type of music career-related scenes I just listed.

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I just like the emotive feeling of music. I often include songs arced throughout a story as characters grow and change. Sometimes they inspire different feelings in the story.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 10, 2021, 07:32:37 PM ---Here's some questions from the first question archive post that I thought were funny, relevant, or worth revisiting.  Answer any or all!
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I wanted to get to a certain point in my editing so I could tackle this. You guys are a great distraction from NSYNC focused chapters, but I really am trying to stay motivated and focused for 00Carter.

18. Remember when people would write dialogue in Ebonics because that is how Nick was speaking most of the time?

OMG, Nick and Justin Timberlake wanted to be so Black in the early 2000's! Does everyone think it was an age thing or an early 00's thing? Do guys in their early twenties still do this? As a language buff, I can't hate on Ebonics too much, because it actually has really interesting linguistic patterns, but reading it over and over in stories was so grating, even if it was mimicking Nick well.

20. Do you think there is any subject matter that should be off limits when it comes to writing a story? Is there anything you would never write about?

No. The written word is a reflection of the world around us, so it's important to cover a range of topics and situations.

32. Is there a storyline that you want to see covered that no one has really touched on?

I'm out of the loop. Let me catch back up and I'll let you know. For now, I will say more storylines. Let's get a little more life back into this section of the fandom again. :)

86. How far do you take your hatred of someone when it comes to fan fiction? (ie: Leighanne or even a BSB fan).

Far enough to avoid including them in my writing. What is it Mare always says? BSB fanfic should focus on the Boys? haha

92. Now I'm curious about the most random thing ever. What font do you guys write in? LOL

Calibri. I think I started writing in it on accident, because it definitely used to be Time's New Roman. I like that it's kind of bubbly without taking away from the readability.

128. Have you ever considered writing a story or a sequel to one of your existing stories and then decided against it and were later glad you decided not to write it?  Share the most ridiculous idea you came up with, but never wrote!

No, the exact opposite. Okay, so I know I've come up with a lot of ridiculous stories over time... But I cannot remember any of them right now. Like the other day, I quoted myself saying that I'd had a story that was the same idea as PBox, but not as good and I cannot remember that other story at all. I think my years of party girl drinking have caught up to me and, like the Boys, I have a hard time remembering things in specifics. I'm actually surprised I remembered that "Nick made up the Backstreet Boys and is actually being treated for mental health issues" story last month, for instance.

130. Give us a random fact about something you've written that we might find surprising. How random? I've been dying to answer this question and no one's bitten. Would this count as a random fact:

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 06, 2021, 11:50:34 PM ---I was serious when I said ask me anything and you'll get answers. Been waiting to talk about mundane things like why Nick doesn't wear shoes and everyone else does.
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162. What is the biggest motivator for you to write?  And on the other end of things what is the thing that makes your motivation go bye bye?

I think it's always been the same thing, but I've learned over the years to let it be my focus on not agonizing or other things like I did in the past. I really think it's leaning into whatever the characters are doing. If I'm excited about the direction they seem to be taking a story, I will write and write and write until my fingers bleed. If we seem to have different ideas or I had a plan that doesn't seem to be going well, I shut down. Also life. If life is busy, I'm not writing.

185. What are some of the stories you've written because they were something you would want to read?

I think every story I've stuck with is a story I wanted to read. I actually reread my own stories a lot, especially when I'm wanting to get back into the groove of them. I find rereading really helpful to reconnect with a work. If I started writing something because I thought other people would enjoy it, I've never finished it. *eyes every 2-3 chapter Nick romance story ever on my account*

186. Have you ever actually gone back and read those stories, and if so, do you think you enjoyed them as much as you would have if you hadn't been the one who wrote them?

Yes, I often reread. I think the only thing that makes them slightly less enjoyable is that you know what's coming. Even if it's been a long time, I eventually start remembering details in them. There's not really twists for the author, so it's never surprising. But, I also think it's the same as rereading a favorite book. You know what's coming, but as you age and mature, you get different things out of a story. I reread Les Mis and Gatsby about every five years and still love both of them, even though I'm not surprised by anything.

187. Are there any stories you've written that you don't think you would read if someone else had written them?

The ones I never finished? I say that now, but if someone else had written them back when I was thinking of writing them, I probably would have read them then.


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