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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 10, 2021, 08:37:20 PM ---OMG, Nick and Justin Timberlake wanted to be so Black in the early 2000's! Does everyone think it was an age thing or an early 00's thing? Do guys in their early twenties still do this? As a language buff, I can't hate on Ebonics too much, because it actually has really interesting linguistic patterns, but reading it over and over in stories was so grating, even if it was mimicking Nick well.

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LOL I don't know!  Justin Bieber talks this way or used to (don't pay much attention to him), but I don't think all guys that age do.  It was weird that both Nick and Justin did when none of the other guys in BSB or NSYNC really did either.  Whatever the reason, I'm glad Nick no longer talks that way.  In general, he has gotten much more eloquent over the years, in terms of both speaking and writing.  His tweets don't make me cringe because of grammatical errors as much anymore.  Autocorrect probably helps with that, but it also seems like he has made an effort to read more and educate himself.  I love how he values education when it comes to his kids.  His Instagram post this weekend with Odin reading was so adorable.  I love how he reads to them regularly.  Stuff like that really makes me appreciate how far he's come.  I wish I could go back to 2003-2004 and tell myself, "Don't worry... this too shall past.  Nick will turn out okay.  He will marry a lovely woman who is not Paris Hilton, start a family that is not at all dysfunctional, and become a great dad."

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 10, 2021, 08:37:20 PM ---I've been dying to answer this question and no one's bitten. Would this count as a random fact:

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So tell us, why DOES everyone wear shoes except Nick??


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 10, 2021, 09:32:54 PM ---LOL I don't know!  Justin Bieber talks this way or used to (don't pay much attention to him), but I don't think all guys that age do.  It was weird that both Nick and Justin did when none of the other guys in BSB or NSYNC really did either.  Whatever the reason, I'm glad Nick no longer talks that way.  In general, he has gotten much more eloquent over the years, in terms of both speaking and writing.  His tweets don't make me cringe because of grammatical errors as much anymore.  Autocorrect probably helps with that, but it also seems like he has made an effort to read more and educate himself.  I love how he values education when it comes to his kids.  His Instagram post this weekend with Odin reading was so adorable.  I love how he reads to them regularly.  Stuff like that really makes me appreciate how far he's come.  I wish I could go back to 2003-2004 and tell myself, "Don't worry... this too shall past.  Nick will turn out okay.  He will marry a lovely woman who is not Paris Hilton, start a family that is not at all dysfunctional, and become a great dad."
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Justin Bieber did do it too (Does? I also don't keep up with him.), so maybe it's just male white celebrities in their early twenties who are experimenting with living the stereotypical thug life that is far removed from their reality.

Even though my dream was to marry him, I just always wanted him to be happy most of all. So I am pleased with all those things you would tell yourself in 2003-2004 and with all the efforts he's made to better himself over the years. I am also extremely pleased that he is reading with his kids regularly. Parents ask me constantly how to get their kids to appreciate books, speak in longer sentences, etcetera. And I'm always like, "Well do you read to them and talk about what you're reading? Because the more you read and talk with your kids, the better all those things will get, in addition to a plethora of social emotional and cognitive things."

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 10, 2021, 09:32:54 PM ---So tell us, why DOES everyone wear shoes except Nick??
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Finally! (haha) Any character in PBox et al. who does not wear shoes is meant as shorthand for barefoot poverty in their world. For Nick in particular, it's a mix of that, "they don't sell shoes in Hell," too old to change, and stubborn af. He's in the corner muttering "I see your weird foot coverings, but also I have feet that work just fine," basically.

Celebrate with me! I finished the NSYNC arc! Now back to Nick, Brian, and Minako. Hopefully pesky Brian stays in his corner while he's possessed.

20. Do you think there is any subject matter that should be off limits when it comes to writing a story? Is there anything you would never write about?

I had to look up my original answer on this one:

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 07, 2012, 06:00:02 PM ---I don't think anything should be off limits; writing is all about creativity and freedom of expression.  That said, I guess there are things I choose not to write about.  I don't kill off Backstreet kids, for example - Baylee, Mason, James, and AJ's spawn are off limits.  I don't do slash.  I guess that's about it LOL.  And the things I said I don't do, I probably will do someday just because I vowed I wouldn't; that's how I roll LOL.

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I still haven't crossed the killing real BSB kids line, but slash is now off my short list of things I "don't do."  Otherwise, my answer is the same now as it was then.  And the last two lines are very true LOL.

86. How far do you take your hatred of someone when it comes to fan fiction? (ie: Leighanne or even a BSB fan).

This one just made me laugh after Dee resurrected that post about Leighanne.  I don't hate anyone currently associated with the Boys, including Leighanne (hate is a strong word), but I have definitely based characters on people I don't like.  That's a writer's best form of revenge.  I also mocked Paris Hilton (and killed her off in that freak carnival accident) and wrote a Return of the Jedi parody with Melissa Schuman in the role of Jabba the Hutt.

92. Now I'm curious about the most random thing ever. What font do you guys write in? LOL

Georgia, size 12.  I've used Georgia for years and carried it over to Google Docs when I switched from Word.  I just like the way it looks - nothing fancy, easy to read, but prettier than Times New Roman, in my opinion.

128. Have you ever considered writing a story or a sequel to one of your existing stories and then decided against it and were later glad you decided not to write it?  Share the most ridiculous idea you came up with, but never wrote!

I went looking for my original answer to this one, but couldn't find it.  I posed this question, but I don't think I ever answered it.  The first thing that came to mind was my ill-fated BMS sequel I mentioned last week, which may have been what inspired this question.  I also had a fantasy idea a long time ago that was basically Nick and the boys getting trapped inside one of his video games and going on some kind of quest.  I'm not 100% sure, but I think that was also the one that turned out to be a coma dream in the end LOL.  It never got to outline stage; it was just a one-line idea written down in a document.

130. Give us a random fact about something you've written that we might find surprising.

I like putting inside jokes into stories.  There are a ton in Broken, so many that when I reread it last year, I was like, "Okay, I know this is a joke, but I don't remember the details of it anymore."  Sad.  But one of my favorite  random ones that makes me laugh any time I come across it is the doctor character in Curtain Call called "Dr. Schnabeltier."  "Schnabeltier" means "platypus" in German... so his name is "Dr. Platypus" LMAO.  This was right after Platypussy Galore was planned for 00Carter, so I was in a platypus phase.  It really is the most random animal.

162. What is the biggest motivator for you to write?  And on the other end of things what is the thing that makes your motivation go bye bye?

Writing makes me happy.  I always feel better after I've had a productive writing day or written a scene I'm proud of.  So my biggest motivation is probably the mood boost I get from doing it.  The biggest obstacle to writing is a lack of time and/or energy - being too busy or too tired to do it.  

185. What are some of the stories you've written because they were something you would want to read?

All of my medical dramas and suspense stories

186. Have you ever actually gone back and read those stories, and if so, do you think you enjoyed them as much as you would have if you hadn't been the one who wrote them?

I have gone back and read them, and I've enjoyed everything from Broken on.  I think, as a reader, I would have gotten bored with Broken before the big cancer reveal, similar to how it took me two tries to get into the first Swollen Issues story when it seemed like more of a comedy than a medical drama.  Once I got to the cancer diagnosis, I would be in.

Like Dee said, the only downside to reading your own stories is that you already know what's coming, so there's no real surprises or genuine reaction to a twist.  Even the old ones that I don't remember all the details to, I do start to remember more the further I read, so nothing is truly surprising.

187. Are there any stories you've written that you don't think you would read if someone else had written them?

I wouldn't have even clicked on 00Carter because I don't like James Bond movies, and I'm not a huge fan of AU.  I may have read Song for the Undead, but I'm not totally sure because of the AU thing again.  Secrets of the Heart may have had better luck because of the giant human heart on the banner - that would have caught my attention.  Sick as My Secrets I wouldn't have read because it was slash, although I may have if I knew the actual premise of it.  I probably wouldn't have read my pandaskunk stories either because they look so stupid.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 10, 2021, 09:45:40 PM ---Finally! (haha) Any character in PBox et al. who does not wear shoes is meant as shorthand for barefoot poverty in their world. For Nick in particular, it's a mix of that, "they don't sell shoes in Hell," too old to change, and stubborn af. He's in the corner muttering "I see your weird foot coverings, but also I have feet that work just fine," basically.

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Interesting!  I like those behind-the-scenes facts about characters that are never explained in the actual story, but left to interpretation .


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