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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 10, 2021, 10:11:02 PM ---Celebrate with me! I finished the NSYNC arc! Now back to Nick, Brian, and Minako. Hopefully pesky Brian stays in his corner while he's possessed.

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Yay!!  Congratulation s!  Stay in your corner, Brian!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 10, 2021, 10:16:58 PM ---20. Do you think there is any subject matter that should be off limits when it comes to writing a story? Is there anything you would never write about?
I still haven't crossed the killing real BSB kids line, but slash is now off my short list of things I "don't do."  Otherwise, my answer is the same now as it was then.  And the last two lines are very true LOL.
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I took that as a writing in general question, not a BSB fanfic question. I would also not have their children get killed, because I don't like to include their wives and families in my stories! So this is a non-issue.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 10, 2021, 10:16:58 PM ---86. How far do you take your hatred of someone when it comes to fan fiction? (ie: Leighanne or even a BSB fan).

This one just made me laugh after Dee resurrected that post about Leighanne.
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I want some of the people in that thread to respond to it now, like Sarah.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 10, 2021, 10:16:58 PM ---128. Have you ever considered writing a story or a sequel to one of your existing stories and then decided against it and were later glad you decided not to write it?  Share the most ridiculous idea you came up with, but never wrote!

The first thing that came to mind was my ill-fated BMS sequel I mentioned last week, which may have been what inspired this question.  I also had a fantasy idea a long time ago that was basically Nick and the boys getting trapped inside one of his video games and going on some kind of quest.  I'm not 100% sure, but I think that was also the one that turned out to be a coma dream in the end LOL.  It never got to outline stage; it was just a one-line idea written down in a document.
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You keep bringing up that ill-fated sequel in old questions. Do you perhaps still want to write it deep down?

I would read that video game story, probably. But oh no, the quest ends when you get unplugged! And they break the fourth wall!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 10, 2021, 10:16:58 PM ---130. Give us a random fact about something you've written that we might find surprising.

But one of my favorite  random ones that makes me laugh any time I come across it is the doctor character in Curtain Call called "Dr. Schnabeltier."  "Schnabeltier" means "platypus" in German... so his name is "Dr. Platypus" LMAO.  This was right after Platypussy Galore was planned for 00Carter, so I was in a platypus phase.  It really is the most random animal.
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Did you know that they're phosphorescent like diamonds?! Platypus(es?) are the best!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 10, 2021, 10:16:58 PM ---186. Have you ever actually gone back and read those stories, and if so, do you think you enjoyed them as much as you would have if you hadn't been the one who wrote them?

I have gone back and read them, and I've enjoyed everything from Broken on.  I think, as a reader, I would have gotten bored with Broken before the big cancer reveal, similar to how it took me two tries to get into the first Swollen Issues story when it seemed like more of a comedy than a medical drama.  Once I got to the cancer diagnosis, I would be in.

Like Dee said, the only downside to reading your own stories is that you already know what's coming, so there's no real surprises or genuine reaction to a twist.  Even the old ones that I don't remember all the details to, I do start to remember more the further I read, so nothing is truly surprising.
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That being said, I still laugh at things that were supposed to be funny and tear up a little at things that were supposed to be sad. It's just those twist moments that aren't surprising. And sometimes I'll skim if I want to get to a great part that I know is coming. (*cough* totally skim through all the NSYNC chapters *cough*)

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 10, 2021, 10:16:58 PM ---similar to how it took me two tries to get into the first Swollen Issues story when it seemed like more of a comedy than a medical drama.
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Related question, how long do you give a story before you go "nope"? Is the amount similar for fanfics and published works?


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 10, 2021, 10:21:08 PM ---Interesting!  I like those behind-the-scenes facts about characters that are never explained in the actual story, but left to interpretation .

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Ah, me too! If only fantasy interested you at all, because I just want to share, haha. I don't know if it's a writing thing or a world building thing, but I love extra little tidbits from authors as long as they don't totally contradict something written in the story. Maybe some of my author talk ideas would make good questions for this thread.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 10, 2021, 10:21:43 PM ---Yay!!  Congratulation s!  Stay in your corner, Brian!

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9 chapters left to edit! Then I can pick up a second project! Hooray! Be ready, Rose! Are you about a week or two out from finishing Bethlehem, Julie?


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 10, 2021, 10:30:08 PM ---You keep bringing up that ill-fated sequel in old questions. Do you perhaps still want to write it deep down?

I would read that video game story, probably. But oh no, the quest ends when you get unplugged! And they break the fourth wall!

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No, not at all.  That ship has sailed.  It was just on my mind because I talked about it the other day.  I do have a series of Nick & Claire one-shots called Footprints that I could add to if I ever felt a strong urge to write about them again, but I haven't written anything for that in a long time.

LOL Unplugged as taken off life support?  Oh noes!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 10, 2021, 10:30:08 PM ---Did you know that they're phosphorescent like diamonds?! Platypus(es?) are the best! fanfics and published works?

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No!  I just googled that, and you're right!  They really are the best.  It's on my bucket list to see a live platypus in person.  I once read that Australia refused to export them to zoos on other continents because they don't do as well in captivity, but then I just looked it up again now and found an article about a pair being on display at the San Diego Zoo in 2019!  I wonder if they'll still be there post-pandemic.  I wanna go!


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 10, 2021, 10:35:48 PM ---Are you about a week or two out from finishing Bethlehem, Julie?

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Depending on how fast I write, yes!  I'm like halfway through the second-to-last chapter.  Hopefully I'll finish that in the next week and just have one more to write, which I think will go quickly.


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