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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 10, 2021, 10:42:49 PM ---No, not at all.  That ship has sailed.  It was just on my mind because I talked about it the other day.  I do have a series of Nick & Claire one-shots called Footprints that I could add to if I ever felt a strong urge to write about them again, but I haven't written anything for that in a long time.

LOL Unplugged as taken off life support?  Oh noes!
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I stop dredging up failed stories from your past, haha. You also have one shots? That was an epic! No wonder you only write shorter stories now.

That's exactly what I meant! Oh noes, the medical drama! I volunteer as a consultant for your video game world building.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 10, 2021, 10:42:49 PM ---No!  I just googled that, and you're right!  They really are the best.  It's on my bucket list to see a live platypus in person.  I once read that Australia refused to export them to zoos on other continents because they don't do as well in captivity, but then I just looked it up again now and found an article about a pair being on display at the San Diego Zoo in 2019!  I wonder if they'll still be there post-pandemic.  I wanna go!

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I would love to see a platypus and an echidna. They are fascinating. I'd go to Australia for that, but I also love the San Diego Zoo! If they're still there, I hope they're doing okay if they don't do well in captivity.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 10, 2021, 10:44:17 PM ---Depending on how fast I write, yes!  I'm like halfway through the second-to-last chapter.  Hopefully I'll finish that in the next week and just have one more to write, which I think will go quickly.

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How did we get on the same schedule? haha It's like the stars aligned. Take your time, though, obviously.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 10, 2021, 10:56:27 PM ---How did we get on the same schedule? haha It's like the stars aligned. Take your time, though, obviously.

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I know!  It's kinda perfect.  I told myself I need to be done in the next month anyway, or I'll catch up to myself and not have anything to post LOL.  Plus I just remembered I have a three-day weekend coming up for MLK Day, so it should be a productive one.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 10, 2021, 11:05:22 PM ---I know!  It's kinda perfect.  I told myself I need to be done in the next month anyway, or I'll catch up to myself and not have anything to post LOL.  Plus I just remembered I have a three-day weekend coming up for MLK Day, so it should be a productive one.

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That's the same thing I keep telling myself too, be productive over MLK weekend.

I take it you have enough chapters to get yourself through January right now? You're pretty close to the end!

Oh no, I forgot how much I head hopped in this chapter... I probably still head hop between Minako and Nick between scenes and haven't even noticed, don't I? Darn me for considering them co-protagonists in this one... Oof, this one will be fun to edit and put back into more Brian's POV like the other demon-focused chapters are... This is one I got told was confusing and that would probably solve the problem.

Apparently this is a question thread and also a "Dee complains about things to anyone who might listen" thread...

I think that was one of the questions? 1st or 3rd POV?


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 10, 2021, 11:10:39 PM ---That's the same thing I keep telling myself too, be productive over MLK weekend.

I take it you have enough chapters to get yourself through January right now? You're pretty close to the end!

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Yep!  I posted 16 this past weekend, and I'm working on 20, which should be the second to last chapter.  So I'm good through at least the 30th and hoping to be done by then.


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