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The Writing Thread

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134. Is there any question you'd like to ask any of the authors who usually participate in this thread?

Since I already managed to get my burning question for Julie into a natural conversation, I think my question is for Tracy!

Tell me about your fanfic journey. I feel like I remember you writing a lot of Nick/female OC and now you do a lot of Nick/Brian. Tell me about your fanfic life, basically.

140. What has been your favorite memory of writing?

And this one's easy: all y'all. That's why I eventually made my way back. If I had to be specific... Late night 00Carter planning, probably? The best of both writing and being here.

Ugh, just found a "Brian nodded his head." As opposed to what? His knee? His shoulder to shake off his unhelpful guardian angel Nick?

Who has a tendency to overwrite and who has a tendency to underwrite? Do you do one for certain things, but not others?

We already discussed one tiny aspect of this with the Boys' eyebrows.

I should have just made a thread titled "Dee reacts along with her editing and calls herself out on terrible things she did in the past, come be critical of your growth as well!"


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 11, 2021, 08:41:53 PM ---Ugh, just found a "Brian nodded his head." As opposed to what? His knee? His shoulder to shake off his unhelpful guardian angel Nick?

Who has a tendency to overwrite and who has a tendency to underwrite? Do you do one for certain things, but not others?

We already discussed one tiny aspect of this with the Boys' eyebrows.

I should have just made a thread titled "Dee reacts along with her editing and calls herself out on terrible things she did in the past, come be critical of your growth as well!"

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LOL I write redundantly like that too and probably don't even realize it half the time.  If I went back and reread my stories just with that in mind, it would probably make me cringe.  When I was first starting out, I underwrote.  Then as I got better at showing, not telling, I started overwriting to compensate.  I think I have a better balance between the two now, but I still tend to overwrite more than underwrite.

We could start a thread for posting all the cringe-worthy stuff we find in our older stories or unedited first drafts.  I found this gem from one of my first stories:

She smiled again. "I love you so much, Brian."
"I love you even more," he replied, lovingly.

Good thing that adverb is there to help convey his feelings LMAO.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 11, 2021, 08:27:57 PM ---140. What has been your favorite memory of writing?

And this one's easy: all y'all. That's why I eventually made my way back. If I had to be specific... Late night 00Carter planning, probably? The best of both writing and being here.

--- End quote ---

I totally agree.  Like I said before, writing is a lonely hobby - perfect for an introvert like me, but even I would say my favorite memories are the ones that involve other people.  Whether it's a piece of feedback that made me feel good or a fun late-night collab planning session or just talking about writing on here, it's nice to be able to share ideas with other people who understand me.

As for more specific memories, the early days of 00Carter definitely come to mind.  I also have fond memories of what Rose and I call "The Summer of Sadness," which was 2010.  It wasn't actually a sad summer at all.  The This Is Us tour was in full swing, and the forum was active, and most of the regulars were still writing regularly and reading each other's stuff.  But we all started writing these depressing stories that involved poor Nick being tortured in one way or another around the same time.  Not a fun summer for Fic Nick LOL.

I found my original answer to that question about favorite memories:

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on July 31, 2012, 11:43:12 PM ---Okay, favorite writing or writing-related memories.  I definitely can't narrow them down to one, so here are the top three that came to mind:

*Finishing "By My Side"
Finishing ANY story feels good, but finishing BMS was especially amazing because I had been plugging away at it for almost four years, and if you include Broken in that, five years.  The two stories together were over a million words and almost 2000 pages long, so it felt like a huge accomplishment to type the final "The End."  And then I was just like, "Okay, now what?" LOL

*The Felix Awards
AC's fanfic awards are so much better than any of the old-school awards I was ever involved with.  My favorite part is when we all gather together on the forum for the award ceremony to see the winners announced.  Julilly, Mare, and Chaos put so much effort into making it fun, creative, and interactive, so it really feels like another Oscar/Emmy/Grammy night!  The year some of us actually put on gowns and took pictures of our reactions was fun.  And of course it's fun to be nominated and to win some awards, but the whole spectacle of it is as much fun as actually being recognized.

*00Carter chats
I've done a lot of collaborations, including two big collabs, but nothing has been more fun than 00Carter.  From the original thread on here that spawned the idea to our many late-night chats planning episodes on Yahoo Messenger, I've never laughed as much as I do when chatting and planning with Rose, Lore, and the rest of our crew who don't post here anymore.  And the writing is as much fun as the planning!

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Of course I said 00Carter then too.  I almost forgot how much fun the Felix Awards ceremonies were.


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