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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 11, 2021, 10:29:38 PM ---I would love for the Felix Awards to happen again, but the site has died so much since the last one, I feel like it would just be a few of us doing the nominating and voting.  

LOL That would be nice for Nick, to be able to kick back and barely contribute to the storyline.  We need to find someone who hates him the way Julilly hates Kevin to write that story.

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I nominate myself for the longest hiatus and most glorious comeback. ;) It's one of those honorary awards.

Poor Nick, I think even the people who hate him as much as Julilly hates Kevin still make him do important things in their stories.

Oh wait! I have the perfect solution. Nick and Howie Freaky Friday each other, but then Nick disappears for the whole story, so Howie can't switch back. haha.

 Wow. Lol well it's been a real ride since I started writing like when I was 13/14. I started in high school before I knew what fanfiction was. My Nick and Amanda series was the first one I really wrote and it's evolved so much since I began it. I finally finished that like in 2019 I believe? I'm not sure. I wrote a lot of different things. I've pretty much tried just about every genre in one way or another except for fantasy. I've written a lot of AU stuff so I would say that's probably my favorite one to play with. I also like to write in third person a lot although I've done some first person POV as well. So it's a toss up what I'm going to work on because like I said, I've tried nearly everything lol.

Nick and Amanda is 5 stories long and my baby so it felt really good to finish, and I started to write slash in 2017/2018. I do Nick and Brian usually but I've also written some Nick and Kevin.

My first story I ever wrote is still on AC, it's called Incomplete and it's very cringe lol its one of those Nick being in a coma stories but with a twist. I still keep it up cause sometimes it's fun to go back and look at it and see how I've grown as a writer. I've definitely grown! I reread a lot of my own work as a comparison and to inspire myself to get even better.

I wanna say my favorite story I've ever written was Finding Carter. It was my first first person POV story, first story that I did a lot of research for, and the first one I had kind of an outline for. I usually do not outline anything. I know most of the time how I want to end something when I begin writing but then again, sometimes I also just wing it.

Sorry for the long response LOL

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 11, 2021, 08:27:57 PM ---134. Is there any question you'd like to ask any of the authors who usually participate in this thread?

Since I already managed to get my burning question for Julie into a natural conversation, I think my question is for Tracy!

Tell me about your fanfic journey. I feel like I remember you writing a lot of Nick/female OC and now you do a lot of Nick/Brian. Tell me about your fanfic life, basically.

140. What has been your favorite memory of writing?

And this one's easy: all y'all. That's why I eventually made my way back. If I had to be specific... Late night 00Carter planning, probably? The best of both writing and being here.

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 11, 2021, 10:37:34 PM ---I was 11, but I think you're a couple years older than I am if memory serves me right. It was probably all around that same 99/00 time frame though.

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Yep!  I started in 99/00 too.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 11, 2021, 10:41:30 PM ---Oh wait! I have the perfect solution. Nick and Howie Freaky Friday each other, but then Nick disappears for the whole story, so Howie can't switch back. haha.

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Haha, love this idea!  Add it to the list of joke ideas.


--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on January 12, 2021, 12:06:50 PM ---I've pretty much tried just about every genre in one way or another except for fantasy. I've written a lot of AU stuff so I would say that's probably my favorite one to play with. I also like to write in third person a lot although I've done some first person POV as well. So it's a toss up what I'm going to work on because like I said, I've tried nearly everything lol.

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This is one reason I respect you as a writer, Tracy.  You really have written just about everything!

--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on January 12, 2021, 12:06:50 PM ---My first story I ever wrote is still on AC, it's called Incomplete and it's very cringe lol its one of those Nick being in a coma stories but with a twist. I still keep it up cause sometimes it's fun to go back and look at it and see how I've grown as a writer. I've definitely grown! I reread a lot of my own work as a comparison and to inspire myself to get even better.

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How did I miss this one back in the day?!  I just went to look it up because I have no memory of it, and I was definitely around when you posted it.  You know I'm a sucker for coma stories.  I just sped-read it and was quite entertained!  My favorite part was the description of Brian in the leopard print thong, humping the stage... LMAO!!

I loved how old-school it was.  It had all the great BSB fanfic cliches, from using nouns like "the rebel" and "the Latino" instead of the Boys' names, to crazy Jane Carter storming in to demand they pull the plug, to the Boys singing Nick out of his coma.  I literally clapped and burst out laughing when I got to that part.  Every coma story needs a heartfelt bedside serenade!

In all seriousness, it was cliched, but really not bad at all for your first story!  I liked the premise of it.

Lol thank you... I know a lot of people didn't start reading my stuff until I posted Figured You Out but yes Incomplete was riddled with cliches  :D

Thanks for the other comment about respecting me as a writer, that really means a lot cause for the longest time I looked up to you girls, especially you, Rose and Mare who is my favorite fanfiction author. I really have tried everything and I think that's what makes my stories so interesting. I don't feel pigeonholed when it comes to genres.

So that's a question that I have. Does anyone feel like they're "known" for writing a certain genre and have you stepped out of your comfort zone? How was that for you?

Writing slash is definitely out of my comfort zone but I have come to really enjoy it.


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