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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on January 12, 2021, 06:23:09 PM ---So that's a question that I have. Does anyone feel like they're "known" for writing a certain genre and have you stepped out of your comfort zone? How was that for you?
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Probably back in the day, I would say it was fantasy or AUs. Most of the stories I enjoyed that I wrote were pretty heavily AU. I've been gone so long that I don't even know that anyone would think of me when they thought BSB stories in the fantasy genre, let alone if I'm anyone other people think of ever, haha. And it's actually... oddly freeing to just write something because I'm enjoying it. Don't get me wrong, I wish when I came back AC was more like it was then, but it was more for the people here and the overall bustle of the site than any dreams of popular fanfic author glory.

It wasn't all BSB fanfic, but I think I've written just about every genre at this point (not straight sci-fi, I'm more team magi-tech) and it honestly just made me say "Yeah, I like fantasy." I like researching and planning and creating epic characters who can bring an epic world to life. So I guess I will forever live my life being exhausted from writing epics, basically.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 12, 2021, 09:10:25 PM ---Nick dreams weird things in a coma. But I love it! Except I'm holding a vigil for Kevin's eyebrows.

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I was trying to imagine what Kevin would look like without eyebrows.  I was going to suggest someone photoshop that, but then decided to see if anyone already had, and Google delivered:



--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 12, 2021, 08:01:28 PM ---What's everyone's fanfic guilty pleasure?  In other words, what kind of story will you always click on, even if you've read a dozen other stories like it?
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The Boys bonding circa 1997-2000. True Companions/Band of Brother/Family of Choice forever! Especially when it's nostalgic. So many warm fuzzies.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 12, 2021, 08:32:35 PM ---Another question I thought of while watching The Resident:  Has the pandemic affected the plots of your current or future stories at all?  If it hasn't, do you see yourself writing something that takes place in this time period, or would you prefer to stick to the past or an unspecified time period for future projects?

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On a whole, I'd rather forget 2020 ever happened. And if anything, I think it's made me go the opposite. Avoid anything present-day. I like to remember my Boys as they were in fanfics, so I don't think I'd ever write anything past 2003ish. But who knows! Never say never.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 12, 2021, 09:22:16 PM ---RIP.

I was trying to imagine what Kevin would look like without eyebrows.  I was going to suggest someone photoshop that, but then decided to see if anyone already had, and Google delivered:


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His beautiful face! Nooooo! I have to go bleach that out of my brain. Now find one where he has excessive eyebrows!


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 12, 2021, 09:07:34 PM ---You guys being so proud of your old stories. Fine, I will go find something.

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Okay, so... I went and looked and hated every minute of my 200 word chapters. Here's a fantastic gem:

"My friend took the picture of us dancing," Nick explained.

"This is really nice of you, Nick."

"I was nothing," he answered, then added, "I also got you this." He pulled a rose out of his pocket and kissed it. "I love you, Jessica."

"Thank you, Nick. I love you too."


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