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Stumbled through this thread: "fighting with your characters"

Does this still happen to anyone? I only ask as it's basically my reason for being.

Also, it seems like Nick wanted to pick fights with everyone. Why is he so picky in particular? Other than the aforementioned "main character vibes."


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 10, 2021, 05:36:01 PM ---I include too many song lyrics.  Not as much as I used to, but I still have characters singing songs from time to time, and not just BSB songs.  I would need to edit all that out or get permission to use it if I were going to publish a novel.

I also describe features of the Boys' appearance more often than I need to (which would be almost never, since we all know what they look like LOL).  Especially Brian's blue eyes, Nick's blond hair, and Kevin's eyebrows LOL.

I came across a YouTube video once made by a former fanfic author who became published, talking about bad habits fanfic authors have.  I have probably been guilty of all of these at some point, but the one that I had never thought about was the eye-based reactions.  I am always having my characters raise their eyebrows, waggle their eyebrows, etc.  To be fair, though, Nick has really nice eyebrows, and Kevin has really prominent ones, so I blame them.  Maybe with different characters, I wouldn't do that so much. LOL

If anyone watches the video I linked above, let us know your thoughts and if you're guilty of any of those "bad habits."

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I am so guilty of song lyrics lmao. Nick's always singing in my stories.

Remember when people would write dialogue in Ebonics because that is how nick was speaking most of the time?

God yes and I was so guilty of this LOL.

Do you think there is any subject matter that should be off limits when it comes to writing a story? Is there anything you would never write about?
I mean I've mentioned Melissa in stories so clearly nothing's off limits LOL.

Is there a storyline that you want to see covered that no one has really touched on?
Honestly I'd like to see more people touch upon the Nick/Brian rift knowing everything we know now.

How far do you take your hatred of someone when it comes to fan fiction? (ie: Leighanne or even a BSB fan).
Killed them. And not in the fun bring them back way.

Now I'm curious about the most random thing ever. What font do you guys write in? LOL

Have you ever considered writing a story or a sequel to one of your existing stories and then decided against it and were later glad you decided not to write it?  Share the most ridiculous idea you came up with, but never wrote!
I thought about writing a sequel for Walked Out Of My Dreams... it didn't come together right though. The most ridiculous? Maybe the one where Julie and I were going to have the Boys happen upon a baby being dropped off at their house and it ends up being possessed with a demon LMAO.

Give us a random fact about something you've written that we might find surprising.
Umm...Remember Me This Way is the only story where I knew the exact last line of the story before I even wrote it. I wrote it in my original outline.

What is the biggest motivator for you to write?  And on the other end of things what is the thing that makes your motivation go bye bye?

Honestly just the escape of it. Sometimes stress tires me out though.

What are some of the stories you've written because they were something you would want to read?

Practically every story I've written LOL. Since I write in the less popular genres it's always been more about write what I'd want to see.

Have you ever actually gone back and read those stories, and if so, do you think you enjoyed them as much as you would have if you hadn't been the one who wrote them?

No but maybe I should.

Are there any stories you've written that you don't think you would read if someone else had written them?
OH yeah, Just Another Day I never would've read LOL.

Oh Nick still argues with me. It's why my story "Miles To Go" hit such a block. I had a plan, Nick fought me. I gave up and went with him and here we are. I did write myself out of that corner finally though so that's a plus. It's just slow going.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 11, 2021, 07:36:45 PM ---LOL That should be a challenge.  Take someone's joke idea and write it as a real story.

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My kind of challenge LOL.


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