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--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 14, 2021, 08:41:06 PM ---I think it depends on what the character does in the story? I like the name Renee, but I'd know she was a jerk in the story. It's kind of like kids in class having names you like. I'd been pondering "Carter" since I met my husband/decided I'd marry him if he asked/wasn't sure how long it would take to convince him to go for a "junior"... and then I had a Karter in my class and he was a sweet hellion. But I was like, well that was a Karter and not a Carter, so it might be okay. And then when one of my sister-in-laws and I were discussing baby names, she brought up Carter (again, don't know if she wanted C or K), and I was like, ugh, that would be weird... Two Carters in the same family. Plus I didn't want to fight with her over ownership of the name, because she would fight passive aggressively and dirty, haha. But after my BSB 2020, I just don't think I could get the husband on board. Maybe if I hadn't devolved into my teeny ways on Wednesdays?

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Keep working on him; I think Carter's a cute name!  But not if your sister-in-law beats you to it, unless she gave you her blessing.  Cousins both named Carter would be kinda weird, and I know some people are really touchy about that kind of thing.  I've had a couple of Carters in class, and they were both sweet kids!  One year I had a Nick and a Carter in the same class, and it secretly made me smile whenever I got to say their names back to back LOL.

When I was like 14, I was dead set on naming a daughter Brianne.  I don't think I would actually do that now because there are other girl names I like better, but that's the only way I could see myself naming a kid after a Backstreet Boy.  I used to like the name Alexa, but it would be cruel to name a kid that today LOL.

As far as naming kids after my own characters... If I did, it would probably be because I used a name I already really liked for a character.  I love the name Analiese, which I gave to a character in Guilty Roads.  If I ever named a daughter that, it would be because I like the name, not because of that character.  I could see myself using Claire or Carolyn as a middle name, but probably not a first name.

I don't think I would name a kid after a character from someone else's fanfic, unless it was a name I already loved.  Harry Potter characters are fair game though! LOL  I probably wouldn't name a human child after a HP character, but I have a cat named Luna and want to have a black cat named Bellatrix someday.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 14, 2021, 09:13:36 PM ---Keep working on him; I think Carter's a cute name!  But not if your sister-in-law beats you to it, unless she gave you her blessing.  Cousins both named Carter would be kinda weird, and I know some people are really touchy about that kind of thing.  I've had a couple of Carters in class, and they were both sweet kids!  One year I had a Nick and a Carter in the same class, and it secretly made me smile whenever I got to say their names back to back LOL.

I don't think I would name a kid after a character from someone else's fanfic, unless it was a name I already loved.  Harry Potter characters are fair game though! LOL  I probably wouldn't name a human child after a HP character, but I have a cat named Luna and want to have a black cat named Bellatrix someday.
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I do too. Just subtle enough. I'm hoping that we have a boy before she does and I'd very calmly explain all my reasons (also "I got your brother to agree to it knowing all my reasons" would be a good point in my favor) and it would be all good, haha. Aw, a Nick and a Carter, that would make me smile too. I've had a few Brians and the Karter I mentioned already.

I've ended up with a lot of kids with GOT names in my class actually, so people definitely do it! I say do whatever makes you happy. My name was actually inspired by Star Trek (which I hate admitting to people), so there's precedence for this type of thing in my family. I guess, no one tell my potential future son that he got named after his mom's favorite boy bander? He'll figure it out and I'll be like "Well, at least you're named after a great guy? You're welcome!"

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 14, 2021, 09:13:36 PM ---When I was like 14, I was dead set on naming a daughter Brianne.  I don't think I would actually do that now because there are other girl names I like better, but that's the only way I could see myself naming a kid after a Backstreet Boy.  I used to like the name Alexa, but it would be cruel to name a kid that today LOL.

As far as naming kids after my own characters... If I did, it would probably be because I used a name I already really liked for a character.  I love the name Analiese, which I gave to a character in Guilty Roads.  If I ever named a daughter that, it would be because I like the name, not because of that character.  I could see myself using Claire or Carolyn as a middle name, but probably not a first name.
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I can't even remember what I wanted to name any future children at 14, but they all probably had nothing to do with the Boys as my plan was to become a famous Britney Spears-type and marry Nick, so that would have been weird. I had a co-teacher named Alexa a few years ago and that first Christmas we worked together, her parents got everyone Amazon Alexas and she said it was the worst thing that had ever happened to her as everyone tested them out simultaneously throughout the holiday. Poor Alexa.

I have a name in mind for a daughter as well, but it's more on the "just about everyone has a holiday birthday in your family" vein than anything else. I know I've actively tried not to use names I was seriously considering for children in stories (other than the Boys using their own names, obviously). Although Madeleine might not be the worst way to sneak in a BSB reference either.

I've been working on a update for If I Knew Then for a few days now and Nick has been bugging the hell out of me to change things and rewrite them.


--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on January 15, 2021, 05:41:43 PM ---I've been working on a update for If I Knew Then for a few days now and Nick has been bugging the hell out of me to change things and rewrite them.
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It's good to know that as I edit, Nick apparently keeps Nicking along over the years.

I just added this line: Nick leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes. He winced, then opened them again and fixed his gaze on hers.

And a few lines down on the page in the unedited portion is this line: Nick leaned his head against the crisp, stone wall, shutting his eyes momentarily and holding his hand just above the wound.

Glad he's so consistent, I guess?

Also, Tracy, I was trying to figure out how many posts were on a page so my reply to you didn't get lost when I sent this and I found that I posted something similar a couple days ago:

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 12, 2021, 09:46:04 PM ---Stumbled through this thread: "fighting with your characters"

Does this still happen to anyone? I only ask as it's basically my reason for being.

Also, it seems like Nick wanted to pick fights with everyone. Why is he so picky in particular? Other than the aforementioned "main character vibes."

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And Rose said:

--- Quote from: Rose on January 13, 2021, 06:04:37 AM ---Oh Nick still argues with me. It's why my story "Miles To Go" hit such a block. I had a plan, Nick fought me. I gave up and went with him and here we are. I did write myself out of that corner finally though so that's a plus. It's just slow going.

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So I feel like at this point we probably just need a thread titled "Nick's being annoying about my writing again" where we can all vent about him barging in and making his opinion known (loudly and persistently).


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