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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 16, 2021, 12:42:27 PM ---So I was really productive today so far, but not in the way I intended! I mentioned earlier that I've been enjoying the bops on I'm Taking Off this past week and this morning, I woke up with one tiny line from one of the songs in my head and I was like, "Oh, hey Nick, you want to talk about something clearly." "I want to say this." And then I wrote part of the end of PNecklace.  :o So, I guess now I know that my editing break did not deter my will to finish it (good for me).

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Yay for you!  I love those unexpected bursts of inspiration.  Waking up with words already in your head is the best, especially when it's the weekend and you actually have time to write.

I will be back to respond to the rest later.  I allowed myself a short break from writing to check the forum, but I need to get back at it while I'm in the right head space.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 16, 2021, 01:07:02 PM ---Necrotic flesh, oh noes!!
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Haha, I knew you would know the actual medical term for whatever I was picturing.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 16, 2021, 01:07:02 PM ---Yeah, I bought it with the thought of using it for classroom management, but then I got away from giving out rewards for behavior and haven't found another good use for it.  I have a smartboard, so it's easier to just use a virtual spinner when I need one.  This one was just taking up space.  I know I still have it somewhere though; it was too cool to get rid of, and as I've said, I'm a bit of a hoarder LOL.
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I love and hate smartboards because there's something so satisfying about having a physical thing to use for those types of things rather than just some sort of virtual app or add on. I hope you find it and add it to your room on inspiration, haha. Maybe Rose needs one for any time she has a new plot bunny. Now it's a random fanfic wheel of inspiration!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 16, 2021, 01:07:02 PM ---LOL!  Crazy fans pull up outside the studio in an ice cream truck...

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Hahaha, not the crazy fans running a food truck! It's 2020 though, so all the ice cream is actually made from bananas and other fruit. We find out that Nick has a severe allergy to something weird like dragon fruit. Now he's kidnapped and sick! How will Brian comfort him now?! Haha. I'll keep going for days on joke fanfics, basically.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 16, 2021, 01:13:37 PM ---Yay for you!  I love those unexpected bursts of inspiration.  Waking up with words already in your head is the best, especially when it's the weekend and you actually have time to write.

I will be back to respond to the rest later.  I allowed myself a short break from writing to check the forum, but I need to get back at it while I'm in the right head space.

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Same! Otherwise it just ends up a tiny note in my Google Keep documents that I hope I remember everything about later in the same way.

I also allowed myself a short break between projects, but I'm hoping to be really productive between now and picking up my husband at the airport. Hopefully it doesn't derail my flow too much. Good luck and vibes to you!

Here's another fun writing question for today:

What's something small about writing that you love when it happens?

Mine is word choice. That moment when you are carefully choosing your words and you stumble upon a place where you get to use a word with many layered (and often contradictory) definitions and they all fit together beautifully in a nuanced way in that portion of the narrative. It happened twice to me today: attention and cleave. I was very excited.

Carry on with your Saturday writing, all!


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 16, 2021, 01:18:25 PM ---Haha, I knew you would know the actual medical term for whatever I was picturing.

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I watch a lot of reruns of The Monsters Inside Me on Animal Planet LOL.  I love me some flesh-eating bacteria!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 16, 2021, 01:18:25 PM ---Hahaha, not the crazy fans running a food truck! It's 2020 though, so all the ice cream is actually made from bananas and other fruit. We find out that Nick has a severe allergy to something weird like dragon fruit. Now he's kidnapped and sick! How will Brian comfort him now?! Haha. I'll keep going for days on joke fanfics, basically.

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The ice cream cones were probably full of gluten - oh noes!!  Now it's gonna give him explosive diarrhea, and Brian's gonna be stuck in the back of the van with him and no bathroom.  Oh noes!!!  Brian may be the one who needs comforting after that, haha.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 16, 2021, 01:23:54 PM ---I also allowed myself a short break between projects, but I'm hoping to be really productive between now and picking up my husband at the airport. Hopefully it doesn't derail my flow too much. Good luck and vibes to you!

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Thanks!  My little break lasted longer than I intended, but I did finish the first scene of Chapter 20, which was my goal for today.  I hope you were productive before picking up hubby!


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