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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 19, 2021, 07:11:46 PM ---Which of your unfinished projects (if you have more than one) would you most like to finish?

I have to go with Guilty Roads because it has the most potential and the most readers wanting to see it finished.  Maybe someday.

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Loved all your answers to the first one. Just know there's always someday. I'd say never write off anything unless you're 100% positive it's a dead end for you. If you have even a little interest, don't worry about it too much.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 19, 2021, 07:20:55 PM ---I mean, there is that "Nick is Brian's guardian angel" story that might be calling me, haha.

I actually have the next two and a half chapters of Gobosei written from way back when, but never posted. Plus some random ramblings from different points in the story. I peeked over it a moment ago since I remembered that I'd written at least something that I never posted and found this gem of a joke:

Nick put both hands on the floor excitedly.  “She said she wanted to be a pop star, we could make her our opening act!”

Brian mimicked dialing a phone, “Hey, EYC, listen, you guys have been great so far, but we’ve decided to replace you with someone without a record label or any songs or references.  We hope you understand.”  Brian stared right at Nick and pretended to hang up the fake phone.

Nick rolled his eyes, “Okay…  Well if she can sing, she can probably dance.  We can make her one of our background dancers!”

Brian cleared his throat.  “Hey Backstreet dancers, we’ve called this meeting to let you know that you’re disappointing us.  We can’t say who in particular really, you just are.  So we’re replacing one of you with this girl halfway through the tour!  Of course she doesn’t have to audition.  Dance off!!”

Nick rolled his eyes again, “Brian, Brian, Brian, I get it…  The joke is old.  Stop…”

Howie blinked, “Nick’s annoyed at Brian’s jokes?  We really have seen everything tonight.”

--- End quote ---

LMAO!  Love the mocking of many a teenybopper fanfic from back in the day.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 19, 2021, 07:23:28 PM ---Loved all your answers to the first one. Just know there's always someday. I'd say never write off anything unless you're 100% positive it's a dead end for you. If you have even a little interest, don't worry about it too much.

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Yep, that's exactly how I feel.  It's still listed on my "Projects in Progress" menu on my site, and I haven't given it the "discontinued" label because I'm not ready to give up on it yet.  I just keep hoping maybe someday I'll feel inspired again, but I've stopped trying to force it.  If it's meant to be, it'll happen.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 19, 2021, 07:25:05 PM ---LMAO!  Love the mocking of many a teenybopper fanfic from back in the day.

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Thanks, that was the intent and it still holds up. It actually kept going through several other BSB adjacent careers like publicist and roadie (all with comments about necessary qualifications) until someone finally said "personal assistant" and Nick has to pay for it because "he's the only one invested in these new super powers." haha. But those first two were definitely the funnier of the bunch.

Edited to add: I started skimming through some of it in more detail and the Boys' banter is cracking me up. There's a point where AJ says "Can we go back and talk about why we're all so calm that Nick broke the window?" And then Nick, completely straight faced, just pats his arm and says, "The skeleton broke the window." And then another part where Kevin shoves Nick into a couch and yells "Of course you were minding your own business and a skeleton started stalking you!" And Nick starts long-windedly trying to explain that he was minding his own business and AJ responds "Yes Nick... Just ramble it to more death. I'm sure it will just get bored and leave!" Gobosei, I'm so sorry you got pushed to the side for PBox. You had many more funny moments.

Edited to add again: Brian's summarizing their day and "Nick started a fire in a nightclub" is one of the things in the list followed shortly by "I can't believe this is all the same day as our concert." I don't think I originally meant this to be so comedic, but maybe that's the way I should be leaning it if I go back to it.

Edited to add... again: "Like Kevin said, we don't have to be wearing the armor and stuff." "Yes, I clearly said 'and stuff,' Nick." I'm dying.

Edited to add, last time, I swear: Nick blinked. "There is nothing I understand about this."  :D

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 19, 2021, 07:27:05 PM ---Yep, that's exactly how I feel.  It's still listed on my "Projects in Progress" menu on my site, and I haven't given it the "discontinued" label because I'm not ready to give up on it yet.  I just keep hoping maybe someday I'll feel inspired again, but I've stopped trying to force it.  If it's meant to be, it'll happen.

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In the meantime, write things that seem exciting and fun. No sense in forcing inspiration, that's how you kill it.

Oh, here's a fun one:

What's something you would absolutely go back and tell your younger self about writing (fanfics or otherwise) if you could?

And, what's something you would be hesitant to tell your younger self?

Alternatively, is there anything you wish your younger self could tell you from way back when?


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