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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 21, 2021, 05:26:22 PM ---More questions!

What's the weirdest place you've ever worked on one of your stories?

I do still write on my phone from time to time, so I can pretty much write anywhere, and I have lol. I wrote while on my cruise in 2019 up on the Lido deck at like 3 in the morning because I couldn’t sleep that night. this wasn’t a BSB cruise but I got some pizza from the pizza bar and then went to write. I’ve written on the train to NYC a couple times. On buses.

Tell us something semi-ridiculous you do while writing that if someone walked in on would be very confusing for them.

Sometimes I read out loud after I’ve written a paragraph to see how it sounds, because sometimes I make grammar errors and that is how I catch them.

When you're writing, how are you picturing the story? Is it just words on a page? A movie? How do you think this helps or hinders your writing?

Sometimes I’ll picture it like a movie depending on what it is that I’m writing. I think it can help because it helps get the emotions across when I am describing something.

What are your favorite kinds of scenes to write?

I love banter too. Comedy scenes and angst are my favorite.

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I’ve also worked on writing while I’m at work, usually while I’m on break or something.


--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on January 21, 2021, 08:43:40 PM ---What's the weirdest place you've ever worked on one of your stories?

I do still write on my phone from time to time, so I can pretty much write anywhere, and I have lol.

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I will write on my phone if a snippit comes to me and I'm not near my computer, but I won't sit down to write a whole chapter or scene unless I can type on a keyboard. Swipe is not my friend and I can type properly faster than I can swipe anyway. Do you just write snippits or entire chapters on your phone?

--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on January 21, 2021, 08:43:40 PM ---Tell us something semi-ridiculous you do while writing that if someone walked in on would be very confusing for them.

Sometimes I read out loud after I’ve written a paragraph to see how it sounds, because sometimes I make grammar errors and that is how I catch them.

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I read aloud to myself all the time. Sometimes it just hits better it you hear it. If it's focused a lot on one of the internal monologues of the Boys, I like to use that text to speech reader I mentioned earlier because they have male voices.

Speaking of, when you're reading fanfics, do you just read them in your inner voice or do you hear an approximation of the Boys' voices in your head if they're speaking?

OMG, I just told my husband that I was writing a really emotional death scene and had to get back to work. The look on his face was sheer pricelessness. He will definitely never ask me about my writing ever again.

 I've written entire chapters on my phone.

Figured You Out and Finding Carter, were novels I wrote entirely on my blackberry phone. Plus most of my Nick and Amanda series was written completely mobile too.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 21, 2021, 09:05:17 PM ---I will write on my phone if a snippit comes to me and I'm not near my computer, but I won't sit down to write a whole chapter or scene unless I can type on a keyboard. Swipe is not my friend and I can types properly faster than I can swipe anyway. Do you just write snippits or entire chapters on your phone?

I read aloud to myself all the time. Sometimes it just hits better it you hear it. If it's focused a lot on one of the internal monologues of the Boys, I like to use that text to speech reader I mentioned earlier because they have male voices.

Speaking of, when you're reading fanfics, do you just read them in your inner voice or do you hear an approximation of the Boys' voices in your head if they're speaking?

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