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The Writing Thread

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Tracy, I still don't know how you wrote whole novels on your phone.  That is dedication!  I do most of my writing on my Chromebook, occasionally on my desktop, and only very rarely on my phone - like Dee said, if I have an idea while I'm not near a computer or am trying to keep a writing streak going but too lazy to actually sit down at a computer and write for real LOL.

I thought of a new answer to the "Weirdest place you've written" question.  I don't know if it's really weird or not, but I love writing in the shower.  I do my best thinking in the shower, so I often write in my head, but I keep a set of bathtub crayons on hand for when I get on a roll or come up with a line so good I need to write it down before I forget it.  I have scribbled whole paragraphs across my shower walls, which end up looking like the ramblings of a raving lunatic LOL - good thing I live alone.  I also once used voice-to-text to dictate Brian's speech in the last chapter of AHTIM to my Chromebook while I was showering because I was on such a roll, but needed to get ready for work LOL.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 22, 2021, 05:33:31 PM ---I hear an approximation of the Boys' voices, at least for the dialogue.  That's how I decide if it sounds like something they would say or not.  I think that's why dialogue is so important and why we've all said we enjoy banter.  The dialogue is what makes the characters believable and, in our case, recognizable as the Boys.

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Sometimes Kevin and Howie get a little off in my head, then I watch an interview or something to get back on track. Maybe that's why they scream in my head less.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 22, 2021, 05:48:54 PM ---but too lazy to actually sit down at a computer and write for real LOL.
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It's why I wrote two words on my husband's birthday. I've actually written something down, either new or via editing every day since November 1st. Not sure how long I can keep this pace up, but for now, go me!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 22, 2021, 05:48:54 PM ---I thought of a new answer to the "Weirdest place you've written" question.  I don't know if it's really weird or not, but I love writing in the shower.  I do my best thinking in the shower, so I often write in my head, but I keep a set of bathtub crayons on hand for when I get on a roll or come up with a line so good I need to write it down before I forget it.  I have scribbled whole paragraphs across my shower walls, which end up looking like the ramblings of a raving lunatic LOL - good thing I live alone.  I also once used voice-to-text to dictate Brian's speech in the last chapter of AHTIM to my Chromebook while I was showering because I was on such a roll, but needed to get ready for work LOL.

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I love that you have bathtub crayons! I don't write in the shower because I think my hand would cramp up. However, I definitely brainstorm in the shower! Any time I'm puzzling over something or if Nick's being a dick about something, if I need to shower and pacing hasn't worked, I'll usually shower. I have repeated a few things to myself so I can remember them as soon as I get out and write them down then.

Work is the worst. We should get paid to write fanfics. Did I ever say that I wished I was majoring in fanfics in college? Because that would have been awesome. I would have gotten so much more done!


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 22, 2021, 07:12:00 PM ---It's why I wrote two words on my husband's birthday. I've actually written something down, either new or via editing every day since November 1st. Not sure how long I can keep this pace up, but for now, go me!

I love that you have bathtub crayons! I don't write in the shower because I think my hand would cramp up. However, I definitely brainstorm in the shower! Any time I'm puzzling over something or if Nick's being a dick about something, if I need to shower and pacing hasn't worked, I'll usually shower. I have repeated a few things to myself so I can remember them as soon as I get out and write them down then.

Work is the worst. We should get paid to write fanfics. Did I ever say that I wished I was majoring in fanfics in college? Because that would have been awesome. I would have gotten so much more done!

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Good for you!  I've definitely done the thing where I open the story and write exactly one word just so I can stay I kept the writing streak alive LOL.  But every word moves the story forward, and eventually one of those words will spark a sentence that ignites a paragraph that turns into a scene.

Someone gave me the idea to get the bathtub crayons probably 10+ years ago after I was talking about getting ideas in the shower.  I don't use them a lot (I still have the same set I got like 10 years ago LOL), but they're nice for those moments when I really do need to write it down.

Yes!  I would love to get paid for writing fanfics.  Only I wouldn't want it to feel like work.  I'm fine with giving myself deadlines, but I don't want anyone else to set them for me.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 22, 2021, 08:34:13 PM ---Good for you!  I've definitely done the thing where I open the story and write exactly one word just so I can stay I kept the writing streak alive LOL.  But every word moves the story forward, and eventually one of those words will spark a sentence that ignites a paragraph that turns into a scene.
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It feels a little cheap, but it's probably fine as long as it's not a competition or something. If it's just you versus you, write as much or as little as you want.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 22, 2021, 08:34:13 PM ---Someone gave me the idea to get the bathtub crayons probably 10+ years ago after I was talking about getting ideas in the shower.  I don't use them a lot (I still have the same set I got like 10 years ago LOL), but they're nice for those moments when I really do need to write it down.

Yes!  I would love to get paid for writing fanfics.  Only I wouldn't want it to feel like work.  I'm fine with giving myself deadlines, but I don't want anyone else to set them for me.

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At least you don't write a lot of murder-based stories, because those shower scrawlings could get a little weird!

No, of course no. It's getting paid to do something you love, so you get a lump sum when you start a story and then another lump sum when it's over. And views and reviews give you incentive bonuses or something.

Then if you decide to start putting out crud to get paid faster, that's on you. ;)


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