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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 22, 2021, 10:09:32 PM ---So I got stuck trying to make Nick turn Minako when he's standing behind her and doodling did not help, so I made my husband act it out with me with only the information "We're standing like this and you want me to turn around, but you can't tell me that. What do you do?" I've forced him to get involved in my writing, oh no! Except I walked down and said: "I need your help, I have a question!" And his answer was "No, I don't like AJ." "What?" "I thought you were going to ask me who my least favorite Backstreet Boy was and I don't know the other three." "Kevin, Brian, and Howie..." "Howie? Oh yeah, **** him." "Aww, Howie!  :(" "Was that the wrong answer? Are you still killing people in your book, maybe you should kill Howie." "Aww, Howie! :( I'm not killing Backstreet Boys..."

Yes I am. He knows! He's been reading it while I'm sleeping or something.

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LMAO!!  Your husband cracks me up.  I love that you get him to act out parts of your fanfic for you without him knowing any details LOL.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 22, 2021, 10:14:16 PM ---I like it when I'm inspired.  I don't like it when it feels forced.  But forcing it is part of the process sometimes.  I did not set a resolution to write every day this year, but I've been writing every weekend for a while now, so it will feel weird not to tomorrow.  Or maybe I will?  I haven't decided if I'm going to try or just take a break for at least one weekend.  We'll see how I feel tomorrow.

I, too, wish I could be better at sticking with other habits, like working out LOL.
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Let me know how it goes! But I think if you decide to take a break, you've definitely earned it. I feel like if I stop writing every day, it will feel a little weird now that it's just a thing I've been doing.

Same on the exercise. I need to be much more consistent about it than I am. The lock downs definitely derailed any consistency I had with that.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 22, 2021, 10:16:11 PM ---LMAO!!  Your husband cracks me up.  I love that you get him to act out parts of your fanfic for you without him knowing any details LOL.

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He's one of those "man of few words" types unless he knows you really well, then he's pretty chatty. Everyone's always surprised when he audibly laughs, for instance. I tell him everything, but I know he would make so much fun of me if I said I was writing BSB fanfics again, let alone BSB fanfics in the fantasy genre and I'm not quite ready for that loving teasing yet. However, he'll always help me with whatever, so it's nice to know he's a willing participant when it requires minimal effort. Now we gotta go climb out a moonroof or something! haha!

Ooh, these are fun!

How many words can you write in a minute?

According to the typing test I just took, I can type 110 words per minute at 100% accuracy. (  So I guess technically, that's how many words I can write in a minute.  How many words do I write in a minute when I'm actually writing fanfic?  Maybe 3-5 on average? LOL

What's the weirdest thing you've ever researched?

Oh jeez.  I don't even know.  I took a look through my story research bookmarks because I have them all saved dating back to BMS, and here are a few of the weirder or more random ones:
- Stained glass cremation urns
- How much caffeine it would take to kill you (
- Florida crops in season
- Slapped cheek syndrome
- How to do a peritoneal tap to drain ascites fluid
- Medical Student Curriculum: Bladder Drainage
- Smalleye hammerhead shark
- How to milk a cow using a milking machine
- Skunk Ape Research Headquarters
- Parts of a pirate vessel
- How ice rinks work
- Can platypuses kill people?
- Necrophilia
- 9 Dangerous Things in New Hampshire That Could Kill You
- Fog types
- How to Keep Bears Away
- Pee Perimeter

If you could ask one of the Boys one question to help with your writing, who would you ask and what would that question be?

That is a good one and a tough one.  I am not sure right now, but I can tell you my answer from five years ago.  I would ask Nick, "What the hell are you singing before 'dreams' in 'Cherry Pie'?"  "___ dreams... ice cream skin..."  For the life of me, I could not figure out what kind of dreams he was singing about before the physical copy of All American came out and we had the lyrics, and I needed to know for a short story I was writing.  It bugged the crap out of me, and I kept tweeting about it asking people, and no one could answer me.  Then, finally, the album came out, and I got my answer:  virgin.  It's "virgin dreams."  Which I can hear now, but I never would have guessed it then LOL.

Would you rather only write self-insert fanfics or have to write about only one of the Boys and his wife for every story? Why?

I'd rather write only self-insert fanfics as long as they could include all the Backstreet Boys.  I will just make myself a doctor or nurse, since most of my stories feature those characters anyway LOL.

If you spent an hour "writing" how much of it would be dedicated solely to putting words on the page?

LOL I should try to track this sometime, but my estimate would be 15 minutes refreshing Twitter and this forum, 25 minutes "researching" (a.k.a. looking up something legitimate and then going down a rabbit hole), 15 minutes staring at the page thinking about what words to put on it, and 5 minutes actually typing words on the page.

What's your go-to writing snack?

Don't laugh, but... Oreo-Os.  A.k.a. Oreos for breakfast LMAO.  It's my all-time favorite cereal, and I eat it without milk or a spoon at any time of day.  Just bought a new box this afternoon, so maybe I actually will write something this weekend LOL.

Imagine a world where pet peeves are no longer allowed: Which fanfic pet peeve would be the hardest for you to give up?

The grammatical errors... especially "loose" for "lose," as in "Don't Wanna 'Loose' You Now."  Ahh!!!

Of all the old fanfic cliches, which one is your guilty pleasure?

Probably my original favorite:  the Brian heart problem stories.  I read so many of those back in the day, and I've written a few of them too.  Even the first fanfic I read in its entirety on AO3 (just last year) was a Brian heart problem story.  I didn't even know people still wrote that storyline these days, but apparently I'm still a sucker for it.  Sorry, Brian.

Share with us the last word you wrote down. If it's not a spoiler, tell us the last sentence.

Last new word: Year (the last word of The Road to Bethlehem)
Last word I edited: Howie's


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 22, 2021, 10:22:17 PM ---Let me know how it goes! But I think if you decide to take a break, you've definitely earned it. I feel like if I stop writing every day, it will feel a little weird now that it's just a thing I've been doing.

Same on the exercise. I need to be much more consistent about it than I am. The lock downs definitely derailed any consistency I had with that.

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I will not feel any guilt if I don't write anything this weekend.  I have an easier time keeping it going when I'm in the middle of a project, but it's different when I'm starting something new.  Part of me wants to start writing the Brian idea I have.  Another part is thinking about trying to write a short story I came up with for the DNA challenge here two years ago and never wrote.  And another part is like, "F that, I'm gonna binge watch TV all weekend and not even open Google Docs!"  But we'll see how I feel once I'm well-rested LOL.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 22, 2021, 10:30:09 PM ---He's one of those "man of few words" types unless he knows you really well, then he's pretty chatty. Everyone's always surprised when he audibly laughs, for instance. I tell him everything, but I know he would make so much fun of me if I said I was writing BSB fanfics again, let alone BSB fanfics in the fantasy genre and I'm not quite ready for that loving teasing yet. However, he'll always help me with whatever, so it's nice to know he's a willing participant when it requires minimal effort. Now we gotta go climb out a moonroof or something! haha!

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He sounds like a great guy!  I always wondered how married women managed to keep writing fanfic.  You are lucky he's supportive without being too nosy.


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