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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 23, 2021, 12:13:54 AM ---Male platypuses have venomous spurs on their hind legs that can paralyze smaller animals.  It's not strong enough to kill a human directly, but it does cause excruciating pain that can last for months.  Just another reason platypuses are awesome!
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So fascinating! Every new thing I've learned about platypuses has been an experience!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 23, 2021, 12:13:54 AM ---True story:  They stopped making Oreo O's everywhere except South Korea in 2007, and I was so devastated, I signed petitions and joined a Facebook group dedicated to bringing them back.  Nothing came of that, so I eventually moved on with my life.  Then, a decade later, I was walking down the cereal aisle at Walmart, and lo and behold, a gleaming blue box of Oreo O's caught my eye.  They were back!  I had no idea!  I was so excited, I literally let out a little squee and fought the urge to jump up and down in the middle of the aisle.  I've tried to keep at least a box or two on hand at all times since then, just in case they disappear again. LOL
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I'm cracking up! I wish you had jumped up and down in the middle of the aisle. I do get that excited about things like that and have scared the husband many times with my shrill teeny squeak about something mundane that excited me.

But how would you ration your last box? Would you still like them if they got really stale?

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 23, 2021, 12:13:54 AM ---OMG, I totally forgot to look for the Nick wheel of torture at school this week!  Sad panda.  I didn't find it in my garage, so I'm almost positive it's in the storage closet at school.  Must remember to do some digging next week.

I just didn't wanna give away my whole last line, but you can share your guess!  And yeah, that was me changing a mention of Kevin's phone to Howie's phone, since Kevin's phone broke earlier in the story.

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Somewhere Nick's sneezing and thinks "Hmm, feels like it's going to be a good weekend for some reason..." And then next week you find it and he just feels doom encroaching on his person and shudders.

I actually have three guesses, so I'll just keep them to myself and tell you if I was right!  ;)


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 23, 2021, 12:25:25 AM ---I have four more episodes of Snowpiercer to watch so I'm ready for Season 2 to start on Monday, so definitely that.  I also want to watch Bridgerton.
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This is probably for the tv thread, but I've heard good things about Bridgerton, let me know how it is.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 23, 2021, 12:25:25 AM ---I wondered more about you spending hours and hours working on fanfic instead of hanging out with him or being a productive adult, more than the romantic fantasy aspect of it.  If he has his own hobbies and/or likes to go out and do his own thing, that helps.  I'm just basing this on my own experience of living with no one but a couple of cats.  I love the freedom of being able to literally write all day if I want to without having to answer to anyone, but I always think, "I don't know how I could ever live with another human being again" LOL.  I would need someone with his own nerdy hobbies who didn't ask too many questions about mine.  Your Nick sounds perfect in that respect!

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Haha, I went the story aspect and forgot about real life, maybe that's the fantasy I'm living out right now. Lately he's been catching up on Shameless and likes playing the MLB game on his playstation, so he's been happy to have more control of the tv. When we first started dating, I was very busy volunteering for my college's alumni association (basically helping to run a tiny non-profit since that chapter was registered as such), so we've always had our own things that we did in addition to the things we enjoyed doing together. I've stepped back on my volunteering this past year, so this is just like another thing I'm doing to fill my time in the same way as before, just more of a personal hobby than something I'm doing with other people. I've been slightly more reclusive this month now that college football is over, but he's also been going out more for the NFL and traveling for work more frequently. I think maybe after I finish this edit, I might cut back on my days that I do write since I have updates ready through Aprilish at the moment. He's a pretty happy camper if he just gets to sit and do what he likes, he's just not as into creative hobbies as much as he was when he was a kid.

And you say the cats aren't judging how you use your time, but they are always judging.

How many words can you write in a minute?

Not a clue. Lol.

What's the weirdest thing you've ever researched?

Probably the probability of getting a snake bite while you are peeing. It was for a one shot where Nick got bit by a snake while he was peeing, and had to be rushed to the hospital where he died, not from the snake bite but an earthquake during surgery killed him. Lol

If you could ask one of the Boys one question to help with your writing, who would you ask and what would that question be?

I'd ask Nick how he REALLY feels about Leighanne and to give a detailed description.

Would you rather only write self-insert fanfics or have to write about only one of the Boys and his wife for every story? Why?

Self insert because I can make myself a background character.

If you spent an hour "writing" how much of it would be dedicated solely to putting words on the page?

Probably 30 mins because I flip between Google docs and Twitter lol

What's your go-to writing snack?

I don't really eat when I'm writing but i do drink my orange Gatorade zero.

Imagine a world where pet peeves are no longer allowed: Which fanfic pet peeve would be the hardest for you to give up?

Uhh I don't think I have one? Lol I don't know.

Of all the old fanfic cliches, which one is your guilty pleasure?
 Nick torture. That's it lol. Gimme a story where something happens to him and I'm sold.

Share with us the last word you wrote down. If it's not a spoiler, tell us the last sentence.



--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 23, 2021, 12:30:21 AM ---But how would you ration your last box? Would you still like them if they got really stale?

Somewhere Nick's sneezing and thinks "Hmm, feels like it's going to be a good weekend for some reason..." And then next week you find it and he just feels doom encroaching on his person and shudders.

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I wouldn't be able to ration it for too long because I definitely can't eat stale Oreo O's.  I would just be really sad if they went away again.  I didn't see any last time I looked for them at Walmart, which made me worried, but I got some at Kroger yesterday.  Yay!

LOL Poor Nick.  Sounds about right!  I remembered I actually have given him flesh-eating bacteria before, in the AC fairy tale challenge we did a while back.  Someone randomly left a comment on it on my site, so I was rereading it and came across that.  No herpes, though... yet.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 23, 2021, 12:41:21 AM ---This is probably for the tv thread, but I've heard good things about Bridgerton, let me know how it is.

Haha, I went the story aspect and forgot about real life, maybe that's the fantasy I'm living out right now. Lately he's been catching up on Shameless and likes playing the MLB game on his playstation, so he's been happy to have more control of the tv. When we first started dating, I was very busy volunteering for my college's alumni association (basically helping to run a tiny non-profit since that chapter was registered as such), so we've always had our own things that we did in addition to the things we enjoyed doing together. I've stepped back on my volunteering this past year, so this is just like another thing I'm doing to fill my time in the same way as before, just more of a personal hobby than something I'm doing with other people. I've been slightly more reclusive this month now that college football is over, but he's also been going out more for the NFL and traveling for work more frequently. I think maybe after I finish this edit, I might cut back on my days that I do write since I have updates ready through Aprilish at the moment. He's a pretty happy camper if he just gets to sit and do what he likes, he's just not as into creative hobbies as much as he was when he was a kid.

And you say the cats aren't judging how you use your time, but they are always judging.

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Sounds like you both have a great balance!  And yeah, my cats totally judge me.  One of them is rubbing her head on me right now as she watches me type this, like "Mama, pay attention to me!"


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