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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 23, 2021, 04:06:52 PM ---So, editing this past chapter wasn't nearly as bad as writing it the first time (it did not take six months for instance, probably three hours tops if you count the first couple pages where I wasn't focusing at all). I teared up a little while editing the end, so I think my suspicions on why it took so long the first time were correct: I just really didn't want to kill off Brian, but ignored that feeling. Can you imagine if I had ignored Nick's wishes and stuck to my original plan to kill them all? I probably would have never finished PBox! Thank goodness he was really annoying thirty chapters prior, it saved us both a lot of heartache.

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Aww... I have definitely had those subconscious "I don't really want to write this, so I'm going to stall and let myself get distracted" experiences too.  Killing the Boys can be fun, especially in joke stories and challenges, but it can also be really sad in a serious story, even if you know it's the right ending.  Those are the chapters where I do the most pacing.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 23, 2021, 04:18:09 PM ---I definitely think that's why.  When I first started writing fanfic, I didn't even have internet in my bedroom (at my parents' house).  I had an old computer I could play games and do homework on, but it wasn't connected to the internet.  The only computer with internet (dial-up) was my mom's computer in the den, where I guess she thought she could better monitor our use of it. Ha!
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I had the only computer because my mom didn't want one, but we only had one phone line and the computer seemed ancient by that time since it was from her work after they replaced their computers. By the time I got a laptop before going to college, the graphics card was failing and everything was pink or green. We also went spurts without having the internet, so I took all my trusty floppy disks to the library to either upload stories, do research, or save other peoples' stories. I also printed things I thought I would like a paper copy of. It was a dedicated art form. Thank goodness the library computers wiped the history after you logged out of the session, haha.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 23, 2021, 04:18:09 PM ---That's a good question.  My inclination is to say of course there's still a lot of Nick torture around, but I really haven't read much outside of the AC regulars' stuff in years, so I actually have no idea.  It seems like angst is popular on AO3 (usually slashy angst), but that may be more emotional than physical torture.  I hope we're not the only sadists left.

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I like for Nick to enjoy both emotional and physical torture! He's a lucky guy!  :-* It feels like more people posted on AC this month, so maybe it'll come back.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 23, 2021, 04:25:08 PM ---Yeah, it has been weird since the great toilet paper shortage of 2020.  At least I've been able to find TP and soap.
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Our saving grace was that I always stock a backup for all paper products and cleaning supplies, so that one didn't affect us too much! Although when we tried to stock the backups back, it was a bit of an adventure for a while.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 23, 2021, 04:18:09 PM ---LOL The relatively obscure but terrifying ones are my favorite!  I've given him Ebola and bubonic plague in 1000 Ways to Kill Nick Carter, but of course the goal there is to be as ridiculous as possible.  I don't think I've ever read a "Nick has herpes" story, nor am I sure I would want to LOL.  Technically I have given him an STD, but it wasn't that one.

I looked up your question about flesh-eating bacteria being contagious because I wasn't completely sure either.  Apparently it could be passed from person to person through close contact, like someone with an open wound touching someone else's infected wound.  Ew...

Don't worry, kitty got plenty of pets.  :cheshire:

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Bubonic plague is a real concern out here every few summers because of the prairie dogs! It's the mundaneness, plus the forced sexual content bit, I think. Ridiculous is more fun!

I suppose I could have looked it up too, but didn't want to see pictures, so thank you. I figured it might be something like. Open would will get you every time.

Good. Team pets for pets over here!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 23, 2021, 04:29:10 PM ---Aww... I have definitely had those subconscious "I don't really want to write this, so I'm going to stall and let myself get distracted" experiences too.  Killing the Boys can be fun, especially in joke stories and challenges, but it can also be really sad in a serious story, even if you know it's the right ending.  Those are the chapters where I do the most pacing.

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I think the worst part was, I didn't even realize why it was back then, so I just hated being stuck in writer's block hell and not knowing why. I never even really thought about why and just assumed it was because I was so close to the end and wasn't ready to finish it or something. I honestly don't know if it was the right ending now, but it's the ending I chose and the ending I'd built up toward so I plowed through it. Let's see how editing this next chapter goes!

I mind it less in a joke story, because it's all meant for laughs. But killing off any character in a serious story is serious business, especially a main character.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 23, 2021, 04:31:10 PM ---I had the only computer because my mom didn't want one, but we only had one phone line and the computer seemed ancient by that time since it was from her work after they replaced their computers. By the time I got a laptop before going to college, the graphics card was failing and everything was pink or green. We also went spurts without having the internet, so I took all my trusty floppy disks to the library to either upload stories, do research, or save other peoples' stories. I also printed things I thought I would like a paper copy of. It was a dedicated art form. Thank goodness the library computers wiped the history after you logged out of the session, haha.

I like for Nick to enjoy both emotional and physical torture! He's a lucky guy!  :-* It feels like more people posted on AC this month, so maybe it'll come back.

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Kids today will never know the struggle LOL.

Emotional + physical torture = the best!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 23, 2021, 04:37:22 PM ---Our saving grace was that I always stock a backup for all paper products and cleaning supplies, so that one didn't affect us too much! Although when we tried to stock the backups back, it was a bit of an adventure for a while.

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I thankfully had just bought TP before all this went down, so I was good for awhile, but when I started running low and went looking for it, I had to buy whatever brand I could find, not my usual.  The first time I ended up with some weird lavender scented Angel Soft.  Who needs scented toilet paper?!  But Mare will be happy to know the pandemic made me switch my brand of choice from Charmin Ultra Soft to Cottonelle.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 23, 2021, 04:37:22 PM ---Bubonic plague is a real concern out here every few summers because of the prairie dogs! It's the mundaneness, plus the forced sexual content bit, I think. Ridiculous is more fun!

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Aww, prairie dogs!  I was inspired for that story by an article I read about a squirrel testing positive for plague near LA (when Nick still lived there).  So I had him get bitten by a squirrel while feeding it, and he contracted bubonic plague.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 23, 2021, 04:41:31 PM ---I honestly don't know if it was the right ending now, but it's the ending I chose and the ending I'd built up toward so I plowed through it. Let's see how editing this next chapter goes!

I mind it less in a joke story, because it's all meant for laughs. But killing off any character in a serious story is serious business, especially a main character.

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Yep, I agree.  I joke about killing them, but I only kill one in a serious novel if it makes sense and feels right.  It's never a spur of the moment decision, but something I've had planned for a long time.

You said originally you were going to kill them all.  What made you change your mind?

Has anyone else ever planned to kill a Boy and then given them a stay of execution at the last minute?  Or done the opposite and killed one off when you were originally planning to let him live?


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