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The Writing Thread

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I have no idea what camel thing you are talking about but I’m going to have to say I most likely do not have it anymore. If it’s not on the site, then it’s gone lol

I never go back and read old threads lol maybe I should.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 02, 2021, 05:18:42 PM ---LOL This forum is distracting when it's active, but I love it!

We must be having the same day today!  Getting 5 chapters posted this week sounds good to me.  It'll feel so good when you finally finish this project.

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I wrote up a little Author Talk for my thread for posting with an upcoming update and I believe one of the phrases I used was "I think I spent more time here being a 'supreme time waster' than I did writing much of anything." I have a decade to catch up on, so I'm just posting away and getting it all out, haha.

Yay, day twins!

I was looking at my vent from yesterday when I saw that Mare had posted and I thought (other than that it was a good writing question when rephrased): Yes, I wanted to do 10-chapter chunks and yes I wanted to edit, but this is supposed to be a labor of love and not a labor of frustration. If it's frustrating, I should just do what still feels enjoyable rather than trying to pound through it for the sake of sticking to whatever schedule I set for myself. The chapters will still be there next week and it's all already up anyway, especially here and the overall plot is what you need to understand PNecklace anyway, though the edits do make it a lot cleaner. I'm not wholly committed to AO3 in the same way, so they can wait, I suppose (I did enjoy getting a kudos, though). The edits are mostly slight tone tweaks, adjusting dialogue to better fit some call backs or call forwards (that I know about but y'all reading along do not... yet), and changing dialogue tags to body language instead, especially at this point in the story. The first thirty definitely had more hack and rewrite portions.

Though in one I edited today, I found a little flashback where I tried to give a more detailed twist on a scene that already happened. All well and good, except that it was from AJ's perspective and included things Nick was thinking. How would AJ know that?! He's not a mind reader! Darn you freshman me focusing on Nick in a chapter he's not even it! But, I realized that I'd called back to it in a PNecklace chapter from Nick's perspective, so I still needed it that way with edits too, plus whatever changes I needed to include from editing the original scene. Oof, editing!


--- Quote from: mare on January 02, 2021, 05:40:56 PM ---I have no idea what camel thing you are talking about but I’m going to have to say I most likely do not have it anymore. If it’s not on the site, then it’s gone lol

I never go back and read old threads lol maybe I should.

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It was Fergie riding camel Justin Timberlake through the desert for their collaboration "My Sexy Hump Backs."

Some of the things we say are really insightful, good advice, or good fanfic and/or writing discussions. Then some of them are "My Sexy Hump Backs."


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 02, 2021, 05:23:54 PM ---When I mentioned car crash, you seemed particularly ishy, so it was probably that? OMG, a third Broken/BMS? How would you have kept the upward momentum going with the drama?! I think the poll being tied means that we all appreciated entertaining realism, so maybe not drama just to have drama so much as drama that felt like it fit the story and kept it going in a realistic way.

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Yeah, it probably was the car crash then.

LOL Yeah, I still have an outline somewhere for a third Broken/BMS story that will never be written.  From what I remember, the storyline involved Claire's ex Jamie and his mom kidnapping her twins, which I think was an idea given to me by a reader.  Then there was a subplot about Nick needing a lung transplant or something because his remaining lung-and-a-half were so badly scarred from cancer and BOOP.  I knew I had run out of cancer stuff to write about, but I had to get that medical drama in somewhere LOL.  It was really bad.  I spent a couple days writing an outline for it and making banners before coming to the conclusion that it was way too ridiculous and would only ruin a series I was really proud of.  I've basically cut myself off from writing sequels anymore, unless it's for my silly pandaskunk series.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 02, 2021, 05:23:54 PM ---I still haven't met them yet because of that money thing. Now that I've been able to save more (thanks COVID?), it's on my soon list. But like at this point, I feel like I would just say "Thanks for helping me get through 2020."  I only did the Vegas trip. If they ever do the cruise again, that's something I would like to splurge for or go to another country when they happen to be in town? Hawaii wouldn't be a bad move either.

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Yes!  You should definitely save up for a VIP and a future BSB cruise.  What my little 2007 self did not know at that time is that I would finally meet them for the first time the following summer - by paying for a VIP with my newly-earned adult salary, of course LOL.  It used to be more affordable during the Unbreakable, TIU, and IAWLT tours - still expensive, but like half the price it is now.  Still worth it to cross off an item on your bucket list though!

I went on the 2011, 2013, and 2014 cruises, and they were a lot of fun.  Then they started making them longer and moving them to May, which didn't work well with work.  I hope they do more someday.  I would totally go on another one.  That's how I met most of the AC people I've met in real life.  Hawaii sounds great too!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 02, 2021, 05:48:19 PM ---Yeah, it probably was the car crash then.

LOL Yeah, I still have an outline somewhere for a third Broken/BMS story that will never be written.  From what I remember, the storyline involved Claire's ex Jamie and his mom kidnapping her twins, which I think was an idea given to me by a reader.  Then there was a subplot about Nick needing a lung transplant or something because his remaining lung-and-a-half were so badly scarred from cancer and BOOP.  I knew I had run out of cancer stuff to write about, but I had to get that medical drama in somewhere LOL.  It was really bad.  I spent a couple days writing an outline for it and making banners before coming to the conclusion that it was way too ridiculous and would only ruin a series I was really proud of.  I've basically cut myself off from writing sequels anymore, unless it's for my silly pandaskunk series.
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I can see why you started that thread then! Poor Nick. First cancer, then a lung transplant. Kid can't catch a break.

I think a series is hard to do unless it all comes up at once and you realize that trying to cram it all in one story would be a monstrous undertaking. And especially if you had moved on to other things at that point. I loved that went all the way to making banners for it before writing. That's dedication.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 02, 2021, 05:48:19 PM ---Yes!  You should definitely save up for a VIP and a future BSB cruise.  What my little 2007 self did not know at that time is that I would finally meet them for the first time the following summer - by paying for a VIP with my newly-earned adult salary, of course LOL.  It used to be more affordable during the Unbreakable, TIU, and IAWLT tours - still expensive, but like half the price it is now.  Still worth it to cross off an item on your bucket list though!

I went on the 2011, 2013, and 2014 cruises, and they were a lot of fun.  Then they started making them longer and moving them to May, which didn't work well with work.  I hope they do more someday.  I would totally go on another one.  That's how I met most of the AC people I've met in real life.  Hawaii sounds great too!

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Oh man, missed out on so much! If anyone is interested in cruising or Hawaii or kidnapping Rose in Vegas, holler at your girl? Not sure I could convince my husband it was worth his time, haha.


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