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LOL Making a banner is still often a part of my early story-planning process.  I can't start a story without at least a working title, and once I've got a title I like and some time to play around with graphics, I inevitably end up making a banner.  I love making banners!  (Sorry, Mare LOL.)

Absolutely, when things get back to normal and they start announcing new events, we'll have to plan a meet-up!

Yup, even though lots of things have changed, my hatred of banners is still there lol


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 02, 2021, 06:13:34 PM ---LOL Making a banner is still often a part of my early story-planning process.  I can't start a story without at least a working title, and once I've got a title I like and some time to play around with graphics, I inevitably end up making a banner.  I love making banners!  (Sorry, Mare LOL.)

Absolutely, when things get back to normal and they start announcing new events, we'll have to plan a meet-up!

--- End quote ---

See, I usually start planning a story and then stress over a title once it's time to post it. I think the only titles that came fairly quickly was "Pandora's Box" and then "Pandora's Necklace." Other than that, I have to shop around a story for a while.

I was never very good at making banners, so I think I often went without or in the case of PBox et all, have decided to continue using the same 200 x 200 banner someone made for PBox back when that was the largest banner AC allowed. I always wondered why Mare didn't make that rule come back.

That would be fun! I'm down once I have a vaccine!


--- Quote from: mare on January 02, 2021, 06:39:34 PM ---Yup, even though lots of things have changed, my hatred of banners is still there lol

--- End quote ---

You wouldn't be the same without it, so I'm glad it's still persisting. :)

Here's a question for today as I keep going through my AJ chapter and have distracted myself with a minor edit now that feels like it has major implications later...

Where do you fall on the planning scale? Do you have everything planned before you write a single word? (planning) Do you just start writing and let the muses takes you? (pantsing) Are you some combination of the two? (plantsing)

If you're writing away perfectly contentedly and a great idea pops up for far down the line, what do you do to keep it at bay? Would you drop everything to write it? If you have an outline, do you ever go back and change it or are you very rigid about it? Same with characters?

What do you finalize first? Characters or plot?


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