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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 03, 2021, 03:50:06 PM ---It definitely required a lot of research, but it was a fun challenge for that story to see how much I could make my fictional storyline fit with real events.  I wouldn't want to do that all the time though.

Aww, This Is Us.  Yeah, Secrets was a little like the pilot of that show, where you don't realize the storylines are taking place in totally different time periods or how they'll connect until the end.  It was a hard story to write, but I'm happy with how it turned out.

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It seems like you've run the gambit on challenging yourself with your writing (which I feel like I already knew, but I'm channeling Mare in the Featured Story threads apparently). What was your favorite challenge to yourself? What was your least favorite? Is there something you haven't tried yet that you wanted to try?

Obviously all questions are open to everyone even though I addressed this one at Julie in particular.

This isn't a question, but Julie you've destroyed me. I can't write or read "erratically" anymore without laughing so hard and I apparently like to use it with a decent amount of regularity from chapter to chapter.

Aw, a guest is reading my old PBox thread. Hey guest, go read my new update thread instead if you're interested in PBox. It has fun behind the scenes tidbits. Or this thread is good too.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 03, 2021, 04:02:52 PM ---My life is basically Nick telling me what he wants to do and over time I have learned that he will never shut up about it, so I just go with it at this point, haha. At least PBox Nick is that way regardless of the obstacles I throw at him, persistent little guy that he is. I think I trend character-based way now more than I did in the past because the only stories I've ever committed to finishing and/or finished were the ones that ended up being more about the characters than the plot. Ones where I was like "This plot is good!" are pretty much abandoned forever. Sorry everyone who liked anything I wrote that wasn't PBox, possibly Gobosei, and some original fiction you've never seen. If you want to know what was going to happen, I can probably summarize. I have long ago lost anything that had to do with any of them if they're not those two, so summary is what you'll get.

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That makes sense.  It's easier to stick with stories where you're really invested in the characters, which may not always be the case with a plot-driven story.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 03, 2021, 04:06:24 PM ---It seems like you've run the gambit on challenging yourself with your writing (which I feel like I already knew, but I'm channeling Mare in the Featured Story threads apparently). What was your favorite challenge to yourself? What was your least favorite? Is there something you haven't tried yet that you wanted to try?

Obviously all questions are open to everyone even though I addressed this one at Julie in particular.

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Aw, thanks!  My favorite was probably seeing if I could write a BSB slash and take it seriously.  I started with a short story and had fun with it, so I expanded it into an 80-chapter novel.  It helped me understand the appeal of slash and made me more open-minded to reading it.

I'm not sure that I have a least favorite.  Something I probably should try at some point is writing an original fiction.  It's been a long time since I've written anything that wasn't BSB fanfic.  It's a comfortable niche to write in because it comes with already created "characters" and a built-in audience of readers, but there's no respect in writing fanfic (especially real person fanfic) outside of the fandom it's for.  Maybe someday I'll get an idea for an original novel and branch out.  But in the meantime, I'm content to keep writing BSB fic.

What about you?  Same questions, back at ya!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 03, 2021, 06:07:09 PM ---This isn't a question, but Julie you've destroyed me. I can't write or read "erratically" anymore with laughing so hard and I apparently like to use it with a decent amount of regularity from chapter to chapter.

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It is a great word!  Once you realize it has a much different meaning from "erotically" LOL.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 03, 2021, 07:39:21 PM ---That makes sense.  It's easier to stick with stories where you're really invested in the characters, which may not always be the case with a plot-driven story.

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I feel like it's that way when I'm reading something too. I'll care a lot more about it if I'm invested in the characters.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 03, 2021, 07:39:21 PM ---Aw, thanks!  My favorite was probably seeing if I could write a BSB slash and take it seriously.  I started with a short story and had fun with it, so I expanded it into an 80-chapter novel.  It helped me understand the appeal of slash and made me more open-minded to reading it.
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Woah! 80 chapters? I think I'm most impressed by the fact that you turned a short story into a novel! If I go into something to write a short story, even if it was fun, I wrap it up in a bow and call it a day.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 03, 2021, 07:39:21 PM ---Something I probably should try at some point is writing an original fiction.
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I know you always have projects lined up, but since you still enjoy fanfic a worthwhile exercise might be to take a more AU story you've written where it's not as heavily wrapped up in "these are for sure the Backstreet Boys" (which I have questions to ask people about this, but it's probably a topic for a different time so I don't derail myself) and try to change the more BSB aspects of it. I know Mare did this with one of her stories... The one with the tree on the cover and they're all brothers and the sister died? The title is escaping me right now. And I think Rose did it once as well, or started to anyway. Then it would still be kind of BSB-esque but you could toy around with character building more.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 03, 2021, 07:39:21 PM ---TIt is a great word!  Once you realize it has a much different meaning from "erotically" LOL.

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Oh I mean I use it a lot because it's a great word! But all I think of now is "erotically." I was reading a snippet in my snippets document where the exact line is: “They all said when I’m not calm, my powers will probably be erratic.” And I cracked up so hard because in my head it's definitely: “They all said when I’m not calm, my powers will probably be erotic.” Which the implications of are just hilarious! (especially in context) Maybe now that this is out there somewhere, it will be less funny as time goes on... Probably not!


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