Tracy, I still don't know how you wrote whole novels on your phone. That is dedication! I do most of my writing on my Chromebook, occasionally on my desktop, and only very rarely on my phone - like Dee said, if I have an idea while I'm not near a computer or am trying to keep a writing streak going but too lazy to actually sit down at a computer and write for real LOL.
I thought of a new answer to the "Weirdest place you've written" question. I don't know if it's really weird or not, but I love writing in the shower. I do my best thinking in the shower, so I often write in my head, but I keep a set of bathtub crayons on hand for when I get on a roll or come up with a line so good I need to write it down before I forget it. I have scribbled whole paragraphs across my shower walls, which end up looking like the ramblings of a raving lunatic LOL - good thing I live alone. I also once used voice-to-text to dictate Brian's speech in the last chapter of AHTIM to my Chromebook while I was showering because I was on such a roll, but needed to get ready for work LOL.