Thanks! In fairness, I was already on Chapter 4 when I hit a wall with it three years ago. I had to rewrite part of Chapter 3 and 4, so this is the first brand new chapter I'm starting. Yeah, there's no pressure at this point, but now that I'm done posting Bethlehem, I do want to have something to update as soon as I can.
How many chapters would you like stocked before you feel like you can post it? If it's ten, you're halfway there!
I'm a fan of fade to black too. I was looking back at the few I've written, trying to remember what synonyms I'd used, and they are not graphic at all compared to the stuff on AO3. The most graphic one I've written was a rape scene, which I guess goes to show my preference for horror over romance LOL.
I figured I should write it like I'd write a violence scene if I was bothering to show the violence, so I guess it's decently graphic, but it could be way worse and it could be way less. I don't know! I just kind of decided ahead of time what body part synonyms I planned on using and then struggled with stupider synonyms, like "Is there a better way to say 'ripped his shirt off'? Because there's gotta be something else to say."
Semi-related, I think the only graphically violent thing I opted to avoid was some kid killing. I thought, "You know, I think this is where I draw the line. It's just a little too sad." So I summarized instead, which I hate but, it needed to be said, even if I wasn't going to show it...
I totally believe that due to your preference for horror. Team Dark strikes again!
Yay!! Hurry up, little death snail!
Haha, post 2020, we all need a little more Nick deaths in our lives, apparently...