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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 18, 2021, 08:09:14 PM ---AHTIM sounds like another pushy idea. How many of your stories would you say were pushy ideas when they started?

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Hm... there are pushy ideas that demand to be written right away, and then there are ideas that don't push but linger.  They're more patient, but they still demand to be written at some point.  AHTIM was one that lingered.  It took me three tries within a year or so to get it going, but I knew I had to give it a shot and get it out of my system before I could concentrate on anything else.

I don't tend to have a lot of truly pushy ideas; if I start writing an idea right after getting it, it's usually because I'm not in the middle of writing anything else, so I'm like, "Well, this is something I could write, so I will try it."  The pushiest idea I've ever had was probably Curtain Call.  I had just started posting another new novel (Guilty Roads) a month before, and it was going well, and then came the idea for Curtain Call.  I didn't want to start another story, but I couldn't stop thinking about it.  So I thought, "Well, it won't hurt to write a chapter or two and get it out of my system.  I don't have to post anything."  So I wrote two chapters... and then four more... and by then I couldn't stop, so I went ahead and started posting it.  The only thing it hurt was Guilty Roads LOL.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 18, 2021, 08:09:14 PM ---You're really on a roll! That's every day this week so far, isn't it? I'm surprised you still haven't watched Walking Dead! That's commitment to writing. I watched Masked Singer live (as usual, and laughed so hard at "pork grind," I have the worst taste in jokes.), then said to my little group chat that I had to go write. It helps that Masked Singer is a 7pm show here.

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I feel like I need to watch Walking Dead when it's dark, and now that it's getting dark later, I'm usually already on here or writing by then and don't feel like watching TV.  I'll watch it tomorrow or Saturday when I have more time.

The reveal on Masked Singer was so obvious last night.  I'm not a good guesser on that show, but I knew who it was even before the clue package was over.  I'm ashamed to admit I can say that about this person and not the Crocodile, but that's how obvious it was LOL.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 18, 2021, 08:09:14 PM ---You know, it's not too bad since it's the same characters at different points in the story; I did let Snail drop off a bit because of it, though. I feel like I can comfortably hop back and forth between the whole PBox series, within reason, but probably not the whole of PBox plus Snail... Maybe I'll feel better once I get this "new in an old part of the story" chapter written, because then the rest is back to hacking and slashing something that exists on paper instead of only in my head. I mostly just realized it had been a month since I'd given my non-BSB test audience anything to look over for me, so I figured I should get back to work, especially since I was writing from scratch. And then it came up in PNecklace in passing, so it seemed like the right time to commit backstory to paper. I think most of what throws me is that PBox Nick now is very different from PBox Nick at the beginning. He's done so much character developing, good for him. *sniff* :D

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I think that's what would be hard, hopping back and forth between different phases of a character's development.  But it shows what a dynamic character you created that you can see how different he was at the beginning compared to the end.  That's great!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 18, 2021, 08:09:14 PM ---Mood listening has actually helped a lot. When I know that I'm focusing on PNecklace and it's fairly Nick focused, I've been listening to a lot of I'm Taking Off (especially during my commute, but sometimes quietly in the background if I want some ambient sounds and the tv is too distracting). When I'm focusing back on PBox and it's fairly Nick focused (as the first few chapters I'm currently in are), I listen to a lot of Now or Never. Guess that means I'll be enjoying a lot of All American for the next one, lol. When I did the big PBox edit, I did find myself gravitating to BSB songs pre-2008 as well when I was in shuffle mode (unless one of my favorites off a later album came on). My years of playing all my favorite songs on repeat non-stop have prepared me for to listen to one CD for six months! No regrets! (I'm mostly kidding.) I do miss the other Boys after only listening to Nick for a while, haha. And sometimes I've gotta mix it up in general.

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I'm Taking Off is a great album to channel Nick.  It's so very him.  It's nice to be able to go back to Now or Never for younger Nick too.  LOL I listen to the same stuff over and over again too.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 18, 2021, 08:09:14 PM ---It's my fault for listening to Nick and writing what's interesting instead of writing what's in order, haha. I think I'm almost done with this chapter though and then I can let OFPBox sit and percolate for a while. It's a perfect writing week, really! A weekend, two snow days, and then no husband around and another weekend. March Madness may get me though.

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It really is!  I don't usually follow March Madness at all, but go Illini!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 18, 2021, 08:09:14 PM ---I'd be impressed if you did have something planned out that far in advance! Pansting is appropriate for April Fool's!

Just make your site a 404 error, lol. The joke is that there are no jokes and also no fanfics. And then you can keep writing and working hard on Nick and Kevin, especially if you think you might be able to start posting next month! :)

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Pantsing is usually what I end up doing for April Fool's, but then I always get stressed out about it and wish I had planned more in advance LOL.

I've even done the 404 error before!  But I think the idea I have will be fun once I get started on it.  Hopefully this weekend.  It might be a nice little break from Nick and Kevin's drama.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 18, 2021, 08:57:38 PM ---Hm... there are pushy ideas that demand to be written right away, and then there are ideas that don't push but linger.  They're more patient, but they still demand to be written at some point.  AHTIM was one that lingered.  It took me three tries within a year or so to get it going, but I knew I had to give it a shot and get it out of my system before I could concentrate on anything else.

I don't tend to have a lot of truly pushy ideas; if I start writing an idea right after getting it, it's usually because I'm not in the middle of writing anything else, so I'm like, "Well, this is something I could write, so I will try it."  The pushiest idea I've ever had was probably Curtain Call.  I had just started posting another new novel (Guilty Roads) a month before, and it was going well, and then came the idea for Curtain Call.  I didn't want to start another story, but I couldn't stop thinking about it.  So I thought, "Well, it won't hurt to write a chapter or two and get it out of my system.  I don't have to post anything."  So I wrote two chapters... and then four more... and by then I couldn't stop, so I went ahead and started posting it.  The only thing it hurt was Guilty Roads LOL.
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I knew Curtain Call was a pushy one, since we've talked about our pushy ideas leaving some things unfinished, lol. "It won't hurt to write a chapter or two..." LMAO. Famous last words. If it's something you can't stop thinking about, it will hurt... only your other novel in progress. Hopefully. At least Guilty Roads was the only casualty, lol.

Didn't you say that AHTIM didn't really click until it had a title? I feel like I remember that... So which ones are worse, the pushy ideas that come with demands or the pushy ideas that linger? Worse might not be exactly what I mean, but I assume you understand my intent in asking.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 18, 2021, 08:57:38 PM ---I feel like I need to watch Walking Dead when it's dark, and now that it's getting dark later, I'm usually already on here or writing by then and don't feel like watching TV.  I'll watch it tomorrow or Saturday when I have more time.

The reveal on Masked Singer was so obvious last night.  I'm not a good guesser on that show, but I knew who it was even before the clue package was over.  I'm ashamed to admit I can say that about this person and not the Crocodile, but that's how obvious it was LOL.
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I've been a much happier person since it started getting dark later. But I feel you on certain shows needing a certain mood. I've put off most of the most recent season of This Is Us because I just haven't felt like sobbing for an hour. Now I have like nine hours of sobbing left to squeeze in at some point, lol.

I had an inkling, but I am terrible at this game, lol. I was mostly disappointed that a neat costume was going home right away. I have a couple of guesses on some others, but our Boy Croc was the only one I was ever sure of. His linebacker thighs and chipmunk voice! I just knew! And then he opened his mouth without distortion, of course.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 18, 2021, 08:57:38 PM ---I think that's what would be hard, hopping back and forth between different phases of a character's development.  But it shows what a dynamic character you created that you can see how different he was at the beginning compared to the end.  That's great!

I'm Taking Off is a great album to channel Nick.  It's so very him.  It's nice to be able to go back to Now or Never for younger Nick too.  LOL I listen to the same stuff over and over again too.
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Aww, thanks! :) I'm happy for his sake that he's no longer a neurotic mess, lol.

It is very Nick, a good blend of silly and serious. It's interesting to listen to it so much now, because it's this weird dichotomy of it reminding me of being 22/23 while I'm now around the age Nick was when he was recording it, so I relate to it on a new level. Same with Now or Never once I hit 22. I was like "Yes, this is 22," but also it pulls me right back to being 14/15. I was thinking about that the other day, actually, because I stumbled on one of those "old pictures we thought were attractive in the 90's" articles and there were a few BSB ones and I thought "Yes, they are so attractive!" Like eighteen-year-old Nick, the love of my life from 1997/1998 on, and still very attractive. Is this weird? Is it fine because he's now a forty-one year-old man and I am not twice his age as is? I look at eighteen-year-old actors or singers now and think "That is a child." But teenage Nick will get me every time.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 18, 2021, 08:57:38 PM ---It really is!  I don't usually follow March Madness at all, but go Illini!
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I've got them going fairly far in my bracket. My alma mater is in it too! And the husband's hometown team that he cares about more than his alma mater. As long as we don't play each other, we're golden!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 18, 2021, 08:57:38 PM ---Pantsing is usually what I end up doing for April Fool's, but then I always get stressed out about it and wish I had planned more in advance LOL.

I've even done the 404 error before!  But I think the idea I have will be fun once I get started on it.  Hopefully this weekend.  It might be a nice little break from Nick and Kevin's drama.

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Don't stress so much over a joke! Unless you need to code an entire video game for your April Fool's joke, you're fine to pants.

Aw, man. You've really done everything. If Nick and Kevin are being dramatic, you tell them to shape up or ship out. Or get more dramatic?  :shrug: Whatever works for you, really, lol.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 18, 2021, 09:46:38 PM ---Didn't you say that AHTIM didn't really click until it had a title? I feel like I remember that... So which ones are worse, the pushy ideas that come with demands or the pushy ideas that linger? Worse might not be exactly what I mean, but I assume you understand my intent in asking.

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Yeah, I had started two different versions under different titles before Don't Go Breaking My Heart came out, and it never quite felt right.  Then I changed the title and started over again from scratch, and that's the version I kept and continued.  I don't know if it really was the title that did it, or if it was just a case of "Third time's the charm," but the title definitely was what re-inspired me to go back and give it another try.

I actually love both kinds of pushy ideas because at least they're inspiring.  The demanding ones are fun because they tend to be those lightbulb flashes of inspiration, followed by days of feverish outlining and writing.  The downside is sometimes they disrupt what you're already doing.  I like the ones that linger because I can come back to them when the time is right, when I'm between projects and they're not going to be pushing anything else aside.

How about you?

--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 18, 2021, 09:46:38 PM ---I've been a much happier person since it started getting dark later. But I feel you on certain shows needing a certain mood. I've put off most of the most recent season of This Is Us because I just haven't felt like sobbing for an hour. Now I have like nine hours of sobbing left to squeeze in at some point, lol.

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If it helps, I haven't cried much at this season of This Is Us.  A few episodes, but not every episode.  It's been a good season, but nothing compares to that first season... when I literally did cry every episode LOL.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 18, 2021, 09:46:38 PM ---It is very Nick, a good blend of silly and serious. It's interesting to listen to it so much now, because it's this weird dichotomy of it reminding me of being 22/23 while I'm now around the age Nick was when he was recording it, so I relate to it on a new level. Same with Now or Never once I hit 22. I was like "Yes, this is 22," but also it pulls me right back to being 14/15. I was thinking about that the other day, actually, because I stumbled on one of those "old pictures we thought were attractive in the 90's" articles and there were a few BSB ones and I thought "Yes, they are so attractive!" Like eighteen-year-old Nick, the love of my life from 1997/1998 on, and still very attractive. Is this weird? Is it fine because he's now a forty-one year-old man and I am not twice his age as is? I look at eighteen-year-old actors or singers now and think "That is a child." But teenage Nick will get me every time.

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LOL I feel the same way looking back on old pictures of them.  Teenage Nick never did anything for me, but late 90s Brian still makes me swoon.  But yes, actual 18-year-olds do look like children.  I think it's just because the guys have always been older than us, so we still see them as older even when we look at pictures when they were like half our current age.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 18, 2021, 09:46:38 PM ---I've got them going fairly far in my bracket. My alma mater is in it too! And the husband's hometown team that he cares about more than his alma mater. As long as we don't play each other, we're golden!

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I actually went to Illinois State, not the University of Illinois, but I'll root for them when they're as good as they apparently are this year.  Good luck to your teams too!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 18, 2021, 09:46:38 PM ---Don't stress so much over a joke! Unless you need to code an entire video game for your April Fool's joke, you're fine to pants.

Aw, man. You've really done everything. If Nick and Kevin are being dramatic, you tell them to shape up or ship out. Or get more dramatic?  :shrug: Whatever works for you, really, lol.

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I know I shouldn't stress, but I feel a certain level of pressure to deliver after doing something twenty years in a row.  Then I wonder if anyone would even mention it if I didn't do something?

Aww, you know I love them best when they're being dramatic.  Bring it, boys!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 19, 2021, 09:25:07 PM ---Yeah, I had started two different versions under different titles before Don't Go Breaking My Heart came out, and it never quite felt right.  Then I changed the title and started over again from scratch, and that's the version I kept and continued.  I don't know if it really was the title that did it, or if it was just a case of "Third time's the charm," but the title definitely was what re-inspired me to go back and give it another try.

I actually love both kinds of pushy ideas because at least they're inspiring.  The demanding ones are fun because they tend to be those lightbulb flashes of inspiration, followed by days of feverish outlining and writing.  The downside is sometimes they disrupt what you're already doing.  I like the ones that linger because I can come back to them when the time is right, when I'm between projects and they're not going to be pushing anything else aside.

How about you?
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Did you splice either of those other two versions into the final version or did you delete them once the third one stuck? I'm glad that the third version finally stuck! :)

I think you're right on that. If Curtain Call is the only truly pushy one, which ones have been lingering pushy besides AHTIM?

You know, the pushy ones are fun because it just feels like they leap to life. And if a break for life is necessary, they still breathe and leap to life. I guess the lingering ones are nice because I know they're always there if I want to come back to them. What's interesting, actually, is that Gobosei was a pushy idea when it started, but then it quietly sat aside for PBox, not sure why.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 19, 2021, 09:25:07 PM ---If it helps, I haven't cried much at this season of This Is Us.  A few episodes, but not every episode.  It's been a good season, but nothing compares to that first season... when I literally did cry every episode LOL.
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That does help! That's why I don't watch it live anymore because the first season wrecked me!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 19, 2021, 09:25:07 PM ---LOL I feel the same way looking back on old pictures of them.  Teenage Nick never did anything for me, but late 90s Brian still makes me swoon.  But yes, actual 18-year-olds do look like children.  I think it's just because the guys have always been older than us, so we still see them as older even when we look at pictures when they were like half our current age.
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That's probably true about them always being older than us. I'm sure if BSB existed now like they did then (same ages as in 1999, but in 2021 I mean), I probably wouldn't think twice about it. Maybe I'd be team Kevin, lol. Thank goodness they did not because my life would not be the same if I was an NSYNC fan.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 19, 2021, 09:25:07 PM ---I actually went to Illinois State, not the University of Illinois, but I'll root for them when they're as good as they apparently are this year.  Good luck to your teams too!
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I think I did remember that, actually, but you've gotta support Illinois teams, right? They've both moved on, so we're a happy household! :) Funny story, my bracket's doing pretty well and it has a little fire emoji by it on the app. I was telling my husband about it and he said "You're my fire." And this is at like 11pm last night and I just couldn't help it, so I said "But am I your one desire?" And he laughed quietly and whispered "Damnit." So I responded, "Well, believe when I say that I want it that way." And I laughed so hard that I was no longer tired and he was not amused at all, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 19, 2021, 09:25:07 PM ---I know I shouldn't stress, but I feel a certain level of pressure to deliver after doing something twenty years in a row.  Then I wonder if anyone would even mention it if I didn't do something?

Aww, you know I love them best when they're being dramatic.  Bring it, boys!

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Oh, I know. You've gotta keep the streak alive! But I suppose you'll never know if anyone would mention it unless you don't do something?

Alright, Nick and Kevin. Hear that? Continue being as dramatic as possible!

So I've been scouring for new questions and stumbled on someone's answer to their first story they ever wrote:

"I think my first was a fanfic about Backstreet Boys that I wrote when I was about 14. It was so horribly written and I was given so much praise for it in the fandom that I thought I was a fantastic author. Yeah, it gave me a big head for a short period of time and thank whatever high power there is that I ended up losing it in one of the moves that I did since then!"

My first question is: Well what was this fanfic about? I definitely think certain characters and genres would garner more praise in general. But then it also makes me curious, think anyone who use to write fanfic around here has moved on to other fandoms or only to original fiction?

I also found a "question" that was: Send me assumptions you have about me based on my writing. Which is interesting, but I feel like we're all familiar enough with each other that assumptions need not be made?

Anyway, here's some work-in-progress questions (obviously skip any you worry would be spoilers):

1.  Summarize your work-in-progress in 10 words or less.

2.  Post a line from your work-in-progress with no context.

3.  Does your work-in-progress have a title? If so, explain its significance. If not, what are you calling it for now?

4.  Describe the setting of your work-in-progress.

5.  Search for the word "knife" in your work-in-progress. If you find it, paste the line and explain the significance.

6.  Search for the word "dream" in your work-in-progress. If you find it, paste the line and explain the significance.

7.  What are you most proud of?

8.  What is your biggest challenge?

9.  How would you describe your writing style for your work-in-progress?

10.  How would you describe your work-in-progress' narrative style?

11.  Which character do you have the most in common with?

12.  Which character do you have the least in common with?

13.  Your characters are stranded on a deserted island? What happens?

14.  Have you chosen birthdays for any of your characters? If so, what are they? (Exclude any Boys, because I assume their birthdays in your stories are their birthdays.)

15.  Do you know your characters' MBTI personalities?

16.  What would your characters be for Halloween?

17.  Does your work-in-progress have any themes or motifs?

18.  What's easier, dialogue or description?

19.  Post a picture or gif that describes your work-in-progress.

20.  Post a brief excerpt.


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