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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: mare on March 11, 2021, 05:27:48 PM ---13. Was there any fanfic that you wrote that really surprised you in the fandom reaction? Was it just by the numbers or did they take it an entirely different way?

Like I said in the answer to the first question, It Stays With You. I was surprised at how popular that one got. As I was writing it and saw how dark it was getting, I wasn’t sure how people were going to feel about it. Apparently everyone enjoys reading about mental and physical torture. Lol
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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 11, 2021, 05:42:59 PM ---LOL It's true; we all love torture.  The darker the better!  The stories I tend to remember are the ones that gave me a reaction and maybe even made me a little uncomfortable, but in a good way.  That shows that the author took risks and wrote in a descriptive enough way to put images and feelings in my head that I couldn't forget, which is definitely something you did with that story.  I will have to remember this next time I start second-guessing myself because I have been there before too.
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Team Dark! AC is probably the best audience for the dark things, since the majority of us seem to enjoy them. If you all want to put dark things in your stories, I will support you every time, no matter how disturbing! Dark things are also way more memorable than fluffy things, for me anyway. :)

--- Quote from: mare on March 11, 2021, 05:27:48 PM ---It made me realize that I love to write and used to be pretty decent at it.

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 11, 2021, 05:42:59 PM ---Used to?  I'm sure you still are more than pretty decent at it!  While writing is definitely something you get better at with practice, I don't think it's something you get worse at even if you stop doing it.  Or maybe you do?  I don't really know.  Even if you felt a little rusty, I think it would be like riding a bike if you ever went back to writing fanfic.  I bet whatever you have been working on lately is great!

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As someone who took a very long hiatus, I can confirm that ability to write does not disappear with time. (And thank goodness, because I would have cried a lot if my writing ability reverted to early teeny Dee writing style. "Let's dance." "I love you." lmao) I won't validate that it is comparable to riding a bike though, as I don't know how to do that! (Fun surprising Dee fact!)

So whenever inspiration strikes again, I think it will be fine! :)


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 11, 2021, 07:23:14 PM ---Are there any aspects of writing you seem to have trouble with?  I am generally pretty good with spelling and grammar, but one thing I've noticed about myself is I often want to make compound words out of terms that are really two separate words, like "seat belt" and "light switch."  I always write "seatbelt," and I just caught a "lightswitch" in the last sentence of the last chapter I finished.  Sometimes Google Docs corrects me, and sometimes it doesn't, so I have to look it up if I'm not sure if it should be one word or two.  I also struggle to spell the word "fluorescent" correctly on the first try, although I got it this time - maybe I've finally committed that one to memory LOL.  I tend to use it a lot when describing the lighting in my hospital scenes, so it always bugs me when it takes me more than one try to get it right.

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I always second guess myself on spelling conscious, conscience, etcetera.  And I have no idea why they get me. All the vowels in a row probably? Every time I type two separate words and then you type them with a hyphen, I mentally chide myself, haha. Does that need a hyphen? I've failed in front of the Almighty General of Grammar.

I think one that always gets me is that I tend to have a "got to list" of ways to describe things based on force (typically) or volume (less so) and I'll catch myself doing them many times in the same chapter and go "Okay, well, not everything has to be 'gripped' or 'thrust,' dang Dee." But then I hate the alternatives and spend too much time deciding on different ones.

And now I'm caught up!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 11, 2021, 06:02:59 PM ---It's crazy how quickly time passes.  I guess in the scheme of things, it is one of your older stories, even though it doesn't seem like it's been that long.  I still only consider my "old" stories to be pre-Broken, even though Broken itself is now 18 years old.  I just had to check my math on that because how can that be???  But I started it in 2003, and yep, that was 18 years ago.  WTF LOL.
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Right? I wrote in my update thread that PBox in some form has existed in my head (and partly on paper) for about fifteen years! That such a long time.

(I forgot that I wanted to comment on this, haha. Now I'm caught up.)


--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 11, 2021, 07:33:21 PM ---lmao Just put him in a gnome hat, I hear they're essential workers! ;)

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LOL Is that an Underpants Gnomes reference?!  The South ParQ Vaccination Special last night was so good!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 11, 2021, 07:33:21 PM ---What's the deciding factor in writing a story with alternating first person POVs as opposed to third person?

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I like first person for stories with just one or two main characters.  I have read stories that alternated first person POV between all five Boys, but I haven't attempted one of those yet.  I think it could get confusing and hard to capture five different narrative voices, so I stick with third person for group stories.  Two is more manageable, and I like the dynamic it creates with telling two different sides of the same story.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 11, 2021, 07:40:56 PM ---Isn't there an argument out there that at their cores "there are no new stories"? I feel like as long as enough of it's different and you know going in what elements you'll change to make yours unique, then let's get hundred of BSB fanfics about kidnappings and cancer!  ;D

I'll reiterate again that a bus crash is a perfect story catalyst for any BSB fanfic! And we've all probably used it at one point or another. #Team bring back bus crash stories!

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Totally agree with both of these points.  As long as you're changing some details and not blatantly copying someone else's story, I think it's fine to be inspired by other authors and use the same general premise as other stories.  It's not like any of those particular premises are original to begin with, in or outside of BSB fanfic.

I feel like we discussed a challenge one time where everyone was supposed to write a bus crash story, but I don't know if that ever happened.  It may have been while I was getting my master's, so maybe it did and I just didn't participate LOL.  I don't think I have another bus crash story in me right now, but maybe down the road... haha.


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