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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 27, 2021, 02:04:00 PM ---I'm counting down the days to Spring Break. We're in the weird part where the main school district is on break all of next week and we're not yet, so we're just going to do some fun things Monday and Tuesday, then Wednesday is an Inservice Day. Then our very short break. Several of the students said that they would be gone on extended trips and I'm hoping it's true; I really need a break, lol

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I hear ya.  I hope your students do go on trips to lighten your load a little this week.  Hang in there!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 27, 2021, 02:04:00 PM ---Writing-wise, I'm joining this little Kevin party in a more truncated form with a Kevin-focused chapter. I realized it was what was missing in this portion of the novel. It's going slower than some of the others (much like that Kevin part that held me up back in January/February), which tells me that I may need to go soul searching with Kevin. Anyone have any "This is great to reconnect with Kevin" videos or anything like that they've saved during their adventures with Kevin? My current plan was to aimlessly scour youtube or listen to Nobody But You on repeat for hours, lol.

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My absolute favorite Kevin performance is from the 2013 cruise.  They each did a solo event, and Kevin's was called "Cover Story" - a little late night concert of him performing covers of some of his favorite songs.  He was supposed to release a solo album like this in 2015, but that never happened.  Anyway, he brought everyone (including himself) to tears singing "Danny's Song."  There is also a beautiful studio version of his cover that I listened to on repeat three years ago when I was starting MBK, but watch the live performance too.  It's such a perfect representation of Kevin and his tender heart.  Otherwise, maybe watch the documentary or that Instagram live he did with Nick. 

--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 27, 2021, 02:04:00 PM ---I'll come back to engage in conversations about questions a little later since I'm writing some things down that feel important, but I re-stumbled on this video yesterday that made me nod and laugh: How To Do Research because it reminded me of our research conversations, but also "I'll remember this. I don't need to write it down" is me in a nutshell -- which is insane for the amount of research I do when I write, lol.

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Watching it now, and I'm already nodding in agreement.  I absolutely love Wikipedia.  I get why it's not considered a reputable source, but it's great for an overview and, like the video said, to find reputable sources.  I never use Wikipedia as my only source, but the information I read there almost always aligns with what other sources say and is easier to understand than scholarly articles.  The beauty of researching for writing fiction is that no one's going to nail you for not using 100% "reputable" sources, as long as your information is correct enough to be believable.

I hear you with the "I'll remember this. I don't need to write it down."  I don't trust myself to remember it, which is why I bookmark every site I find useful, but I don't take a ton of notes for most fanfics.  I tend to include more research notes in my outlines for my medical dramas, where there may be a lot of new information or complicated treatment schedules to keep track of.  If I'm researching far in advance of when I'll need the information, I'm more likely to write it down so I don't have to start all over from scratch when I actually get to that part, but usually I have a more general idea of what I'm writing about and look up specific details when I need them.


--- Quote from: mare on March 27, 2021, 05:04:09 PM ---Thanks so much! I might take you up on that offer at some point. For now it’s just nice to know it’s there. I’m going to have fun exploring it.

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--- Quote from: mare on March 27, 2021, 05:18:08 PM ---I never understood why Catholic schools never took off the entire Holy Week!! I mean it’s their time to shine for goodness sake!!

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Right?!  That makes no sense.

One perk of teaching in a predominantly Christian area is that our spring break almost always aligns with Easter, and we always get a week off.  If Easter is super late, we sometimes have spring break in March and then still get a four-day weekend around Easter.  I know some districts got rid of spring break this year to give the kids more instructional time, but I'm really glad mine didn't.  We all - staff and students alike - need the break!

--- Quote from: mare on March 27, 2021, 05:18:08 PM ---Today’s been okay. Yesterday, I finally got an appointment for a vaccine at the end of the month. That took forever. I’ve been feeling okay today for the first time in days. I was able to walk from one end of my apartment to the other without having to stop. My brain and my legs haven’t been working together lately. I know I don’t talk about it very much, but every once in while it’s nice to share.

I plan on finishing up Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close which is a fantastic book and was also a fantastic movie.

That’s about all from me. Maybe I’ll try to answer some of those questions later.

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I'm glad you've been feeling good and super happy to hear you finally got your vaccine appointment!  You can share any time here, and I hope you will answer some of those questions.  It's more fun when lots of people participate.

I'll come back later again as I'm about to leave the house again (omg) and it's more complicated to use the forum on my cell phone, but this was stuck in my head and I know that no one else would appreciate it.

So I apparently really need to stop doing "I'll remember this. I don't need to write it down" because I ended up in an internet rabbit hole today, as one often does, and was watching something and going "Why does this sound like PBox?" And then a lightbulb went off and I was like "Oh yeah, this was in my inspiration and plans way back when I first started writing. Oops." So, I may need to go back and actually write down some of my research as the plot thickens back to it. I'm a mess. However, the thing gave me some new ideas to research and include that I don't think I'd originally seen, so yay?


--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 27, 2021, 06:35:16 PM ---I'll come back later again as I'm about to leave the house again (omg) and it's more complicated to use the forum on my cell phone, but this was stuck in my head and I know that no one else would appreciate it.

So I apparently really need to stop doing "I'll remember this. I don't need to write it down" because I ended up in an internet rabbit hole today, as one often does, and was watching something and going "Why does this sound like PBox?" And then a lightbulb went off and I was like "Oh yeah, this was in my inspiration and plans way back when I first started writing. Oops." So, I may need to go back and actually write down some of my research as the plot thickens back to it. I'm a mess. However, the thing gave me some new ideas to research and include that I don't think I'd originally seen, so yay?

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Well that's good you got some new ideas from old inspiration!  I bet it is hard to remember things you came across a decade ago without writing them down LOL.


--- Quote from: mare on March 27, 2021, 05:18:08 PM ---Dee, I feel you! I remember how frustrating it was to see the district off while we still had school followed by a smaller break than everyone else. I never understood why Catholic schools never took off the entire Holy Week!! I mean it’s their time to shine for goodness sake!!
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lol! They're trying to be humble, of course.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 27, 2021, 06:01:01 PM ---Right?!  That makes no sense.

One perk of teaching in a predominantly Christian area is that our spring break almost always aligns with Easter, and we always get a week off.  If Easter is super late, we sometimes have spring break in March and then still get a four-day weekend around Easter.  I know some districts got rid of spring break this year to give the kids more instructional time, but I'm really glad mine didn't.  We all - staff and students alike - need the break!
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Lucky! That sounds so nice! I'm glad your district didn't remove Spring Break. We removed Spring Break last year since we were operating as usual for essential workers and I was a little bummed, but I understood, gotta makes some sacrifices to help get pandemics under control. However, I was also ready for a break.

This is only slightly related to both of these because of Easter/Holy Week, but my friend got a weird ad yesterday and I'm so grateful she shared it with me because I laughed so hard. So if anyone was looking for a good Easter outfit, I've got you covered. haha

--- Quote from: mare on March 27, 2021, 05:18:08 PM ---Today’s been okay. Yesterday, I finally got an appointment for a vaccine at the end of the month. That took forever. I’ve been feeling okay today for the first time in days. I was able to walk from one end of my apartment to the other without having to stop. My brain and my legs haven’t been working together lately. I know I don’t talk about it very much, but every once in while it’s nice to share.

I plan on finishing up Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close which is a fantastic book and was also a fantastic movie.

That’s about all from me. Maybe I’ll try to answer some of those questions later.

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Yay! I'm glad you finally got a vaccine appointment close to you! I was sending good thoughts out into the universe. :) I'm also glad you were having a good health day yesterday! That's great! Like Julie said, always share when you want to. :) Love hearing from you too. :) And also you're a book reading machine! Makes me feel like I should read something.

And it is more fun when everyone answers the questions.


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