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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 31, 2021, 10:29:40 PM ---Tomorrow Camp NaNo starts! Come join Julie and I in committing to April writing of some sort for the Absolutely Chaotic Backstreet Project!  ;D

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Yes, join us!  Here is the link:


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 01, 2021, 09:38:46 PM ---That is actually really clever!  Of course Dracula would pose as a doctor - easy access to blood!  Dr. Acula LOL - I love that!!  It sounds like something out of Bailey School Kids.

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Haha, thanks! I think he was murdering patients if I remember correctly? It was all very twisted, lol. This is really what we should have been discussing in out "how dark is too dark" chat. When did you know that you were Team Dark? Apparently all very young. I wonder why that is... I'd actually forgotten about this one until we started discussing children's writing. I think I know where the cat story is, but I'm not sure about this Dracula detective story.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 01, 2021, 09:40:17 PM ---Yes, join us!  Here is the link:

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So it is day two of April and I wrote six words yesterday. Not currently on pace with my goal, but we'll get there! I blame Opening Day and a PD training I registered for.

I did, however, mention that I was writing a book to a friend with the usual "it's about demons, but they're the heroes" lack of context when asked (although, saying "they're the heroes" does provide more information about the story, I guess). And my friend was telling me how he hadn't written anything in a while, but that he used to write fanfic when he was younger! Like completely unprompted! Curiosity got the better of me and I asked about what and he said Redwall (and also said "you probably haven't heard of this," like what... I haven't heard of Redwall? We've clearly never discussed reading before apparently, lol). So I decided to live dangerously and said "I wrote fanfics when I was younger too, about the Backstreet Boys" (which is technically true and leaves off the end of that sentence "and I still do and that novel we were talking about earlier is a Backstreet Boys fanfic," lol). I sensed no judgement, but he also said "you don't seem like the type of person that would ever write fanfics, but I also didn't know you were writing a book at all or liked to write. I think it sounds cool. I'd read it... Your book, not the Backstreet Boys fanfics you used to write."

So... I guess the moral of this story is... get your friends drinking and then tell them you starting writing novels during COVID and they might tell you that they used to write fanfics! lmao


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 02, 2021, 02:02:08 PM ---Haha, thanks! I think he was murdering patients if I remember correctly? It was all very twisted, lol. This is really what we should have been discussing in out "how dark is too dark" chat. When did you know that you were Team Dark? Apparently all very young. I wonder why that is... I'd actually forgotten about this one until we started discussing children's writing. I think I know where the cat story is, but I'm not sure about this Dracula detective story.

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I have been Team Dark my entire life LOL.  I have always had a love of horror and a morbid fascination with death, disease, and medical stuff.  Even as a little kid, my favorite Curious George book was "Curious George Goes to the Hospital."  I remember watching the old black and white Universal monster movies - Frankenstein, Dracula, Creature from the Black Lagoon, etc. - with my mom when I was like five years old.  That was my introduction to horror movies, and I loved them.  They gave me nightmares, but I never told my parents that because then they wouldn't let me watch those movies anymore.  Jurassic Park also gave me nightmares, but I loved it so much, I saw it two or three times in the theater when it came out.  I've always liked the things that scare me.

I hope you still have your Dracula detective story!


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 02, 2021, 02:17:01 PM ---So it is day two of April and I wrote six words yesterday. Not currently on pace with my goal, but we'll get there! I blame Opening Day and a PD training I registered for.

I did, however, mention that I was writing a book to a friend with the usual "it's about demons, but they're the heroes" lack of context when asked (although, saying "they're the heroes" does provide more information about the story, I guess). And my friend was telling me how he hadn't written anything in a while, but that he used to write fanfic when he was younger! Like completely unprompted! Curiosity got the better of me and I asked about what and he said Redwall (and also said "you probably haven't heard of this," like what... I haven't heard of Redwall? We've clearly never discussed reading before apparently, lol). So I decided to live dangerously and said "I wrote fanfics when I was younger too, about the Backstreet Boys" (which is technically true and leaves off the end of that sentence "and I still do and that novel we were talking about earlier is a Backstreet Boys fanfic," lol). I sensed no judgement, but he also said "you don't seem like the type of person that would ever write fanfics, but I also didn't know you were writing a book at all or liked to write. I think it sounds cool. I'd read it... Your book, not the Backstreet Boys fanfics you used to write."

So... I guess the moral of this story is... get your friends drinking and then tell them you starting writing novels during COVID and they might tell you that they used to write fanfics! lmao

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That's awesome!  Redwall would be a fun fandom to write for.  Fellow fanfic writers are probably more understanding than people who have never written or read fanfic.  If I found out someone I knew in real life wrote fanfic, I would probably admit that I "used to" write it too.  Maybe you can share the OF version of Pbox with him someday and not tell him it was a BSB fanfic.


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